Monday, February 8, 2010


The Truth Part One

Okay. The Bible makers make it clear really clear but men refuse to learn to leave intact them scriptures in the back of the Book of Revelations. They always make them new transliterations iff them scriptures altar words them meanings definitions. The Bible is very clear on the Book of Revelations. The Book of Revelations comes with a caveat at the end complete with admonitions it plainly says do not altar this book as it is written is the way GOD wants us to read it as a Literal Interpretation. What it says is what is meant no hidden Spiritual meanings. That also Zarathustra no taken out of convex applied to modern times. Teachers itching with ears reading scriptures then they close this book of the Bible and they take a deep breathe and then they Spoke. Okay now here is what the Bible REALLY means. And thats the spew about the lies brought forth about the serial number on a Dollar Bill becoming GOD. First of all lets get it right the first time then I will explain just like a teacher in part two what is this confusion ... to receive a MARK (666sic(k) upon the hand or upon the forehead...Cain was marked. He bore a MARK to advertise the fact that he had killed his Brother Abel. I say do not waste your time in Heaven look for Abel there do not bother GOD looking there for Cain. The 666 sick mark of the beast is a real physical MARK upon UPON UPON emphasis is mine sayeth the CharlaX ed.note.ed upon the hand or forehead VISIBLE to others allowing your entry into the Market indeed someone without this MARK cannot enter to buy bread or sell eggs foo young. This is part one.

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