Friday, December 18, 2009


handwritten for facebook (smile) thrice
I can talk Succintly about knowledgeable subjects OR degenerate into a lot of garbage OR even snort some lies. Write the truth make up a fable or fabricate a title. Work a headline onto the text trash some pages out flip BLogger over. RHyme with OPine generate grounds up with agg shelled nuts peas in pods full of songs of CHristmas will be cold Toasting wicked wax filled glass not glasses. Glasses is plural. Plural for two eye one glass eye say it is a cup OR sauce OR beverage holder dry. Dry without a lid made entirely up of round walls bottom side up make that bottom side down mabe standing up at attendant span wait stop that make that Attention Span MARTHA attendant span makes little hairs stand up all over me Attention span is a better play on words. WOrds into poem poem into picture picture into note. Word play once. Word play twice. Word play Thrice. Handwritten for facebook bye CharlaX Thrice. ed.note.ed SUccintly is INN the notebook I used WORD DOCUMENT to spell check it only proves it. What eye been saying all along CharlaX is a genious.

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