Saturday, April 3, 2010


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It all started when eye was born. The DOctor said my lipps was wrong. That is just sick and wrong he said then slapped my last thing out but hit mye cheeks instead. He saw that eye had turned around to go back inn. He said he was sorry he had to use those forceps things to get me out of there again. Its okay MOther is dead she will never read this anyway. A man at Mcdonalds not understanding whay this old gray head man was in his play area for children there said "weirdo" as iff that was not enought he said "weirdo" again he said it twicet. Some Mother down the line said What is that OLD MAN doing back here ??? as iff it was a crime. Eye utilize the free wifi connection there is a plug in there for my Dell Laptop they act like they do not knoe what a computor does or is for this old man plans on doing his thing now for one solid month this is poem two of the April poem a day challenge. There will be 30 or 31. The rude they was number two was the boy and girl stepped up on the sidewalk to play with this old man was coming faster now on bicycle. The rude is that they deliberate got up there in the way expecting me to crash this bicycle thing or get out of THERE way eye closed mye eye and hang on and yelled them over get out of mye way. It was horrible near missed the miss. The boy was angry eye could tail. He wanted to cream mye puff. Oh well. There is lots of things in world called gobbelygook. Mispeak and misstalk. NO appealing remarks resembeling terminating resignations severance payed is gone. Like this number two April is Poetry Month day two poem.

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