Friday, October 31, 2008


Oct. 31,2008
AS eye condense this soupy itemizage eye get ready for a Holiday.
Hallowweenie This is called Dyed in the Woolen as a Sheep OR Thanzxk be to Frostbite Falls OR Now eye lay mee down to eye for eye confess mye sins eye hide them not but sometimes eye tab the screens a lot the pictures are the same thing over and over the ones eye like eye dare the rest of you to lie and say you never want to sigh to want. TO look upon the things of youth misspent to pretend eye am old enough now to vent to want to look and think that eye could have some. On this day of Holiday eye do not cry but stare hungrily at love and wonder if the things we missed will be enough when love is met she has a name she is so sweet. She it is who loves me may knoe what this is all about the looking glass is darkened in the night but day sufficeth when it cometh to be mine. Not a peeper only but a doer when eye finally meet her eye will greet her with a welcome kiss even iff this old dehydrate man can gum a steak with just one tooth left in his head eye hate the way eye sound when eye use the one that's gone. Hallowweenie Pparinoia She sent to me a magazine article about a cavern full of crystals. The first thing eye remembered was first thing sending it to her it is the same article from the same magazine eye sent her. It is not the one eye sent her but she searched it out. A thing of pure chance or subliminal warning. Perhaps she keeps everything eye send filled in her brain marking time until she gets a chance to send it back again. Perhaps there is danger in a hidden meaning sent. Pparinoia strikes deep. Perhaps the smaller crystal in the Sword Cave is there because the temperature is more normal but how many times do you hear in any given day that the temperature in a cave is always the same about 65 degrees normal no matter how wide the cavern no matter how deep perhaps a cavern is different than a cave. Perhaps the larger crystal in the Crystal Cave is there that way because the temperature was not normal but way colder almost freezing at that leval. Now we can say that the average temperature theorem is pookie shoot. People usually come up with and say such silly things because they want desperately to survive. Perhaps she means to drop me in the cavern to see iff eye can find the way out no spelunker eye. Just now eye twisted my watch around unclasped it and put it back on upside out so the watch face is hard for them who do so to read and for others to see the time in case eye get dropped in the Cavern of Time. Falling past the wayside and yet living is not wrong. Looking learning yearning wanting hope. Please don't defer too long unto mye Pparinoia. SocietalPoeticality For iff ewe believe in Newtonian Gravity then you could move a mountain by severing the base from the earth and watching it fall up into space. See the mountain go. See the mountain fall. For the Mountain is growing up from the Earth the most simple cut of all sever the base the mountain will then lift off. There are more homeless people who live in the rain then three car garages in Spain. The narrow focus of a homeowner is the roof with the holes he cannot seem to patch them he cannot get the money to pay a roofer by the hour he will not make a patch himself he is too busy of a man to work like that and so he watches as his roof caves in. He could have sent his son to open up the attic and patch in some small fashion but he neglected such a crafting. So now the roof is gone. SocietalPoeticality Everyone just go and have a gooder Holiday avoid depression this year Do not Drink or Drive anywhere.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old Pants

Old Pants
Old Pants
Old Pants
Is there really a difference in pants. When a winoe wears his pants too long and a someone just a bum just an old homeless one he has old pants out drying in the sun is there a difference in style the sun fades them both they both smell so very bad the rain falls on both of them the mice bite the edges and the bottoms if not rolled up get holes in them for sure they look like old man pants at best at worse his must be worse than mine mine could be worse if wine were now my beverage taken place of mind. They start okay they look real nice eye hate holes in mine high up where people notice them the one eye have is on the back of leg and lower then and nice. It looks almost like a little mouse was hungry and got him some denim some levi to eat and on the bottom in the rolled up portion where you can’t see them there is gnashes there is gnoshes there is tiny mouse bites where they nibbled and they roosted. Is there really and difference in them. Eye wear my pants a little different than a winoe does he does not hide his holes or care where they are from or going or near the opening in his pants is some eye cringe to see an old man winoe with holes in his pants so high up they can be seen by France and Belgium. My zipper works and seldom his will completely zip. Eye can wear my pants into the bathroom and do my business there he wears his pants behind the bus stopped and does his business in the street for anyone to see its gross to see that in a busy day time area. It’s not his fault they say he is drunk so what is my excuse for faded jeans with holes. Eye am sober but eye am poor eye am homeless with this caveat eye have no lardor no closet door to hang the pants upon the hooks to keep them there to keep them for the looks from others. My jeans are fine today and eye am sober in them pray for me and mine perhaps later eye will find the tape and fix the hole in mine or let it roll and let it ride my jeans is fine.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


dalevypoet"To d.a.levy"
To d.a.levy
Ucanhaveyourcityfalconback LOLZX
They relaxed some of the restrictions in the UofA liberry where eye sit at a computer terminally ill and work haah a little levity of brevity proportions. It's called the Hayden lieberry and you would hate the student priority just because the administration makes it a rule. Imagine working and saving work and being told this is a public lieberry but the students have the priority so you are not a student or affiliated lifer then YOU MUST LEAVE please just vacate the computor. Eye place all my stuffins in my email for later and feel rejected of men all day for eye am a Christian. Eye go upstairs and use the eterminals for my 15 minutes of fame it makes me feel better. Eye walked outside at seven o'clock after an all nite session they let the public stay on terminals now they say it is a policy. Now please erase the priority. Eye could do more and better work without the sword of Damocles hanging over my head. Being forced away just when eye need to copy and past my best poetry again. We have forgotton how to protest non violently they make the effigy and burn the thing but this very day eye saw a man in a suit and tie and called him ADMAN. As eye began to cry eye began to exclaim non it was not a whimper or a whisper but very loud in ears so deaf as he walked away and never heard me at all eye was heard to exclaim to all a good day and eye said IFF THEY HANG ABOUT %%55 of you INTO A TREE and leave you there mabe the restrictions will then get better. NO apology forthcoming. Ed.Note. Of course eye sincerely hope that no violence is committed iff anyone is interested in hanging anyone please just use invisible rope so on this Birthday of Cleveland's hope no one is harmed hurt or choked. Happy Birthday d.a. levy.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

INN your Eyes

INN your Eyes
INN your Eyes
INN your Eyes
Eye have angel wings. Eye am twelve feet tall. Invincible. Cupid was invisible and yet he loved we love each other without a touch without a contact other than mye voice we touch inside our hearts we touch inside her mind. She kisses hands with lipps of love. She makes me live when eye have died. We talk we live we love we walk our separate walks we live in separate beds and yet we love. You have such an appetite for love she says eye have such an innocent face and eye can tell she loves me just a bit too much for love sees no wrong no sins no long shadows under eye she loves eye live inside your eyes. Love is not entirely physical it begins in hearts then goes to eyes then goes to other lies. Eye love to lie within your eyes for eye am inn your eye eye fly on wings of angel lies to kiss the neck to kiss and sigh eye live to lay within your touch within the sight of loving eyes insoluble and resolute eye live and love with inn your eye let darkness flee let light be bold for love will win within our folded praying hands so cold as she looks at eye within her eye she looks at me she lets me be she looks at eye she lives for me.


People they vary some are obscure some of them are famous some of them want to be some of them happy some sad some important some glad some of them like me homeless unhappy unrested at life rejected some of them quick some of them dead some are pretend some true. Diogenes the Cynic had not met CharlaX. A lamp unto mye feet no one can see a halo hidden under cap shining light mostly back at eye at the mee. Thimking must be faith outside the box android walking no robotic walk opportune losing more souls losing more friends losing more heart than replaces. Do not think eye did not weep for ewe eye wept. Do not think eye did not love ewe eye loved. Do not dismiss me in your thinking as crude and ineffective offering at least this sacrifice my mind in making many words and books looks not important now an android has no smile. A number on the money a number on the door a number on the money a number on the door a number on the money a number on the door. Some doors open happy some doors open sad sometimes time is better used for glad. Self centered life is rude and misbehaves there is no geniality in the work force in the lines and platitudes of constant use of lies. When eye was in Atlanta Georgia early on a summer morning there was Thirty Thousand applications made to ONE job in One company bank. Truth is stranger than fiction. What did all those rejected people do would fill up statistical book when we were young and growing up we thought we would all be rock stars instead of rocks. Eye applied to a job when eye still needed one the bread company man did not want then to hire eye instead delivered application in hand with scribbles where a number should have been. His beady narrow eyes focused upon my blunder then he smiled and had fun with his dismissle. What is this it says high school years how come you can not remember this.? IT asked me three or four and eye am not sure now wither however it goes. In Junior High School it was changed. He said EYE do not want to hire someone so stupid. And so eye never made his bread. Instead eye changed my name and now eye work for GOD, at least his Jesus attempting to discover them to be the one and same.


Shreveport was closer to the bay but we would run out of pipe when going that way the afternoon was fading we were losing the light and the mosquitoes was coming out to bite. Most of the men drew there jackets on to keep the mosquitoes away they were huge near the Gulf water and full of fright no one wanted to get sick. We were running the PIPE.T.M. pipe@T.M parallel to the shore following the road missing most of the populated areas and making good time coming out from New Orleans. Jameson P Monte was the man in charge of this group. He had ordered the whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater online back at the ranch as they say. Typing in the instructional code twice. EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 once into the security cam and then added back to match. Never the same code twice. QEZ7643008777133365448367489229004938932 matched. He then sent an email to the company. Whirly Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:38 PM
We are down south working to restore New Orleans as a City Blue and Proper. WE are very interested in the whirlyfritzer machine especially the CobaltBluePowerForce.T.M.@ as a means of centrifugal force. WE need lots of pipe@T.M for a parallel course to the Gulf for we are not sure yet where to make the entry point.ed.note this is actual copy of email sent end.ed.noted
We are down south working to restore New Orleans as a City Blue and Proper. WE are very interested in the whirlyfritzer machine especially the CobaltBluePowerForce.T.M.@ as a means of centrifugal force. WE need lots of pipe@T.M for a parallel course to the Gulf for we are not sure yet where to make the entry point. The special Delivery van was solid babay blue and there was a logo on the side that said Zappersunlimited. WE were all impressed the company had delivered its best most of the time they used Parcel Post or worse UPS. The Driver had no helper in the seat next to him so we unloaded the PipepipeT.M@pipe@T.M. and the carefully setting in the hole prepared and wiring the ground. As he drove away he was heard muttering whats the reasoning of going parallel to the road. Actually it was Pp Monte himself that decided to run down the Gulf in the event of another Hurricane there the pipe was streamed into the wind now wait think carefully about this its makes some kinda bizzarre sense. They were looking forward to the future of events even perhaps into the next millennium. WE decided to go to the Ponchartrain entry point and try to get to the Gulf via the Mississippi Delta. We already explained to ewe whay. WE called for our airdropps and every time they were on time with the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. There should be a lengthy treatise ici about digging in the mudded basin and the problems we overcame getting the pipe into the Gulf Ocean but for the sake of brevity and sanity its dispensed with and not appended forthwith perhaps a brief explain will suffice. There is red clay down south it takes a strong back or else fierce determination to get a shovel fool. Ha.Ed.note. A typo and yet a de je vue. End.ed.note. Like a cup of coffee with ice in it after a long nite of good sleep and rest we saw the water come up one day in the distance it was there. Water water everywhere and not a dropp to drink eye think that eye will get up and jump into the sink. That’s a catchy toon where did you get that one TIMMY. It was in a CharlaXPoem eye was reading last nite. New Orleans' economy improves, but infrastructure remains a disaster the headlines of the paper echoed in my thinking as we hit the beach and up THERAMP@T.M. we went for we had ordered the best thing from Floatsom and Jetsome Industries to get the pipe to the Ocean THERAMP@T.M. was better than digging up the beach. We actually only ran the pipe as far as several lengths for the CobaltBlueT.M.@ radiation was harmless to children and fish but it does discolor after several weeks anything left laying in the water would be that aweful rust color like they have up in New York City in the Harbor. Jameson P Monte was called back at the Main Central Offices he went to the CobaltBluepurple whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater and turned the green light on. He opened the one sided mechanism and added the brown substance there was lots of extra water in it for he had drank a lot of coffee with his breakfast fast he did not forget to prime the steam pipe first. He closed the access panel and gave a huge thumbs up to the computer (what a dweed of course people do things like this all the time and no one could see him) and he smiled.


Monday, October 27, 2008

A CharlaX P A Random thought no number

A CharlaX рдк
A Random thought no number in the title sick halt lame cut bruised at least in ego and id called chosen subaltern. Limited in speech rough fashioned in the street and hillbilly hills of the green green grass of home. Self motivated self produced polite to a fault line but scared of real bad activity beaten into proclivity expostulating reason in the facebook of such ignoramuses as intended to belie the laws of Jesus but never rally scared. Learning on a curve is what they call it when they want the useless to advance. Give the undergod a chance and he will take it for such as one as eye can never have no romance she gives it to the beasts of Rome she drinks a bite too much and then she loses love perhaps she is a virgin still and yet twold make the heart regret the why wherefore art thousands to be told a ringing in a glen a rigging in a sail spin a spinning in a yard a yarding for a sail top. She will not even read this she is finished with the eye and yet the doubt of why has caused me to pen this this redoubting question of love. For in the final assessment of the estimate of love eye never had a chance just borrowing this word and that word there and that on over there until eye make some sort of formidable pattern like a loose leaf notebook in a quiet study room opened hurriedly intended to make room for more scratches scribbles nonsenses sounding off like a crack of doom reverberation like an echo echo still repeating echo until demeaned off in the distant wall it stops it loves. Procedure dictates to some they robot along they dit dit dit and dot dot dot almost everything they make for heaven’s sake just stop and learn again to love this is no apology but more like a wonder why she broke the only part of me that was intact she killed my heart.