Saturday, August 29, 2009


NerdishTurkishSoda®™ are all subsidiaries of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
.ORG,DOT,NET,COM. com is short for company in this case our online form is available for students only. Wear your glasses girls. I think we are on the wavelength. NerdKola ®™comes in only one flavor whats that u said oh well i guess that makes it PLAIN. Candy marketeers and other companys for years targetted small children with no money. We here ici at Whirly Company targetted the real spending crowded Nerds is where its at. Pull those socks full of coins you kept since Birth and buy our Kola you nutts. Oh wait thats mutts. There is nothing finer in the State of Carolina in the mourning. Tastes like a loe gin fizz. Lots of ice added makes it last. NO warrenty warranty expressed or implied. In the State of Ohio sold only in Six PACKS only PopKola®™ is sold there. Alcholic content. ONly in the Cleveland area we are introducing NerdYTea®™. No caffiene no sugar no substitutes learn to like the tea for the flavor comes in green. Each sold seperately. NerdishTurkishSoda®™ is on the overseas market for the foreign exchangers from Istandbull. Tastes like Camel Spit. Really all young adults like this stuff its proven. Readthissmallfineprintgogetyourglassesgranny.
Nunsandothernonnudesgethalvepriceoff.Usually sold at 35p per can or bottle or try our new plastic containors. They disentagrate.

Friday, August 28, 2009


L.How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, is rest for my rear end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to sway,
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy perch on stool of toad!'
The beast that thus I carry, tired with this my added woe,
Plods dully on, to bear that weight upon my backside,
As if by some instinct the wretched butt did know
His rider loved speed moore hurry, being left now far away from thee.
Out Out brief candle of this mule gone mad';
That sometimes anger swiftly spurs into his hide,
Which heavily he answers with a braying laught,
More sharpe to me than tickeling to his side;
For that same groan doth put twain my mule mye mind,
My grief lies onward with my love and my joy is mye behind.


Thursday, August 20, 2009


XLVI.ewe.ici The Mind Field and Heart Attacked the Mortal Men Mine mind and heart are at a mortal war with men,How to divide the spoils of such a sight;Mine mind my heart the men's sight would roll the eyes away from me, and thenMy heart mine mind the freedom of my men pretend.My heart doth bleed my mind that men in mind and heart doth lie—A heart and mind never pierced with crystal lieing men—But the mind defendanth to that heart doth that plea deny of men from startAnd says to heart from mind thy fair appearance lies to men so please decideTo 'cide the men with heart and men with mind collidedA quest of thoughts, all men with minds and hearts,Conscience of the men determinèd to a burdenThe clear minds moiety, and the dear heart's part, As wickedness; mine mind due is thy outward part of heart, And my heart's right, thy inward love of men tonight departed. bye CharlaXShakesXLVI.Mine eye and heart are at a mortal warHow to divide the conquest of thy sight;Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie—A closet never pierced with crystal eyes—But the defendant doth that plea denyAnd says in him thy fair appearance lies.To 'cide this title is impanelèdA quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart,And by their verdict is determinèdThe clear eye's moiety, and the dear heart's part, As thus; mine eye's due is thy outward part, And my heart's right, thy inward love of heart.for comparison this is WILLIAMS glory

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Carpe A Dime

Carpe A Dime ewe.iciO mistress mine, can you smell what flower I have sniffed where are you roaming? O stay and hear! Use that beak of yours to sniff with I your true-love's coming That can singe the flowers with his breathe both high and low; Trip no further, get off that acid stop smoking hash and blowing weed pretty sweeting, Journey's end is soberly perused in lovers' meeting-- Every wise mothere doth know. What is love? 'tis not hereafter for the body partes change out in Heaven; Present mirth hath present laughter odeur lime green of flowere steme; What's to come is still uncertain smells in stormy whether you can sniff: In delay there lies no plenteous snorting snuff,-- Then come sniff me, Sweet and twenty, Youth's a smell will not endure. William CharlaX Shakespeare

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


TexTWRitter ewe.icia Jesus Poem of P P H found on wayside Vibrant emotion detains the unwary as time slips into what some refer to immediatley giving becomes difficult defining expressing through astute observation; additional revelancy by example one assumes ones got it all figured out and yet what monetary value can be placed in doing the kind thing? Jesus Christ! Let me do it. Let me do it. Front page conundrums left over committments after all what must be? Hang time wasted wanted wrong. This poem was written by Patrick Peter Harrington. ed.note.ed TexTWRitter is prounced ritter not writter the w is silent w. FOund on the wayside on a paper written in real ink who decipher on paper blotted weathered outside on the roadside who decided to give credit where credit iff due. Jesus loves you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Barcodded ewe.iciewe.iciThere is no universal numbre yet no mark of the beast the differing areas of expertise keep the thing from congealing yeasty beast. Try taking a can of Pinto beans into the lieberry and try to scan the thing on the book scanner it will NOT beep it will not register. On the same token try taking a lieberry book into the GROCERY scan the barcode on the book i bet its not produce. Take a newspaper to the checkout run it over the line it beeps and asks for payment. Take your Driver liscence out of folding places look at the barcode on the back it works in the computor in the back of all patrol cars they can scan you but you cant enter in a building with the image on the front or the barcode on the back its not an employee card for the lieberry or the grocery. Money still has no bar code on it. MOst aggreements such as rental leasing and even buying cars have no bar code at the bottom of the page for you to implement or even sign. Sign away your life the bank still owns it unless you pay with cash who has that kind of money. When you get too confuddled and confused just try to swipe your hand over the scanner trust me on this it will NOT beep. Not yet. But they are working on it. Credit cards even those that require a signature do NOT have bar code on them. here is a couple of copy and past. Websites. Plate glass windows do but most blue plate specials in the diner for dinner dont.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I wrote a poem in 2005 called Flowers Fade. Why is this poem a real poem. This is Biopsy. I was asked to print out a poem on the computor for a woman i had met her in the lieberry. SO i said just let me recite a poem to you instead and chose the FLowers FAde. Of course i forgot the words and so i decided to do Biopsy. Why is this poem a real poem? Lets opine this flower open petal by line by line by petal. Flowers Fade (TITLE) a title is the first line of a poem it is the first thing people read and they judge your poem to see if it fits the title a poor title will send women screaming from there homes. I saw the flowers on the roadside, this is a straightforward statement meaning literally what it says this is called Syntax, the comma is used correctly the second line is they were all so pretty to me; this is Synecdoche the semicolon makes a break for a new idea. Line three is they seemed permanent to me, another literal statement of Syntax. Line four is somewhat differant Why is this poem a real poem? But snow will frown-- a Paradox the dashes add the thought to the next line as well as Line five is wind and rain and sun. The wind and rain and sun have come as well as snow. This is called Metonymy . Line six is fixed and stands there all alone a fine example of Syntax The flowers are all gone. WHo hopes you liked this Biopsy of his poem. Flowers Fade. Flowers Fade

I saw the flowers on the roadside,
they were all so pretty to me;
they seemed permanent to me,
But snow will frown--
wind and rain and sun.
The flowers are all gone.