Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Black ground comes from green and purple leaves plants sometimes growing as high as six feet tall if allowed to propagate they will make a jalapeƱo planting pepper makes the five star Chile varieties come alive in tasting tests the students cry tears of anguish crying out for more varieties of hotness. - Pictures coming soon! – They do not say if the peppers start out green but oh they almost must. They turn purple and get long and longer in the sun. Then they will turn red iff left there on the plant too long. We must eat the purple ones before they become the red ones after they were started to be green ones. In real life most of them never make it they get eaten by fly and gnat and living larger weavils things. Unless grown in a hydroponic garden taken from the living plant picked killed canned. Perhaps even pickled. Bet ewe thought eye was gonna get to pickled peppers ewe. The best pickling is okra not cut at all just raw stems plants off the vine dropped in brine and soaked to prevent the rotten. The green slimey part is the best eaten quickly lest the little white seeds spill out all over ewe Sunday vest. But eye must be honest as eye digress this pepper mess eye never ate a real pickled pepper in my life except the hot variety kind there is a few real peppers mixed in the cauliflowers with the carrots sliced like it was done in a machine crimper. Do not ever eat a habernino. Wait. Product Description Ground down high-quality, high-heat habaneros are used to create an intense sea salt with a kick. This is the perfect salt for anyone who likes to add a little extra punch to anything on the grill. A great match with recipes that call for lime and butter. Use sparingly! Never mix with rubbing alcohol. Comes with butter and a gallon of water. Each item sold separately. Pepper.

Monday, May 4, 2009


A homeless person is a duck out of water iff you move them from their survival try to help them but they are the life of the party or the best dinner guest if you can get past the smell long enough to stand them cracking one liners telling old stales and long winding stories mostly about childhood wails. Eye am convinced they are all drunks and alcoholic’s eye witnessed a woman carrying a brand new still in the plastic covered item. She was trying to get a cigarette. She was supposed to enter the store with her hubby to turn the item into money but she had twisted away from him to ask me a non smoking android for a cigarette undaunted off she went to look for hubby once more as soon as eye refused her. Eye played fast and loose occupying the Security Guard long enough for her to escape his evil eye become a fence for poor old woman needed fixed. She just needed fixed. A fix. A noxious odor in her nose. A tobacco tube rose. A poor person’s banal bane. A tortuous addiction disguised as a bad habit in nuns clothing she was dressed as a house guest. Eye tired and tired of trying to find my money belt it’s missing so eye had a burger and a coffee from the wallet then eye went to homeless place to sleep in a nice neighborhood where they cut the fences to get in. There is where eye lay me down to sleep the life of a homeless party of one all alone no beers no cigarettes no fun unless it counts what eye done all alone in the night.