Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Barcodded ewe.iciewe.iciThere is no universal numbre yet no mark of the beast the differing areas of expertise keep the thing from congealing yeasty beast. Try taking a can of Pinto beans into the lieberry and try to scan the thing on the book scanner it will NOT beep it will not register. On the same token try taking a lieberry book into the GROCERY scan the barcode on the book i bet its not produce. Take a newspaper to the checkout run it over the line it beeps and asks for payment. Take your Driver liscence out of folding places look at the barcode on the back it works in the computor in the back of all patrol cars they can scan you but you cant enter in a building with the image on the front or the barcode on the back its not an employee card for the lieberry or the grocery. Money still has no bar code on it. MOst aggreements such as rental leasing and even buying cars have no bar code at the bottom of the page for you to implement or even sign. Sign away your life the bank still owns it unless you pay with cash who has that kind of money. When you get too confuddled and confused just try to swipe your hand over the scanner trust me on this it will NOT beep. Not yet. But they are working on it. Credit cards even those that require a signature do NOT have bar code on them. here is a couple of copy and past. Websites. Plate glass windows do but most blue plate specials in the diner for dinner dont.

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