Monday, January 18, 2010


When younger then them older and older then the younger then them elder there is youngest stay away from older have the say. Say wisdom to the eldest say wisdom to the older keep wisdom from the younger. You do not have the wherewithall to make completeley a blanket statement like that irrelevant posthumously accepted fixed now into memory for the future generations accountable for your own actions at puberty is usually at age fourteen. Enjoin a fighting Army at age eighteen. Become a drunk at age twenty one. Marry a woman at the age of forty two. Become a poetical genious at the age of fifty five then add them all together to get the AgeofCharlaX done. One hundread fifty years of living crammed into just one lifetime is too much for any man too take half-heartedly it must be seriously considered then redeveloped into consternation of self-disipline of exercise the diet modification into intelligent reversal rereevaluation of the limits of the finite mind. We all age at differant times. Well now. Thats deep. It depends a lot on your background and upbringing pointofviews. You can not go beyond what you have been taught iff not at the University level likeasto Cornell then perhaps the lessor School of Inventory. Cool. And How. Did you arrive at this conclusion? well sir; I added two and two together. The answer is four unless you are doing the New Math then the answer is five. I am not sure how they arrived at this figure it out later, Chief. AgeofCharlaX.

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