Wednesday, October 29, 2008


dalevypoet"To d.a.levy"
To d.a.levy
Ucanhaveyourcityfalconback LOLZX
They relaxed some of the restrictions in the UofA liberry where eye sit at a computer terminally ill and work haah a little levity of brevity proportions. It's called the Hayden lieberry and you would hate the student priority just because the administration makes it a rule. Imagine working and saving work and being told this is a public lieberry but the students have the priority so you are not a student or affiliated lifer then YOU MUST LEAVE please just vacate the computor. Eye place all my stuffins in my email for later and feel rejected of men all day for eye am a Christian. Eye go upstairs and use the eterminals for my 15 minutes of fame it makes me feel better. Eye walked outside at seven o'clock after an all nite session they let the public stay on terminals now they say it is a policy. Now please erase the priority. Eye could do more and better work without the sword of Damocles hanging over my head. Being forced away just when eye need to copy and past my best poetry again. We have forgotton how to protest non violently they make the effigy and burn the thing but this very day eye saw a man in a suit and tie and called him ADMAN. As eye began to cry eye began to exclaim non it was not a whimper or a whisper but very loud in ears so deaf as he walked away and never heard me at all eye was heard to exclaim to all a good day and eye said IFF THEY HANG ABOUT %%55 of you INTO A TREE and leave you there mabe the restrictions will then get better. NO apology forthcoming. Ed.Note. Of course eye sincerely hope that no violence is committed iff anyone is interested in hanging anyone please just use invisible rope so on this Birthday of Cleveland's hope no one is harmed hurt or choked. Happy Birthday d.a. levy.

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