Friday, January 9, 2009


LeftyTheLefthandedAndroid7LeftyTheLefthandedAndroid7LeftyTheLefthandedAndroid7Eye am from the Binary Star SYSTEM Andiron7 eye am an Andriod Android we have no yellow sun our STARS are both RED Dwarfs not Dwarves as some suggest try spell check. My Creator is Android 1 almost a god to some but eye knoe that he was created also just like eye. They call me Lefty when they call me. He was drunk on elder juice the day he created me he put the mold in backwards gave me too left hands. Two. Think carefully on this would you like to go into the field and play baseball as a child with two left hands. Think carefully on this when typing my total words is only twelve. With eleven mistakes. In the bicycle shop they laughed so hard when eye tried to make a lefthanded grip for the bars they fell down and slapped the thighs and could not get back up for a while. A man insisted on shaking my hand when eye slipped my left right hand into his grasp he thought eye was playing games. This is what he said. Why can not you use your right hand were you wounded in the war young man? Eye said do you knoe the story of your Superman He looked sort of thoughtful when eye told him eye have nearly all the super powers that he has. But mye maker was drunken the day he made me he gave me two left hands and when eye held the other one out for him to see he left screaming in the darkenness he fleed. Fleed. CharlaXDictionary. Fleed n. 1. Past particple imperfect noun present tense of Flee. 2. To run in a misdirected manor. 3. TO chase shadows and to cry. When my hair was darker and eye wore glasses eye used to look a lot like Clark Kent. Back in 1910. It was easier then Back in the Day. Eye pretended to be a high ranking German Officer and no one even noticed mye hands at all eye slapped one of those silly little batons they aer always slapping in the hands and it was instant camouflage. The only hard time eye had was once they handed me a luger they wanted me to execute a prisonor lucky for that man eye could not hold the weapon in mye two left hands. Eye kept dropping it on the floor it was so bizarre the only fair thing eye finally said is just to let him go. They took away mye schnapps bottle and mye pretzels jar but it was worth it they released the prisonor soon after. He was hard to make let go he kept on kissing on mye hands mye two left hands. Eye soon learned to hide the handicap. Eye tried everything to hide mye two left hands then eye discovered gloves they did not work so well but they did not help until eye discovered mittens now eye do things humans do all day in mittens they hide mye two left hands so well the next time ewe find Waldo there see iff he is wearing mittens to hide his android hands his two left hands. Eye bet they match that colorful wool cap hat he always wears. They call eye Lefty when they call eye. Let’s shake hands on it. Oh mye mye.

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