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Black white yellow even blue or whiteish mixed upp fetish now anyone can be the Army or Marine. Back in the Day there used to be rules they changed them since then to let fools run life and they will keep getting worser to keep us from coming back like a wire based telephone that has to be plugged into a wall too bad they did not fix the internet like that we still have to have land based wifi. Electrical connections. Phones have small screens too hard for people to connect the free wifi pages or they just do not know how to bring them up to hit the buttons. Seeing only a portion of things and not the whole page. Suddenly age is a factory. They wish to send the boys out to be men. They do not want the men to be again. IN case you have not noticed nothing ever usually changes for the better off. They keep no recorded records now everything is factored by your age when asking for the help of the Government they only help the young and favored Sons. My Friend was a Marine with a bad record and yet he got accepted into an area with housing at least temporary eye hope he is ok sleeping in a real bed with meals provided and eye hope he gets even better someday. My record stinks like a dead fish looked at from the Military Point of View they might decide to kill me on sight of course they really wont and yet they use every other excuse not to help someone who is not a killer. This is the TRUTH. Unless you are as mean as them you will not recieve benifits or social security checks. You who cash such things should now think about this. Mean eyes. I had too much trouble in a work place where eye knew the people and could borrow money to get started there is no way i would ever work now with me being a total stranger to them no one would trust me or help me with a place to stay. Shift Shower and Shave every day is the money way to work for money to allow Satan to rule you just work for the money is God. It has taken the place of us all. Slap two slices of white bread around nothing but catch up to your meat. Pork rinds is not food unless down South of the Border is Taco and Beano burr is colder in the winter now. Iff you read this poem to this conclusion you are wonderful. A person. A reader of poetry the reason for my won existence PEACE. Eye hope you understood the eye in this Poetry. For now Bye Bye.
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