Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Joy luck over lake

no man can relate to life

define life in sky


Joy luck over lake

no man can relate to life

define life in sky

Monday, January 18, 2010


When younger then them older and older then the younger then them elder there is youngest stay away from older have the say. Say wisdom to the eldest say wisdom to the older keep wisdom from the younger. You do not have the wherewithall to make completeley a blanket statement like that irrelevant posthumously accepted fixed now into memory for the future generations accountable for your own actions at puberty is usually at age fourteen. Enjoin a fighting Army at age eighteen. Become a drunk at age twenty one. Marry a woman at the age of forty two. Become a poetical genious at the age of fifty five then add them all together to get the AgeofCharlaX done. One hundread fifty years of living crammed into just one lifetime is too much for any man too take half-heartedly it must be seriously considered then redeveloped into consternation of self-disipline of exercise the diet modification into intelligent reversal rereevaluation of the limits of the finite mind. We all age at differant times. Well now. Thats deep. It depends a lot on your background and upbringing pointofviews. You can not go beyond what you have been taught iff not at the University level likeasto Cornell then perhaps the lessor School of Inventory. Cool. And How. Did you arrive at this conclusion? well sir; I added two and two together. The answer is four unless you are doing the New Math then the answer is five. I am not sure how they arrived at this figure it out later, Chief. AgeofCharlaX.


When younger then them older and older then the younger then them elder there is youngest stay away from older have the say. Say wisdom to the eldest say wisdom to the older keep wisdom from the younger. You do not have the wherewithall to make completeley a blanket statement like that irrelevant posthumously accepted fixed now into memory for the future generations accountable for your own actions at puberty is usually at age fourteen. Enjoin a fighting Army at age eighteen. Become a drunk at age twenty one. Marry a woman at the age of forty two. Become a poetical genious at the age of fifty five then add them all together to get the AgeofCharlaX done. One hundread fifty years of living crammed into just one lifetime is too much for any man too take half-heartedly it must be seriously considered then redeveloped into consternation of self-disipline of exercise the diet modification into intelligent reversal rereevaluation of the limits of the finite mind. We all age at differant times. Well now. Thats deep. It depends a lot on your background and upbringing pointofviews. You can not go beyond what you have been taught iff not at the University level likeasto Cornell then perhaps the lessor School of Inventory. Cool. And How. Did you arrive at this conclusion? well sir; I added two and two together. The answer is four unless you are doing the New Math then the answer is five. I am not sure how they arrived at this figure it out later, Chief. AgeofCharlaX.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Red and white checkered table clothes each table set with candleabras like abra cadabra all in rows all in the throws of aisles of gay paryee lovers in this night. Each Calliope table has a linen nappy stainless ware of chinese docent plate and glass is usually the tumbler acrobatic baskets full of bread some of the richer near the rear are full of cheeses. Squared Red and White Calliope Wine decantered near the entree SCORED the total BILL $$$ ??? Signatory taken !!! ; the Chef de Matre d is shaken. He amuses all his staffed as he shakes his sad and says I do not recognize that MAN. Again, the coat is familiar, ah, but the hair they all wear it that way is fashionable, but not quite long enought to be Italian, he looks American, but how, but how does he knoe how to SIGN for his bill, non, LET HIM GO! It just has to be okay, thats all. Avec, tres bon, Merci. Then the musick was played free, nongratis, as well as all the food consumed by Calliope for the ladies smile was plenty amours in French or Spanish it is all the same to them at Calliope love is just religion. Chit has already been accepted chit is taken. Bon Mot. Bon Appetite.Calliope

Friday, January 8, 2010


I light candles I cross sticks outside mye new doorway to the tent its warmer now at night butt dark. I try not to feel anything at all I want to survive I need to LIVE I am no good to anyone unless I can live and survive. Depression is held in abeyance. Inn a bubble of survival A tent in the wilderness. I dare not think of her at all. Or I will cry. Or I will miss her too many. I could even die uncertain of mye future now. I do one more day of mye time. It is torture. Passing the time dressing undressing dressing boots pulled them on then pulled them off again. Inn a strang paroday of humane life. Les Misery, cutt off from online systematic memories I find nothing butt a mechanical RObotic function. I dare not drink the water here or anything but coffee when I go into the town I drink Coffee found around when home; I drink carbonated water in those plastic 2 Liter Bottles. I function often on a Primative level I SUFFER like the GOD before me this Jesus whom I study. He watches over me with ANgel wings and SWords drawn this way and that way against mye enemy the dark night out there in the snow outside mye tent it lurks it waits it anticipates. Jesus keeps it all intact for me in the day while I am gone disecting a Town for food and clothing to bring back to mye shelter my self-imposed Prism cell of bizzaro life. As I contemplate the explainnation of mye life story as I write. And so I write. DearDiaryToo.