Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Proud Prose Paroday of Poe

A Proud Prose Paroday of Poe
Pay attention this is Final lee and important lee endearing lee understanding lee the proud poe paroday
in the informality of the astute students lies the complete substructure of the idea of the teacher tries to reach out to the ones who did NOT understand her as she tries in vain to communicate to the whole class the people who already understood her are at a loss for her rude behavior they are swept away by the ignore they percieve it to be the fault of each one of them is lost inside the winner is the loser now you see it now you dont it is a command performance done once and only once for the crowd a differant way for the Queen Charles is the Dunce in the Tri Cornered Hat he lives in the past he wishes to be the King of all Humanity none of them will ever understand the make up of a man what makes him loves someone so hard as to give up his reason and become mad not angry at his love but jealous of her time her every move tword him becomes his only reality its love its love its what the world is made of green cheese upon the face of the moon and snails and puppy dog tails are trailing thinking of the girl she is sugar she is spice she is love indicated twice what is the price of the ticket to the whitewashed fence the poor broken swollen toe of Tom as he hurries back to Becky he is lifeless till she comes the nicely done idea becomes undone flax in jaded ears the innocent kiss of Tom and Becky becomes the Lurid Sex of the Sawyers in a novella in the science fiction magazine of the Day of Punctuations final approach all the dirty laundry hung upon line by line by line  Edgar CharlaX Poe sweeps his Feathered Quillpen Hat he bows low like a Cavalier Musketeer intent on a paroday of manners meant to convey his complete lack of a formal education intending for the Lady to guess his true definition is she reading love in every line by line by line
breaking here not for lack of an ending eye could write a novel never intending to stop until a thousand pages were used upp but why stretch my lucky streak past the nominal doc iff you need more then eye have given you go back to the topp of this page and start over now can you see the love in every line by line by line Grace had my pen she had my pen today Grace had my pen even an old man can dance it looks indeed like a paroday of dance his feet never move at all he is dancing his legs back and forth never moving his feet he is dancing in his heart

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



This bird was in Heaven. Not on this world. I checked to see iff the sun had made to me a shadow but no there was none. The sun still hidden behind a hill no way to explain away mye miracle. A bird call it Swift came to Earth just to great me and to make me wake up and to speak with its profile large words of love. It turned like a meadow larking or a small bird in flight but my snow bird was still too cold to fly hopping around me she never noticed my Ghostly visitor. Then having delivered its valentime message that bird just dissipated. Gone to quickly to be flying now it was back in the Heaven it came from to deliver the fact that I got the right message. Miracles come they come from the sky to bring us love. What a Valentimes love. Time stopped today thankzx to this wonderful bird TheLeastSwift brought us love.