Friday, December 3, 2010

SevenSadnesses Shaddai.

This is supposed to be the third poem for Hanukkah. Then the fire destroyed my good mood. They went to the end of the Earth to burn the prison guards to death. Do you believe in accidents. Or Fate. They were not numbers on the slate. People died. Jewish people of Israel so sad it seems so hard to just continue with my life for now the poems stop. This Second Day of Candle lighting is for the Memorial of the people who were destroyed today in the Fire of the Carmel. Prison Guards brought in for reinforcement 40 men died. So this the Second Candle is flaming now for them. Three Candles lighted counting a Ninth. The Seventh counting down. We will be still going to the Ninth. Eye only hope the news tomorrow is better somehow. The three lights for the second Day of Hanukkah a seven left the two commemorative.

Eye pictured the Hanukkiah on fire for the men of Israel who died.

SO we close this with one word eye found.


Saturday, September 25, 2010



DO not let one drop of love fall from eyes of love

do not stop love do not stop to cry do not leave my thoughts

or ever leave my heart my heart will turn to stone

as my tears fall from the sky keep always in my heart

you are mye teardrop.-- Darkstone poet

Thursday, September 2, 2010


CharlaX is now Clinicly Depressed
eye am not seeking treatmeant
ey ebelieve that eye am Mentally Ill
but not unstable
Sucidal but not Murderous
not stalking anyone
but only protecting my profile pages
from teh murderer she knoes who she is
please find it in your heart
to never mention my namme again in Cleveland.
eye do profess that eye did never knoe you.
You have killed the love inside me.
and now its only over.

Monday, May 3, 2010


The idea is contrast life is light and dark equals. Nightfall finds me home under the rainfall inside the shelter half at least is dry the part quiet next to me is eye. I do not understand this life eye do not want to lose the love eye found her. And so eye hug this hillside not in vain not caring where eye get my food from what city now eye inn. Iff people grow they grow up ugly they seldom ever change to Jesus found me now eye see but them was blinding me. Eye can tye a cravat eye can fold an ascot tie the long ties over handed make the not to eye appearing rich like purchase coffee in conviviance. Eye forgot the Windsor knot the knot the namme the knot is easy take the longor tie it over the smaller end it pull it make it even then. Dress and cutt the beard to look. Mince no steppes. Walk the man of GOD. The monk upon mye backe. Several things occurances. The line in has to turn green signalling to eye have the electricity needed to power this green lanterns ring. Then the plug has to be seated as eye sit and complete the connection has to be wireless and logged inn. This can be a problem in some coffee shoppes they charge you overmuch just to take a seat space up. Then eye must have the number or the namme of this great internetted beast. Oh please suddenly eye freeze. Is it worth the hassles the looks the utter rude. Pardon us SIR butt you stink where did you just come from OH COLORADO you say well OH WELL just pay for the place to sit the electricity and the time we need your dime. Pay up refills free stay as long as you want. PAY UPP. But please do not hurry up leave at your own conviviance.

Saturday, April 3, 2010


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It all started when eye was born. The DOctor said my lipps was wrong. That is just sick and wrong he said then slapped my last thing out but hit mye cheeks instead. He saw that eye had turned around to go back inn. He said he was sorry he had to use those forceps things to get me out of there again. Its okay MOther is dead she will never read this anyway. A man at Mcdonalds not understanding whay this old gray head man was in his play area for children there said "weirdo" as iff that was not enought he said "weirdo" again he said it twicet. Some Mother down the line said What is that OLD MAN doing back here ??? as iff it was a crime. Eye utilize the free wifi connection there is a plug in there for my Dell Laptop they act like they do not knoe what a computor does or is for this old man plans on doing his thing now for one solid month this is poem two of the April poem a day challenge. There will be 30 or 31. The rude they was number two was the boy and girl stepped up on the sidewalk to play with this old man was coming faster now on bicycle. The rude is that they deliberate got up there in the way expecting me to crash this bicycle thing or get out of THERE way eye closed mye eye and hang on and yelled them over get out of mye way. It was horrible near missed the miss. The boy was angry eye could tail. He wanted to cream mye puff. Oh well. There is lots of things in world called gobbelygook. Mispeak and misstalk. NO appealing remarks resembeling terminating resignations severance payed is gone. Like this number two April is Poetry Month day two poem.

Monday, March 22, 2010


A Conversation with CharlaX
Upon rising from the ground you see the Jesus frown. He starts to ask you lots of question boy you are in trouble now. Judgemeant come. So you ask the LORD what about the internet are mye poems still there can they be found at Poetrypoem now? He says "whats that"? why ask ME about that. It took me several hours to forgive you for signing in that account with a number and a namme. Almost the mark of the beast the 666 see eh??? Just be glad it does not count it was not the Mark eye was talking about and as Jesus says this you breathe a sigh of relief and chillout. All of that is over now Heaven is about. The least of these forgiven the darkest deeds now covered by the bloodshed of this forgiving Jesus who is Judgeing dead both great and small of statue is not emulated charlax ignored the fame of the world for becoming poor made me richer up there. Ignore your sins ignore your daily sufferings. Listen to the Jesus in your heart and hang on to all your loves in real life there is one. Hoping now for all of you the same things that eye feel its true the ewe is love for eye. Eye am thankfull today that mye new solataire game tells me when eye am stuck or eye maight not have ever figured it out another last thought. When we read all our poems back someday in memory will we miss one the one we never wrote the big one the whale that got away. NON non nope. Its this one eye hope.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010





As an unperfect actor on the Irish Emerlaude Parade stage,
Who with his SHot GLass is put beside his BarStool,
Or some fierce Toast replete with too much rage comes wending,
Whose strength's abundance weakens his own heart with his own shout;
So I, for fear of fighting, forget to say the toast reply

The perfect ceremony of love's rite is too reply to toasting,
And in mine own love's strength seem to decay the answer to this toast is found,
O'ercharg'd with burthen of mine own love's might May the Heaven Expect YOU SIR a few moments before the Deviol knows that you are dead. .
O! let my looks be then the eloquence from this drunken Toaster
And dumb presagers of my speaking breast still trying to remember just what it was he said,
Who plead for love, and look for recompense,amiss he must have said almost the same thing that eye replied :

May the Devil not ever know your namme ladd;
More than that tongue that more hath more express'd far better then mere human worth can gild it.
O! learn to read what silent love hath written in reply:
To hear with eye belongs to WilliamIrishCharlaX and this drunken toaster at the barrs fine Irishman Parade.................

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


loss like using nota for note and enlace for link the user page may be in a foreign placed but translation of the fittest marks us all on facebook its a free for all the walk away from door was hard the bar was beckon only once then resistance came from inner sanctum modium home was early drift was gone the hill exposed to elemental decay has come the heart twice bitten quite shy the laminated credit card is dry gonna buy that mockingbird a ring gonna hide beneathe its wing gonna singe the hide away in spring what differance does it make when people get the christmas story garbled and all wrong the Jesus family Mother May eye Mary and her Joseph had no wagon anyhow they rode EgYptian Camels no saddles only blocks to steppe upon my stomach eats the food eye give it makes a nothing later when no more is proffered in it eye get so hurtfull when she slurs me cause its love real love it hits me harder then intended she meant to make depression not at all she has no guile she is made out of love Jesus may forgive me after all just cause eye love her so

Monday, February 8, 2010


The Truth Part One

Okay. The Bible makers make it clear really clear but men refuse to learn to leave intact them scriptures in the back of the Book of Revelations. They always make them new transliterations iff them scriptures altar words them meanings definitions. The Bible is very clear on the Book of Revelations. The Book of Revelations comes with a caveat at the end complete with admonitions it plainly says do not altar this book as it is written is the way GOD wants us to read it as a Literal Interpretation. What it says is what is meant no hidden Spiritual meanings. That also Zarathustra no taken out of convex applied to modern times. Teachers itching with ears reading scriptures then they close this book of the Bible and they take a deep breathe and then they Spoke. Okay now here is what the Bible REALLY means. And thats the spew about the lies brought forth about the serial number on a Dollar Bill becoming GOD. First of all lets get it right the first time then I will explain just like a teacher in part two what is this confusion ... to receive a MARK (666sic(k) upon the hand or upon the forehead...Cain was marked. He bore a MARK to advertise the fact that he had killed his Brother Abel. I say do not waste your time in Heaven look for Abel there do not bother GOD looking there for Cain. The 666 sick mark of the beast is a real physical MARK upon UPON UPON emphasis is mine sayeth the CharlaX ed.note.ed upon the hand or forehead VISIBLE to others allowing your entry into the Market indeed someone without this MARK cannot enter to buy bread or sell eggs foo young. This is part one.

Monday, February 1, 2010


Snow inn teh mourning. Killing snoe is hard but sun works all day in the hours available to render the snow harmless and turn it to molecular destructor the snoe however never wants to die and forms water to hide it melts and runs off this is the story of snow. Snoe is almost eternal. Hovering in its structure in the before dawn it waits anticipating the change it knoes it will soon melt and form the water needed for the ice to come. Howsomeever it seems as iff forever has come for snoe is there hard not willing now to die it shuns the coming of the day seems far away and snow is ready to be snoe until the judgemeant comes which is usually the day star rising next unless its cloudy. Snow can fall again but usually its rain mixed inn the water rules the dry earth needs it. Ice mixed with fire fell on EgYpt inn the Bible day it was so long ago perhaps will happen inn the future come to snoe. When the pre dawn snow is there in groups of towers pillars and posts it lays in groups no one snoe is viable on its own its just a flake it does not harm the passerby awake he looks at all the combining flakes and says how pretty is the snow to jake. The take on snow is this it reminds me of the classroom bliss the way the entire class is only made of flakes we kiss but not the teacher. Snow in the middle school day. SHe is only smelling with her nose the snow is hiding odors in the wool the candles make a noise they clash with sense they make the wonder come of snoe imagine this what did Noah and his family smell like on the Ark eye bet life stinks like sheep and cattle even otter kinds of animals will smell in snow come down to stay too long the snoe not the smell can change with clothes the flake has won the odor gone the nearer night and lower temp will make the man smell better than a drake a loon a gander at the moon has come again the candle lit the snow at evening in the night is cold until the snoe wakes up the mourning come. SNOe.


Snow inn teh mourning. Killing snoe is hard but sun works all day in the hours available to render the snow harmless and turn it to molecular destructor the snoe however never wants to die and forms water to hide it melts and runs off this is the story of snow. Snoe is almost eternal. Hovering in its structure in the before dawn it waits anticipating the change it knoes it will soon melt and form the water needed for the ice to come. Howsomeever it seems as iff forever has come for snoe is there hard not willing now to die it shuns the coming of the day seems far away and snow is ready to be snoe until the judgemeant comes which is usually the day star rising next unless its cloudy. Snow can fall again but usually its rain mixed inn the water rules the dry earth needs it. Ice mixed with fire fell on EgYpt inn the Bible day it was so long ago perhaps will happen inn the future come to snoe. When the pre dawn snow is there in groups of towers pillars and posts it lays in groups no one snoe is viable on its own its just a flake it does not harm the passerby awake he looks at all the combining flakes and says how pretty is the snow to jake. The take on snow is this it reminds me of the classroom bliss the way the entire class is only made of flakes we kiss but not the teacher. Snow in the middle school day. SHe is only smelling with her nose the snow is hiding odors in the wool the candles make a noise they clash with sense they make the wonder come of snoe imagine this what did Noah and his family smell like on the Ark eye bet life stinks like sheep and cattle even otter kinds of animals will smell in snow come down to stay too long the snoe not the smell can change with clothes the flake has won the odor gone the nearer night and lower temp will make the man smell better than a drake a loon a gander at the moon has come again the candle lit the snow at evening in the night is cold until the snoe wakes up the mourning come. SNOe.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Joy luck over lake

no man can relate to life

define life in sky


Joy luck over lake

no man can relate to life

define life in sky

Monday, January 18, 2010


When younger then them older and older then the younger then them elder there is youngest stay away from older have the say. Say wisdom to the eldest say wisdom to the older keep wisdom from the younger. You do not have the wherewithall to make completeley a blanket statement like that irrelevant posthumously accepted fixed now into memory for the future generations accountable for your own actions at puberty is usually at age fourteen. Enjoin a fighting Army at age eighteen. Become a drunk at age twenty one. Marry a woman at the age of forty two. Become a poetical genious at the age of fifty five then add them all together to get the AgeofCharlaX done. One hundread fifty years of living crammed into just one lifetime is too much for any man too take half-heartedly it must be seriously considered then redeveloped into consternation of self-disipline of exercise the diet modification into intelligent reversal rereevaluation of the limits of the finite mind. We all age at differant times. Well now. Thats deep. It depends a lot on your background and upbringing pointofviews. You can not go beyond what you have been taught iff not at the University level likeasto Cornell then perhaps the lessor School of Inventory. Cool. And How. Did you arrive at this conclusion? well sir; I added two and two together. The answer is four unless you are doing the New Math then the answer is five. I am not sure how they arrived at this figure it out later, Chief. AgeofCharlaX.


When younger then them older and older then the younger then them elder there is youngest stay away from older have the say. Say wisdom to the eldest say wisdom to the older keep wisdom from the younger. You do not have the wherewithall to make completeley a blanket statement like that irrelevant posthumously accepted fixed now into memory for the future generations accountable for your own actions at puberty is usually at age fourteen. Enjoin a fighting Army at age eighteen. Become a drunk at age twenty one. Marry a woman at the age of forty two. Become a poetical genious at the age of fifty five then add them all together to get the AgeofCharlaX done. One hundread fifty years of living crammed into just one lifetime is too much for any man too take half-heartedly it must be seriously considered then redeveloped into consternation of self-disipline of exercise the diet modification into intelligent reversal rereevaluation of the limits of the finite mind. We all age at differant times. Well now. Thats deep. It depends a lot on your background and upbringing pointofviews. You can not go beyond what you have been taught iff not at the University level likeasto Cornell then perhaps the lessor School of Inventory. Cool. And How. Did you arrive at this conclusion? well sir; I added two and two together. The answer is four unless you are doing the New Math then the answer is five. I am not sure how they arrived at this figure it out later, Chief. AgeofCharlaX.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Red and white checkered table clothes each table set with candleabras like abra cadabra all in rows all in the throws of aisles of gay paryee lovers in this night. Each Calliope table has a linen nappy stainless ware of chinese docent plate and glass is usually the tumbler acrobatic baskets full of bread some of the richer near the rear are full of cheeses. Squared Red and White Calliope Wine decantered near the entree SCORED the total BILL $$$ ??? Signatory taken !!! ; the Chef de Matre d is shaken. He amuses all his staffed as he shakes his sad and says I do not recognize that MAN. Again, the coat is familiar, ah, but the hair they all wear it that way is fashionable, but not quite long enought to be Italian, he looks American, but how, but how does he knoe how to SIGN for his bill, non, LET HIM GO! It just has to be okay, thats all. Avec, tres bon, Merci. Then the musick was played free, nongratis, as well as all the food consumed by Calliope for the ladies smile was plenty amours in French or Spanish it is all the same to them at Calliope love is just religion. Chit has already been accepted chit is taken. Bon Mot. Bon Appetite.Calliope

Friday, January 8, 2010


I light candles I cross sticks outside mye new doorway to the tent its warmer now at night butt dark. I try not to feel anything at all I want to survive I need to LIVE I am no good to anyone unless I can live and survive. Depression is held in abeyance. Inn a bubble of survival A tent in the wilderness. I dare not think of her at all. Or I will cry. Or I will miss her too many. I could even die uncertain of mye future now. I do one more day of mye time. It is torture. Passing the time dressing undressing dressing boots pulled them on then pulled them off again. Inn a strang paroday of humane life. Les Misery, cutt off from online systematic memories I find nothing butt a mechanical RObotic function. I dare not drink the water here or anything but coffee when I go into the town I drink Coffee found around when home; I drink carbonated water in those plastic 2 Liter Bottles. I function often on a Primative level I SUFFER like the GOD before me this Jesus whom I study. He watches over me with ANgel wings and SWords drawn this way and that way against mye enemy the dark night out there in the snow outside mye tent it lurks it waits it anticipates. Jesus keeps it all intact for me in the day while I am gone disecting a Town for food and clothing to bring back to mye shelter my self-imposed Prism cell of bizzaro life. As I contemplate the explainnation of mye life story as I write. And so I write. DearDiaryToo.