Monday, January 5, 2009


EmploymentingEmploymentingThe Inverted Pyramid or Who is working at the Fast Food Places? EmploymentingSkin Head is not synonym for Manager and yet the Fast Food in your town is Managed by a ganger. They live to hurt other people. The man that cleans your dishes at your favorite restaurant may be a midnight strangler of young women. 666israel seems to have a job to televise his death to everyone that cares to watch a man get killed what will he do will he enter into Hell the next telecast or rise up from the dead and live to tell us why? Or simply die. What is he doing with all them Queer three dollar bills will he spend them all at once on a Giant Bong Pipe hit. What is he putting in that thing? Crack or Crack Cocaine? Or does he simply drink. A gallon of cheep whiskey will not let him sleep. Perhaps He is insane and using State Sanctified Drugs. No one knoes. Except the company he keeps. And his love is she a rose or is he a BUD. When Little Charlie Manson is released and gets his work release JOB he may be at Burger King to work off his parole. Will you go? Into the Drive in Window to get a glimpse of fame that’s slips between the cracks of law gone mad that saves the evil doer and kills the snitcher. Just look closer at the people serving you the next time ewe drive threw is that man behind the counter balding. With hardware where his ears once were. Does he remind you of a Neo Nazi? Does that meat and bread and pickle still taste all right to you? Drive on threw. But check the rules of Government now implemented and inverted for Employmenting.

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