CharlaX Swept. The line was plumb. The fish was gone. I wrote three full pages of CharlaXProse folded up the paper in a nappy inserted it inside a zipper pocket and then lost it eye have seen it only once scince then removed it placed it somewhere else now eye cannot find it again. I vaugely rember looking at a brown napkin it resembled the poem. It was the Greatest Story Ever Told. The Big FIsh that got away. The Laminated Cover Story for PlowBoy Magazine is calling me eye am stalling them untill I find the thing and land it. I do NOT do the laundry Matt I do not exchanger Bag for Bag the Clothing never gets discarded. I keep every shirt I had all sumner pants and shorts and jackets sometimes do not get REWORN but they are forever near, the outside edge pressed up against the wall for installation to keep me warm in a Crazy COld of COlorado Winter. NOw I rember how hard I looked at napkin and tossed it away anyway at Albertsons trash canned. I was forgetting that the pOem lies folded up inside the brown adhered to napkin upside down and now its gone I can never write that Piece again not word for word or even Theme. It was forgotten in the length of time it takes to pen one for PloWboy Magazine. The MOuntain Peeks. SNow covered leaks. Hands and fingers good naturally. Natured spelled backwards is Derutan. They did not pay me money for the FISH Story that got away He is the one that got the Alimony pay The Original Story is Big it was Huge. A real Abalone. News.
Monday, November 16, 2009

CharlaX Swept. The line was plumb. The fish was gone. I wrote three full pages of CharlaXProse folded up the paper in a nappy inserted it inside a zipper pocket and then lost it eye have seen it only once scince then removed it placed it somewhere else now eye cannot find it again. I vaugely rember looking at a brown napkin it resembled the poem. It was the Greatest Story Ever Told. The Big FIsh that got away. The Laminated Cover Story for PlowBoy Magazine is calling me eye am stalling them untill I find the thing and land it. I do NOT do the laundry Matt I do not exchanger Bag for Bag the Clothing never gets discarded. I keep every shirt I had all sumner pants and shorts and jackets sometimes do not get REWORN but they are forever near, the outside edge pressed up against the wall for installation to keep me warm in a Crazy COld of COlorado Winter. NOw I rember how hard I looked at napkin and tossed it away anyway at Albertsons trash canned. I was forgetting that the pOem lies folded up inside the brown adhered to napkin upside down and now its gone I can never write that Piece again not word for word or even Theme. It was forgotten in the length of time it takes to pen one for PloWboy Magazine. The MOuntain Peeks. SNow covered leaks. Hands and fingers good naturally. Natured spelled backwards is Derutan. They did not pay me money for the FISH Story that got away He is the one that got the Alimony pay The Original Story is Big it was Huge. A real Abalone. News.
CharlaX Swept. The line was plumb. The fish was gone. I wrote three full pages of CharlaXProse folded up the paper in a nappy inserted it inside a zipper pocket and then lost it eye have seen it only once scince then removed it placed it somewhere else now eye cannot find it again. I vaugely rember looking at a brown napkin it resembled the poem. It was the Greatest Story Ever Told. The Big FIsh that got away. The Laminated Cover Story for PlowBoy Magazine is calling me eye am stalling them untill I find the thing and land it. I do NOT do the laundry Matt I do not exchanger Bag for Bag the Clothing never gets discarded. I keep every shirt I had all sumner pants and shorts and jackets sometimes do not get REWORN but they are forever near, the outside edge pressed up against the wall for installation to keep me warm in a Crazy COld of COlorado Winter. NOw I rember how hard I looked at napkin and tossed it away anyway at Albertsons trash canned. I was forgetting that the pOem lies folded up inside the brown adhered to napkin upside down and now its gone I can never write that Piece again not word for word or even Theme. It was forgotten in the length of time it takes to pen one for PloWboy Magazine. The MOuntain Peeks. SNow covered leaks. Hands and fingers good naturally. Natured spelled backwards is Derutan. They did not pay me money for the FISH Story that got away He is the one that got the Alimony pay The Original Story is Big it was Huge. A real Abalone. News.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Diction ENglish grammer proper nouns predicates verbs learn the way the language works then grow up to be a poet and throw it all away today to make new words to make poems bleed to make the rhymes the prose doth need. Shakespeare is an affluance. He rubbed off some on my purple prose. O God! how wonderful are Thy works! Thou makest the rotting log to nourish banks of violets, and from the stagnant pool at Thy word springs forth the lotus that covers all with fragrance and beauty! Sonnet #3,000,745,001 OH LORDy
OH LORDy, howe wondrous is thy working beauty. Thou doth makest the rott sprout violets from olden logg on water bank nearest stagnant pool whilst at Thy WORD the lotus springeth forthwith to cover over all the smelling salts nearest hand to hold in cuppboard bare the bone for elbert Hubbard gone. Hark the light from yonder glaring glen forsook the frames the lenses now opaqued. Blind to world of beauty winter paints a white mistaken ache in me. Amid the bones of whited elephaunt skunks rome near me to harken when the crow calls daybeak come. Caw the raven quoth. God forbode a man, that an Englaisman should tell or act a lie, neithor the Son of GOD my Jesus, that He should feel repentance or compunction [for what his Father has promised]. Has He sayeth, and shall He not say on? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it gooder. Oh LORDy. For the reasoneth He stays upon His bethroned placement is quite evident for iff GOD were to walk the Earth as a mere man in sight of all this assembled Heathorns even for just one day twold make us all so jealous of the miricles in the clay. For Jesus could open up his hand wiht a plott of dirty clay and make a violet blooming say. Oh Lordy.
Diction ENglish grammer proper nouns predicates verbs learn the way the language works then grow up to be a poet and throw it all away today to make new words to make poems bleed to make the rhymes the prose doth need. Shakespeare is an affluance. He rubbed off some on my purple prose. O God! how wonderful are Thy works! Thou makest the rotting log to nourish banks of violets, and from the stagnant pool at Thy word springs forth the lotus that covers all with fragrance and beauty! Sonnet #3,000,745,001 OH LORDy
OH LORDy, howe wondrous is thy working beauty. Thou doth makest the rott sprout violets from olden logg on water bank nearest stagnant pool whilst at Thy WORD the lotus springeth forthwith to cover over all the smelling salts nearest hand to hold in cuppboard bare the bone for elbert Hubbard gone. Hark the light from yonder glaring glen forsook the frames the lenses now opaqued. Blind to world of beauty winter paints a white mistaken ache in me. Amid the bones of whited elephaunt skunks rome near me to harken when the crow calls daybeak come. Caw the raven quoth. God forbode a man, that an Englaisman should tell or act a lie, neithor the Son of GOD my Jesus, that He should feel repentance or compunction [for what his Father has promised]. Has He sayeth, and shall He not say on? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it gooder. Oh LORDy. For the reasoneth He stays upon His bethroned placement is quite evident for iff GOD were to walk the Earth as a mere man in sight of all this assembled Heathorns even for just one day twold make us all so jealous of the miricles in the clay. For Jesus could open up his hand wiht a plott of dirty clay and make a violet blooming say. Oh Lordy.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
See Dick Gay
See Dick Gay

See Dick. See Dick running. See Dick falling down with laughing like a clown. See Dick Gay. See Dick smile he is so happy now. He played footballs with John all day. Dick tossed his balls to John all day. They were all long bombs. John ran into the inzone evertime to grab Dick's balls thrown. John was sad but Dick was glad. He caught the balls that Dick tossed out. See Dick throw balls. See Dick throw one ball at a time. See Dick tell John to catch both balls but one by one at per one at a time. Does Dick play fairly on the fairway. NO. Thats Golfed. We were playing footballs. Back to the gamin. Dick is twenty nine and John is only twenty one. He is a dirty playa. He should wait until the boy is grown up to play with balls like that. Its almost murda. Even so its legal in one state. But not the one they live in so I guess that it is criminal to play with two football plays and two footballs in Cleveland. Oh Ohio is the state where it IS legal. Never mind. See Dick play. Its all okay today. See John Smile. See Dick Gay.
See Dick. See Dick running. See Dick falling down with laughing like a clown. See Dick Gay. See Dick smile he is so happy now. He played footballs with John all day. Dick tossed his balls to John all day. They were all long bombs. John ran into the inzone evertime to grab Dick's balls thrown. John was sad but Dick was glad. He caught the balls that Dick tossed out. See Dick throw balls. See Dick throw one ball at a time. See Dick tell John to catch both balls but one by one at per one at a time. Does Dick play fairly on the fairway. NO. Thats Golfed. We were playing footballs. Back to the gamin. Dick is twenty nine and John is only twenty one. He is a dirty playa. He should wait until the boy is grown up to play with balls like that. Its almost murda. Even so its legal in one state. But not the one they live in so I guess that it is criminal to play with two football plays and two footballs in Cleveland. Oh Ohio is the state where it IS legal. Never mind. See Dick play. Its all okay today. See John Smile. See Dick Gay.
Monday, November 2, 2009

Moses was Sprinkling the lambs blood on the door posts of all the Hebrew Tribes dwellings there when the HIGH Priest of Egypt came down the Boulevardd in the City of Rhamses with his whole entourage including NaHum the lieberrian. NaHum was the Chief Astrologer of Egypt he Studied the Anchient Star Charts at the RHamses INstitution. Most of the Egyptians believed in Dead Deites like the SUN God RA but NaHum believed in Astronauts and Living GODS from the Sky. When the High Priest of Egypt laughed Moses to Scorn NaHum did NOT laught with him. NaHum frowned at all of them assembled and stared hard up at the darkening sky. The High Priest noticed this. NaHum why are you afraid of ? Of Moses GOD ? Of Death ? NaHum smiled at them and said, there is Flying Saucers up there in the sky Alien Creatures in the bye and bye UFOS have been seen on all the rooftops reporting in. The High Priest laughed harder at Moses what are you doing a little Painting on that Door? He turned back to NaHum you are as bad as this Hebrew slave has said HE has spoken to the Living GOD he calls him Jesus. Mabe he is an Astronaut his voice was trailing off as they all continue laughting MOses to scorn. Moses prepared to pull shut the door closed but paused He stared directly at NaHum just before the Doorway shut he spoke. NaHum has a firstborn SON such as RHamses has at home before Morning they will both be gone He will be dead same as Pharoahs boy is. At this all the laughter died. They simply stopped and walked each to his own BasRelief or home place. And so it was on the Day after Passover all the firstborn male children of the SUN GOD RA in the whole Land of EgYpt died all were dead except for the Hebrew Slaves. NaHum went into his cubicle where the controls were to the Astrology Center Computor. He was inside the Central Lieberry of the City of Rhamses now. OPenly weeping he downloaded his Yahoo Toolbar. Only the HIgh ELders held control now to the Administrative Privledges He went to his Yahoo Inbox and tried to find the email address of his Egyptian SOn. It was gone. He tried a Google search but it came up blank. As iff it had never been. In the INbox at Yahoo an email message just popped into the address was it said Jesus did NOT kill your boy But SATAN did it the Death Angel whom all EgYpt worshipped killed all your firstborn sons. Even Rhamses lost his child. Because you restricted the computor use and pretended to teach knoeledge at the University level only suppressed it instead is why the Devil comes to you today. How Horrible to make slaves out of GODS living people while still teaching only knoeledge of this world and of the Devil. It was signed CharlaXANdroidOneSeven to NaHumLieberian Religionsnudge. Here is the actual email from the Archives ed.note.ed
Monday, November 2, 2009 8:15 AM
"Charlax Hice"
View contact details
Jesus did NOT kill your boy But SATAN did it the Death Angel whom all EgYpt worshipped killed all your firstborn sons. Even Rhamses lost his child. Because you restricted the computor use and pretended to teach knoeledge at the University level only suppressed it instead is why the Devil comes to you today. How Horrible to make slaves out of GODS living people while still teaching only knoeledge of this world and of the Devil.
This email address worked and saved to my address book.
Moses was Sprinkling the lambs blood on the door posts of all the Hebrew Tribes dwellings there when the HIGH Priest of Egypt came down the Boulevardd in the City of Rhamses with his whole entourage including NaHum the lieberrian. NaHum was the Chief Astrologer of Egypt he Studied the Anchient Star Charts at the RHamses INstitution. Most of the Egyptians believed in Dead Deites like the SUN God RA but NaHum believed in Astronauts and Living GODS from the Sky. When the High Priest of Egypt laughed Moses to Scorn NaHum did NOT laught with him. NaHum frowned at all of them assembled and stared hard up at the darkening sky. The High Priest noticed this. NaHum why are you afraid of ? Of Moses GOD ? Of Death ? NaHum smiled at them and said, there is Flying Saucers up there in the sky Alien Creatures in the bye and bye UFOS have been seen on all the rooftops reporting in. The High Priest laughed harder at Moses what are you doing a little Painting on that Door? He turned back to NaHum you are as bad as this Hebrew slave has said HE has spoken to the Living GOD he calls him Jesus. Mabe he is an Astronaut his voice was trailing off as they all continue laughting MOses to scorn. Moses prepared to pull shut the door closed but paused He stared directly at NaHum just before the Doorway shut he spoke. NaHum has a firstborn SON such as RHamses has at home before Morning they will both be gone He will be dead same as Pharoahs boy is. At this all the laughter died. They simply stopped and walked each to his own BasRelief or home place. And so it was on the Day after Passover all the firstborn male children of the SUN GOD RA in the whole Land of EgYpt died all were dead except for the Hebrew Slaves. NaHum went into his cubicle where the controls were to the Astrology Center Computor. He was inside the Central Lieberry of the City of Rhamses now. OPenly weeping he downloaded his Yahoo Toolbar. Only the HIgh ELders held control now to the Administrative Privledges He went to his Yahoo Inbox and tried to find the email address of his Egyptian SOn. It was gone. He tried a Google search but it came up blank. As iff it had never been. In the INbox at Yahoo an email message just popped into the address was it said Jesus did NOT kill your boy But SATAN did it the Death Angel whom all EgYpt worshipped killed all your firstborn sons. Even Rhamses lost his child. Because you restricted the computor use and pretended to teach knoeledge at the University level only suppressed it instead is why the Devil comes to you today. How Horrible to make slaves out of GODS living people while still teaching only knoeledge of this world and of the Devil. It was signed CharlaXANdroidOneSeven to NaHumLieberian Religionsnudge. Here is the actual email from the Archives ed.note.ed
Monday, November 2, 2009 8:15 AM
"Charlax Hice"
View contact details
Jesus did NOT kill your boy But SATAN did it the Death Angel whom all EgYpt worshipped killed all your firstborn sons. Even Rhamses lost his child. Because you restricted the computor use and pretended to teach knoeledge at the University level only suppressed it instead is why the Devil comes to you today. How Horrible to make slaves out of GODS living people while still teaching only knoeledge of this world and of the Devil.
This email address worked and saved to my address book.
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