Friday, December 18, 2009


handwritten for facebook (smile) thrice
I can talk Succintly about knowledgeable subjects OR degenerate into a lot of garbage OR even snort some lies. Write the truth make up a fable or fabricate a title. Work a headline onto the text trash some pages out flip BLogger over. RHyme with OPine generate grounds up with agg shelled nuts peas in pods full of songs of CHristmas will be cold Toasting wicked wax filled glass not glasses. Glasses is plural. Plural for two eye one glass eye say it is a cup OR sauce OR beverage holder dry. Dry without a lid made entirely up of round walls bottom side up make that bottom side down mabe standing up at attendant span wait stop that make that Attention Span MARTHA attendant span makes little hairs stand up all over me Attention span is a better play on words. WOrds into poem poem into picture picture into note. Word play once. Word play twice. Word play Thrice. Handwritten for facebook bye CharlaX Thrice. ed.note.ed SUccintly is INN the notebook I used WORD DOCUMENT to spell check it only proves it. What eye been saying all along CharlaX is a genious.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So what is snow. Its water. H20. A chemical that melts into a river of the stuff. Stuff happens. It can be bad and interfereous for survival. Snow builds up on side of houses even in a good home the snow can cause problems. I returned home to a wet place where dry must be to live. I hurried outside forgetting self in this bizarre attempt to live. The snow was broken already cascading water where a wall of ice had been. I started kicking not madly but importantly like get away from my house you bunch of ice. It was frightening me just because eye do not like to tempt the LORD like Save me now Lord cause im all wet in the snow? So I worked like a Robot methodically removing as much as I dared do. Then back inside to make the bed come true. I started with the sleeping bag nearest the wall of the tent. YES to my horror it was wet. The wettest thing I now own besides the blanket I used to sop the water up. So I did not panick or get sick I started building up the bed the bottom layer the wet one. I took out the red cover that goes on top where the tarp is now instead of. And that worked to make a dry layer so I layed my coat over all of that and layed on top. The good sleeping bag i like to use for cover was still dry for I had left it standing up. So I was now dry and impervious to cold. And that dear friend is how I lived to type this up. This poem fun of LayeredSurvival.

Friday, December 11, 2009


My love for ewe is so great,
it overcomes the sad I get when your away
my heart melts for it 'til the dusk of day.
I arise amidst the snow flies;
The night loves when it's away,
my home is burried like a burroughs, John
poor, homey 'til day's dawn.
I play as long as I can stay inside
Its beauty is great,
no one can see me at all
Wondering mind 'til it sees,
I must get dressed to walk in the snow
homing is all I do,
writing my poems
While waiting for the moment, for it to say "I do."
My love for ewe
My love for ewe

Monday, December 7, 2009


Tell me when eye go too far with your secrets and your finds your trinkets in your mind and I will back off and hide. I can go to the corner hide my mind be alone and whine. Aghast at your forgotten. INterior walls four corners like armour up when a warrior moves into the field he keeps them up with weapons extended flailing at opposing forcing them to give way make headroom. Let me think. Hide in one direction. Like some bizarre byzantine one sided Janus. Smiling out in three directions the frown is only going out away from you. It hurts but only this one person I would never tell you inless it was a poem talking for me telling all the stuff I hide inside my heart away from you its there just building up like rust inside the tin man. But suddenly you find me when the hide comes off the pain is gone again. And then forgiveness comes and eases me. Only iff you find me only iff you come to help me when you stay gone away I hide.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


He wanted to light his bulb so he added length and he needed to make the connector to make the connection from power to grounded so he reached out to his higher power which was his doorknob when nothing happened he was dumbfounded and he said now my light should be well lighted because in touching this metal doorknob makes me grounded. Is your power sourced electric or battery. He was given pause and yet he spoke I have an Electric Shaker it used to hold salt mabe that is what the old salt is causing the bulb to ground out or the to the a salt and battery is gone. What a knockout. It was a flyball to Central field they moved it back to 20 yards and so it fell short in CENTER field you idiot no one calls it Central field, it was almost a home run babe, but the GROUNDER made it a triple play. Bulb to wire to grounded. Grounded.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


FIrst Officer Spock- Captian Kirk- Scotty
Mention of Doctor McCoy
ChickenBones the poem
Captian Kirk : Beam me UP, SCotty. I need some
CHicken, BOnes. I DONT want soup from the replicator SPock. Bring me some TURKEY Meat, Mister. Warp Drive us outer space Check Off the Laundry List SOlo. U hear YOU? This is OH so written in a hurry must be ROttenBerry. Namme them starz on THIS Trek. NO, wait, Cancel that BEam UP SCotty. Eye decided to WAlk its such aN ICe Day. CharlaX five year mission. TO BOldly pen more contemporary poetry then John Glen ever did in History. One step for CharlaX One GIant leap for AndroidKind. GO hit the links play the ORiginal EPisodes of StarTrek while there is still time to find them. Over and Out.