Monday, December 7, 2009


Tell me when eye go too far with your secrets and your finds your trinkets in your mind and I will back off and hide. I can go to the corner hide my mind be alone and whine. Aghast at your forgotten. INterior walls four corners like armour up when a warrior moves into the field he keeps them up with weapons extended flailing at opposing forcing them to give way make headroom. Let me think. Hide in one direction. Like some bizarre byzantine one sided Janus. Smiling out in three directions the frown is only going out away from you. It hurts but only this one person I would never tell you inless it was a poem talking for me telling all the stuff I hide inside my heart away from you its there just building up like rust inside the tin man. But suddenly you find me when the hide comes off the pain is gone again. And then forgiveness comes and eases me. Only iff you find me only iff you come to help me when you stay gone away I hide.

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