Thursday, April 30, 2009

She Wins

She Wins
She Wins
She Wins
Eye do not give a Fig, Newton. Listless as you or Rios cooky. Black as pitched coke a cola black as nutt can be. The lunatic fringes hanging from your laminated lamp shaded hat. You are so cold as ice boxing with Matilda’s fridge a dare. Wearing that shift eating grin in that Sears suckers suit. Polishing apples with waxing labels of brand new name calling lentil soup. The board near the cupboard bare while the Board of Directors sits well in hand turning over a new leaf in her holed tri-colored Binder Glasses wiped clean and left behind near the outbored motor grinding softly in the background making coffee tea or milk for all them meloncoly babes. She lifts her finger as hushes fall about the place the meeting several talk at once the talking stops. Begins the meeting flosses all the toothy grins. She wins.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


MEN are allowed one Generation of time but they bear Children of the wife add the namme given to the life span to total a Grand of perhaps 400 years of Smythe. But the world turns deadly in between the span of Generations there is strife wars disease add pestilence to life. Not so many people trace the family tree past the Stone near Birminghampton Grove where final resting comes with fences round perimeters of mowed green fields of grass covering holes of six foot deep. A strange custom humans have of burial they call it sleep. A casket ride some extra fine and nice padded against Eternity. A thing to be avoided at all cost or just accepted when no other way is offered out. One thing most certain to the people there in residence is the finalization of Death. But GOD in Jesus has come along and changed this final resolution. For the dead will someday hear the Voice of GOD and leave them Graves behind a thing most people never seem to realize while on this Earth alive. In fact the point of fact the reason for this dissertation written in this last Act of the Final battle of the War of Armageddon in the Shadow of the Valley of Meggidio there will be MEN there of the New World Order One World Government the 666 shotting GUNS and tossing everything they’ve got like missiles and them bombs from long barreled machine guns at the LORD GOD Jesus come back from heaven hitting resurrected people and even ANGELS with no harm for at that final moment when the LORD GOD Shouts his final battle cry all of life is rendered harmless after all the hue and cry the battle won. The end of time come. In the meanwhile every three times a week on MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY they mow the grass on Graves in Southhampton Cemetary grounds while all the visitors weep at the Birminghampton Grove where people sleep.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Kerplunk sound of stone dropping down into water Kersplash is man falling overboard a boat. Whoosh is the wind or someone moving or something moving fast leaving wind behind. Plop is messy. POP may be too many noises to describe them all. Bang a pistol shot. Boom thunder or explosives. Crack the lightening bolts or wood breaking SNAP the fingers snap the buttons closed snap them suspenders once SLAP is too composed. Creak the door open slowly it comes then stops Creak the door shut on my nerves oh the thrill and excitement in the Creak that comes. Whap is seldom penned they use wham or whack instead of whap the hapless foe whap him with the silly stick then let my people go fish; there is a blurble gurgle noise for fish out of water dry fish seldom heard or used the need not there in movies seen. Calls whistles barks too many on the listing port to add them whistles hear them barks just way too many calls from port of call to answer all the calls. Crunch is seldom heard but candy bars or fresh apples turned on the stem to view. Whale thar she blows kind of splishy constant throes just like running water hot or cold in a falls away zone the waterfalls away. Definitive sound.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


WOOD EYEWOOD EYEWOOD EYEthere was a mustachio man and a woman with a glass eyethe other one was wood for she was blind they traded drinks and romance at night they drank long draughts of love and some of them got drunk the eye that was not glass was tough and full of drink and love is still romance but added in the glass eye fill too much they sparred with words not fists which is why eye call it love when she asked him for one kiss she worded it this way "Would yew kiss me yew" and then, ewe guessed this before the ending; He said, "Would eye? Would eye?" and there was a pause then she returned "Hair lipp; Hair lipp!!!" oh what love.


RainCoveredSKYRainCoveredSKYRainCoveredSKYThe sky is Western Covered sky dark for half the canopy is covered up the smell of rain filters down some conflicting with the surroundings the landscaping the hey fever springing here nearby. The birds were swimming in the sky the western sky with wings folded they glide then extend the wings again then fold them back confused by the wind in western sky. They glide then fly then glide. The poet however must walk than lamely then halting lame he walks under the western sky rain never falls but clouds roll out of the valley walls but back they come as poet walks. He walks and as he limps along he notices them the gliding flying birds are gone.

Monday, April 6, 2009


EarthquakesEarthquakesEarthquakesEarthquakes in divers places or earthquakes in diverse places the meaning can astoundly be so different. Some people still quote eth meanings and definitions in the Bible as literal interpretations. AN earthquake in a divers place would not be readily apparent to anyone but sharks and fishes. On the other hand an earthquake in a diverse place is just a different place another locality or brace. Some people have blinders on to their own safety and ignore people when they cry look out eye want to help they are just enemies of them but nothing personal its true it’s just the attitude of self preservation the survivor must indeed kill the whole group and stand alone. What nerve the people on the street that protect the community often kill the survivor thinking they are doing the community as a GROUP a service. What irony. When what they are doing is actually killing the group in the longer run because it is made up of individuals one by one and so they need to refrain from taking life. Let all them divers places earthquakes rage and hurt no one. Earthquakes strip the land beneath the feet away and reveal things there. Eye would not want to visit Family now after years of homelessness eye would not relate to a grown up cousine with her own family perhaps she is a granny now. For no matter how ewe say it flesh and blood and all the rest of it eye never met those children yet and never knew them one or all and never will or never ought to do so in the history of man everyone goes home to be the invalid not eye eye want to die with mye boots on. Out west in the desert like a man at rest with no one weeping near mye pillow. Perhaps just swallowed by a diverse Earthquake. Add to this appendages eye used the computer so often in the last five years my hands resemble crab claws more than fingers and thumbs as eye copy and past all my past mistakes for the public’s viewing pleasure eye am working at a collage computer room no lieberry where eye chronicle this Nardia of Charlax moving the mouse in a circular direction.