Tuesday, September 25, 2012

A Proud Prose Paroday of Poe

A Proud Prose Paroday of Poe
Pay attention this is Final lee and important lee endearing lee understanding lee the proud poe paroday
in the informality of the astute students lies the complete substructure of the idea of the teacher tries to reach out to the ones who did NOT understand her as she tries in vain to communicate to the whole class the people who already understood her are at a loss for her rude behavior they are swept away by the ignore they percieve it to be the fault of each one of them is lost inside the winner is the loser now you see it now you dont it is a command performance done once and only once for the crowd a differant way for the Queen Charles is the Dunce in the Tri Cornered Hat he lives in the past he wishes to be the King of all Humanity none of them will ever understand the make up of a man what makes him loves someone so hard as to give up his reason and become mad not angry at his love but jealous of her time her every move tword him becomes his only reality its love its love its what the world is made of green cheese upon the face of the moon and snails and puppy dog tails are trailing thinking of the girl she is sugar she is spice she is love indicated twice what is the price of the ticket to the whitewashed fence the poor broken swollen toe of Tom as he hurries back to Becky he is lifeless till she comes the nicely done idea becomes undone flax in jaded ears the innocent kiss of Tom and Becky becomes the Lurid Sex of the Sawyers in a novella in the science fiction magazine of the Day of Punctuations final approach all the dirty laundry hung upon line by line by line  Edgar CharlaX Poe sweeps his Feathered Quillpen Hat he bows low like a Cavalier Musketeer intent on a paroday of manners meant to convey his complete lack of a formal education intending for the Lady to guess his true definition is she reading love in every line by line by line
breaking here not for lack of an ending eye could write a novel never intending to stop until a thousand pages were used upp but why stretch my lucky streak past the nominal doc iff you need more then eye have given you go back to the topp of this page and start over now can you see the love in every line by line by line Grace had my pen she had my pen today Grace had my pen even an old man can dance it looks indeed like a paroday of dance his feet never move at all he is dancing his legs back and forth never moving his feet he is dancing in his heart

Tuesday, September 11, 2012



This bird was in Heaven. Not on this world. I checked to see iff the sun had made to me a shadow but no there was none. The sun still hidden behind a hill no way to explain away mye miracle. A bird call it Swift came to Earth just to great me and to make me wake up and to speak with its profile large words of love. It turned like a meadow larking or a small bird in flight but my snow bird was still too cold to fly hopping around me she never noticed my Ghostly visitor. Then having delivered its valentime message that bird just dissipated. Gone to quickly to be flying now it was back in the Heaven it came from to deliver the fact that I got the right message. Miracles come they come from the sky to bring us love. What a Valentimes love. Time stopped today thankzx to this wonderful bird TheLeastSwift brought us love. 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

April is NPM 28

April is NPM 28

April is NPM 28
Jack Mueller Pictures, Images and Photos
April is NPM 28
The Mule Three
or two
eye knoe eye wrote a Mule
The Neighbor and the wife ate resplendly for several nights the meat piled on high plastic dishes the next door neighbor now the owner of the mule heard the knock on his back door the woman disappeared then he timidly opened the door to the owner of the mule he wore a look of utter concentration like he had been in some terrible fight within himself may eye come inside the night is long and almost gone who has been here with you eating my poor mule is gone and with that he sat down just where the woman had been all along the plate of plastic half empty witht the mule meat half full with someones love the woman would not face the music was the waltz of grasses green the hay bale unseen just out putt out to feed the missing mule the man sighed then said your life is more important then my mule and then he left without the anger most people have at losing things they love he gave it to the Holy Ghost in love for you see a Christian he becomes his Lord forgiveness uppermost and not the Letter of the Law in fact he never even cried. His love for his Neighbor outweighed his loss. The man and woman became Christians when they saw the mans forgiveness in the parables of Jesus look inside you might find this one in the things that Jesus said. Iff not the words the meaning is the same. this is April is NPM 28.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

April MOnday is NINE

April MOnday is NINE

TravoltaKFC, TravoltaKFC.docxTravoltaKFCJohnnyisCallingThis is Johnny Dark calling for John Travolta : Johnny DarkKFC : yes SIR how may we help you SIR ?Our Restaurant is at your disposal.Johnny Dark : We need a Reservation for 43 people including the MAN himself is coming down. Can you handle it. Clown.KFC : You must be thinking of Mcdonalds now. NO SIR we take no Special Reservations for important people just come as you are.Johnny Dark : Clown. You don�t understand who you are talking to be or not to be that is your Question we cannot frequent your Society without are safeguards will you take $20,000 ??? Speak up, Clown.KFC : Sniff, we are a Chicken Place we get more then that much at our Window every night NO CLOWN am eye eye serve my wings to everyone but old homeless people with no money. WE send our gangs outside to beat him upp. NO CLOWN here you can still call McDonald Ronald.Johnny Dark : We prolley will go find a Burger or Steak place now you missed the Golden Rodded boy of this Century and the Millineum how dare you refuse us service GOOD NIGHT you Chicken eater place. Ed.note.edCLICKthe semblance of a cell phone hanging up was not lost on all of us were looking in the dumpster for the bones of Scientology is gone. One more item for the Record you were NEVER talking to Travolta.

The Day After Easter
HEB is a Heavy Eating Building it is one of a number of chains they have these things in Texas at least the close on Easter is a religious Holiday and no one can get eggs unless they are served them at the Church is where eye went to my surprise eye got FIVE one was a gift eye found it later on the parking lot a yellow color it stood out and mashed up flat inside my coat pocket eye wear the sleeves in the heat to keep the misquitoes from killing me the eggs from inside the Church were mostly greenish blue with hints of purple that eye love but when eye left the bus and then realized the HEB grocery was closed eye saw a Chruches Chicken in the distance and eye decided to go there to get some Chicken. A funny thing happened to me then. One thing was wrong to begin the HEB store was closed on Easter Sunday eye walked the parking lot dejected not understanding the reasons they refused me some food they close every year at this time belongs to them and then Two women drove almost over me as eye left the empty bus stop and tried to walk to Churches Chicken and then they jumped from the car and entered ahead of me to begin with Three things were wrong inside the boys were young and too young to be driving those hot rods out front and they were speaking Mexican too quickly for me to Follow them to the counter and then it happened and eye was in the twilight zone Five things were wrong for eye had tried to be a customer in a Spanish Village where no one wants to feed a White man unless he is a Mexican. Iff this was east LA eye would have the same problem BECAUSE eye am not Negro. YES it is discriminalization and it was very sad for me on Easter Sunday to be rejected they did not hurry they filled the order for the women in front of me much too slowly they placed each chicken in the box much too carefully aware that eye was waiting there to order so eye pretended to be studying the menu eye had selected my choice would have been the FISH combo eye was even going to request the Jumbo upgrade for one extra dollar and get a Coke to go with my food this is why it never happened the boys stopped talking it was just gibberish to me in Spanish and then they all ignored me and eye realized they were not going to serve me Six pieces of FIsh were missing fries were not included no COke with ice eye wanted to SIT DOWN and get the free REFILL was not included eye walked out very very dejected but kept my Five and my One Seven times was eye rejected two boys upon the sidewalk trolling all the bus stops on the low rider bycycles made famous by the gangers they looked like killers and they even spoke like tough men in the movies they said that they would GET ME and so eye hurried onto the very next bus not caring what the number was. Eight things wrong with me today was number nine things over with eye am trying to finish this so eye can go back on the bus to see about getting my important connection cord for the new monitor might be available there also at least they appear to have more of a Selection then the FOod place and Wal Mart crumbled my poor nerves gone now to Best Buy its on the loop eye hope there is somewhere there near to there to eat besides Mcdonalds or KFC BRB children of the mothers ewes that eye still love wish me luck in this Hispanic town of dust. As eye ride my San Antonio SPurless Horse the number nine April poems for NPM in God we Trust upon my dollar and my time. April MOnday is Nine.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012


The Scientist
Off line people work for money they have families and they do things with themselves no one can imagine what eye face unless they face the day alone and homeless is much differant from disgrace or heroism found most people think of crazy old men in card board boxes eye sleep across a fence and eye am trespassing could get arressted and forced into prison for the state is a police state where eye live and try to hide from the street they seldom need the eyes to find they use laptops now with giant WEBCAMS they sense the heat ommitted from the body its why eye hide so well a cold fish not given to much love but only wishing eye had some sneaky snakey pete for you sublimanl message for ewe what eye got baby you want it message is this seek and find it its here for you can you dig it baby sex sex sex number number number mispilled six six six went down my leg and felt so nice and warm like nutz found out can you see the hidden part oh read this sensual feel the burn let it be the one thing you think about adidas like a brand name nerdy in my clothing full of listing want running fingers down my list did you find a place for fingers yet eye did. Lost last list lest looking for the u in lst. Mayan calender Aztreking Nutz not kidding you just hiding this from censorship. Nutz.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Social SOldier

Social SOldier
popEye, popEyepopEye oared his dhinghy on the harbor water of the cove his slicker was repelling. Water all around him a Sailor man. yokyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyak well blow me down. Was telling me how misinformed the public eye began to understand this popEye man. Better as this popEye man told me his simple story he bit down a little harder on his corn cobber pipe stem set his JAW a little firmer near his eye. popEye speaking now Eye have a squint in just one eye call it impedimeant but why they thought eye was weilding open that lidded Spinach can with my pipe eye will never understand this popEye man. His laugh was raucous. yokyakyakyakyakyakyakyakyak well blow me down. Conjuncture at this pointe is coming up. In time the can was Spinach and he held it close up to his eye and he is fast with his can opener and so the kids all thought he used the pipe as it billows and it blows with concentrated effort of the open of this Spinach can this popEye man weigh anchor in my Port of Call ? You bet he can. My popEye man.
Social SOldier
Black white yellow even blue or whiteish mixed upp fetish now anyone can be the Army or Marine. Back in the Day there used to be rules they changed them since then to let fools run life and they will keep getting worser to keep us from coming back like a wire based telephone that has to be plugged into a wall too bad they did not fix the internet like that we still have to have land based wifi. Electrical connections. Phones have small screens too hard for people to connect the free wifi pages or they just do not know how to bring them up to hit the buttons. Seeing only a portion of things and not the whole page. Suddenly age is a factory. They wish to send the boys out to be men. They do not want the men to be again. IN case you have not noticed nothing ever usually changes for the better off. They keep no recorded records now everything is factored by your age when asking for the help of the Government they only help the young and favored Sons. My Friend was a Marine with a bad record and yet he got accepted into an area with housing at least temporary eye hope he is ok sleeping in a real bed with meals provided and eye hope he gets even better someday. My record stinks like a dead fish looked at from the Military Point of View they might decide to kill me on sight of course they really wont and yet they use every other excuse not to help someone who is not a killer. This is the TRUTH. Unless you are as mean as them you will not recieve benifits or social security checks. You who cash such things should now think about this. Mean eyes. I had too much trouble in a work place where eye knew the people and could borrow money to get started there is no way i would ever work now with me being a total stranger to them no one would trust me or help me with a place to stay. Shift Shower and Shave every day is the money way to work for money to allow Satan to rule you just work for the money is God. It has taken the place of us all. Slap two slices of white bread around nothing but catch up to your meat. Pork rinds is not food unless down South of the Border is Taco and Beano burr is colder in the winter now. Iff you read this poem to this conclusion you are wonderful. A person. A reader of poetry the reason for my won existence PEACE. Eye hope you understood the eye in this Poetry. For now Bye Bye.