Tuesday, August 11, 2009


TexTWRitter ewe.icia Jesus Poem of P P H found on wayside Vibrant emotion detains the unwary as time slips into what some refer to immediatley giving becomes difficult defining expressing through astute observation; additional revelancy by example one assumes ones got it all figured out and yet what monetary value can be placed in doing the kind thing? Jesus Christ! Let me do it. Let me do it. Front page conundrums left over committments after all what must be? Hang time wasted wanted wrong. This poem was written by Patrick Peter Harrington. ed.note.ed TexTWRitter is prounced ritter not writter the w is silent w. FOund on the wayside on a paper written in real ink who decipher on paper blotted weathered outside on the roadside who decided to give credit where credit iff due. Jesus loves you.

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