Friday, June 26, 2009


When eye am walking three miles away to home they stop when eye have less then a mile to go to get there this is syndrome this is awesome Murphy LAWs. Eye am waiting just for someone to pick me up in the mourning but it never happens but today just now someone slowed down and started to pull over again eye had less then one mile left to go eye guess eye would have been unfriendly at this point and pointed them away from eye can walk where were ewe at when eye was walking all them miles to start be like the tree town says and leaf. The man at work sign was there his hard hat said it all the same man that waved me away from his face the day before was now sprawled out awaiting his ride to work eye suppose when eye waved at him eye did it with two fingers almost like a salute his was more pointed in reply why they do that to mye eye gee eye am glad that cows cant fly. One bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes and a man is a man for all of them adages. Eye think when we were growing up we thought all people were gonna live forever follow the yellow brick road and death was just not taught when someone was missing in action my girlfriend wore one of those silver bracelets and eye refused to let her touch me and eye lost her a janus forever to the eye. She just would not understand my attitude of jealousy. And eye could not let it go. And now she is gone forever to me married to a Pharmacutescist living rich how could she do this how could she. DOes she still have her Jesus. Yes perhaps thats nothing to do with eye at all but more a thing to do with her that LittleReadHen that she become.

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