Sunday, November 30, 2008

The Invisible Email

The Invisible Email
Spam Or Massage Er Message
The Invisible Email
The Invisible Email
They can not see it or feel it but everyone knoes its there in the inbox when you are trying to move every thing quickly and oh so tired at the end of mye day you hurry up and then you notice too many glitches there seems like something in the way. Eye emale every one an invisible email at the end of mye day. It’s not xxx rated or anything bad after all eye have a PG rated website and there are children in Dads inbox gleefully attempting fate moving and losing all his emails in the fun of end of day. Some stolid scholars have only numbers on there folders 1 into the 99 kind. They may find that all the numbers on this day are just the same one over and over until madness almost strikes the clay frame of the house is made in images of Zen the lady and the man with many children wins the Homeric bronze statues of limitations within the inbox you begin to see a pattern there is one email that is absent it is the only one eye sent. It is quite invisible it slips in between the others into each and every line particale and crack. It simply says "eye am tired dear eye want you to massage my back." Or quite simply once again it says "Eye am tired dear and eye want you to message me back." You must decide quickly now the day is draining light away from fixtures in the ceilings everywhen the light is failing and the darkness draws too close and the emails miss the folders they were marked for. Eye meant no harm just an Alien at work just making one last try at reaching hearts. Please love your children more than you love the computer that you all treat like god. Instead of snapping at the little creatures try understanding what it’s like to want to grow up to be Daddy in a single night. And to be like Mother type type type. They get tired before they mess the inbox up you can still thank me for this for every other message in the blankness spaces still says this inbetween the emails in your inbox it says this "Eye am tired and all the children need a kiss and off to bed to rest and every now and then you can see this message now and then in between the lines inside your inbox in the night. Invisible in light.


Money Miricles
I had a good five a new one one with the colors and the FIVE5 on the back a super looking color mabe Purple or even black. The new Ten has a Big 10 in the corner and colors on the front but the 10 on the back is green or even black. A new bill or an old one but eye hesitated to cash it as new money or old money is hard to get and keep it eye then searched for diligence in mye pocket only to find none as eye did not seem to have the one dollar bill needed for the bus SUN TRAN. So as eye was walking 2 Wal-Mart with mye Pea Brain affixed to mye problem eye found an old style FIVE5$$$$$dollarsbill. Now transformed and renewed as to just what eye should do. WE pause now for a station break news at eleven was postponed until ONE p.m. NEWS FLASH. FLASH. All the news that’s printed. The idea of spending this new find got me two cups of coffee at the senior discount price only one dollar was needed for the Sun Tran Bus Ride. Eye still have the JUST in case eye need it transfer in mye wallet. My only problem today at all was a man a devil a boy on the bus he acted so tough and tough guy in the lieberry he has tattoos on his tattoos he is so billy goat gruff pretending to be a student but eye knoe that he is not he is just doing time high on some sort of drug much a larger body man than me why he could even beat me up butt he was talking to himself upon this Sunday mourning Bus Ride he was saying things at me or that is what my Super Hearing indicated this is why eye wear that Bog Red S upon mye chest. Eye got off the bus expecting him to follow eye was preparing for a fight eye have been the recipient of many times but no he dissed me and stayed on the nice warm bus ride. Such punches but instead eye gathered food for several days of lunches my duffle is so heavy eye can barely lift it up it’s a blessing on my poor house intended to be seem. NOW gentile reader ewe decide this is what eye said out loud on the bus ride to NO one in particular a man is speaking out loud UNLESS he has a cell phone ON he is just talking to himself. He must be insane or on his many kind of drug there is lots of crazies inn this place. NOW almost eye am inside the lieberry on this Sunday before Lunch. More News At Eleven. @ 11:A.M.

Saturday, November 29, 2008


Page I
Up late eye slept in the rainshelter in the field. My new boots are way too large for mee they won’t mold to my feet. The boots are too huge or my feet too small. It rained on the way to the store eye used a poncho to stay dry some more. Eye got three small cups from the sample pot they make for the customers sake. Eye went to the carwash but found nothing not a nickel or a dime. Eye stopped at Burger King and opened up the dumpster doors they put some burger meat that has been cooked and bread buns raw. NO pickles lettuce mayo just a naked buns. So eye made TWO burgers that way dry for my breakfast treat. Eye got one dollar forty six p from the pennie machine in FrYes walked then to the Wil-Mot Avenue there is a bread place there eye got one loaf so long. Eye went to the pennie fountain to look for some change there was none. Eye have a bad cursing habit but eye do try to stop it sometimes it just flies. A man pulled up alongside me in front of eye he rolled down his window unhurriedly he pulled a twenty dollars bill from a wallet full a nice car it was too. Eye will deviate this postulate. Either it was a downgrade from one hundread which is okay by me or an upgrade from the five he had intended to give eye still okay by eye. Eye choose the latter why no matter. But let me tell ewe that five $$$$$ would have made me happy for it would have meant the bus ride and hide later. Eye saw the falcone at the end of my day not once but twice he flew up to show me his wings then sat in the tree until eye came out then he followed me all around the field. Eye have decided not to tame him he will die in freedom a wonderful part of GOD. A wonderful Bird he was to me swooping near to let me see his wings and gliding up to tree. That Falcone Hawke is a small piece of mye mended heart. For ewe has set me free never to have a real heartache again at the hands of cruel evil women. She has promised just to love me and eye believe her. Eye went into FrYes Grocery Store and when eye left eye had bologna and lots of Tonic water that eye like a lot. While eye was waiting for the BUS a lady from the work came to go to home then people came from the Church and gave to us some sacks with food and water some a gift from GOD. We all said thankzx a lot and lots of Bless ewes all around. It was nice a real Thanksgiving Day only one note of sadness did eye see. Eye made several places in the field to stay dry out of the rain and then eye got my old boots out of the dry wash where they lay more nearly in my size of foot are they and then eye remembered to pen this ode to Turkey Day in the alcove at the Church eye lay and almost finished now, eye went to put this in an emale for the ewe but wait perhaps Tomorrow will not work at all the time too short in the Downtown one so the next day then at the Science Place eye love eye have the money for the bus paid for by GOD.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Holiday Traveler

Holiday Traveler
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Millicent from Milwaukee Wisconsin was using the library computer trying to adjust her schedule to actually catch her flight home her collage is in ROME. Tommy Thompson is in Albuquerque trying to get back home to Texas, Nome. The notion of travel upsets most people and they swallow too much Dramamine in quantities not meant to be consumed they leave the shelter of the dome depending way too much on average Joes as such as cab and hack motivators in a non controlled zone using money as a buffer as they roam to assure the certainty of connecting to the airport dome. Sholom waved shalom at Kiev airport and he will wave shalom when he returns as Solomon. Cindy Breckinridge cooked a turkey at her home and stayed there with the turkey frozen partly in the oven cooked on one side so her husband could have some. Little Johnny apple seeded all the trees in TerryTown and walked another mile with that silly iron pot upon his top. Charlax rode his bus to kill the time he has his pass his November usage paid from GOD. Thanksgiving time come.

Monday, November 24, 2008


CarryherBirdP & Cpigeon+carrier Eye told the daughter to tell the mother to put her cage up higher on the ladder and open up the door and place a sprig of olive like the dove carried on the Ark of Noah eye caught a pigeon in the park and fed him with care near a sprig of olive in his lair he thinks that it is home. He flew to close to homeless in the park wings fluttering in an effort to depart the tender arms that caught and held the carrier of my notes. Eye crafted a leg band that will not hurt the creature but is secure to carry one small note of love to ewe for eye <3 ewe. Eye climbed the Turtle Hill so far away from home and released the Dove in the direction of her home with many coos and clicks eye told him not to stop until he sees the cage upon the ladder there to land inside beside the olive stick there bare and budding green and loving he will find it never fear. The Jet Stream carries him. Upon the leg of pigeon fast the note incased in a capsule made of glass stuck with a Velcro’s fastener not a pin or cruel device but love hath carried this my artifice to ewe. Upon the morrow eye expect to see the Pigeon ici with her answer in the aurallet upon the pigeon leg with no regret eye read the note it says simply I Luv U B OK. My note to her was shorter saying EYE <3 EWE today.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Black Gun
Eye put grease in my holster so thin the leather squeaked and snapped the tie down cut into my jeans and missed my leg the handle of the pistol butt was angled up to fit my palming hand. The trigger was half cock to let me decide eye can thumb the gun to make it spit or eye can put the hammer down in just one click. Eye can spin the thing like a Cowboy at a show but eye never did. Eye walked in the shadows with a black gun tied. Eye let fate decide the devil and a break would tell and then the gun fell from my hand. They buried me with that holster on my hip the gun they tossed under a passing ship. One day the grave was gone just empty like. The sheriff paused and swiped and wiped his face was hot near the passing tide. He was afraid that eye would get that black gun sometime. That man had sworn to see me dead but he was scared when eye told him eye was coming again. The good lord and Justice on my side. Eye jumped in the River and went for a swim in the grim black water to look for the rim of a pistol grip. In the murky fathoms it struck me to the quick that eye was not a human man in this risen life thing. For the water was deep but eye did not need to breathe as eye closed my palm on the handle of the black gun eye began to sing. A life for a life a man is still a king. A long way to Heaven when there is work to do. One man living in the killing that he do. One man making one more try at the Justice of this life. You see they shot me in the shadows without a sound of advice. No warning it was just not fair. A rattlesnake rattles a little bit there in the shadows before he bites. A Sherriff who is a bad man just steps a little to the right and hides behind a barrel and then fights. He was there standing near the spot where he saw me dive in. Eye stepped out of the shadows and then stepped a little to the right and got behind a barrel near the shoreline. Eye raised that black gun and then eye shot him.

Apology Of Superman

Apology Of Superman

Apology Of Superman
Come on you’se guys it’s not my fault that eye am a alien I’m not from around here. Eye am an alien like ALF. So what? Eye have super powers. Big Deal, my family was smart enought to find a planet with a yellow sun to relocate me to a place with a Metropolis; A big apple of a city with the only JOB someone like me could ever want ewe see eh? Eye have this old typewriter in my office, and do lots of reporting on Criminal Cases. Its true ewe eye was in a movie once with The Three Stooges. The Atomic Bomb went off did not even muss my hair not even touch the tuft that always hangs down in front, ewe can not believe how many combs eye have broken trying to get that part straight. Eye only had a cameo appearance. ® The Adventures Of Superman was my best TV show. Once on my television show the producers were inviting ridicule they were writing a part for me that did not come out just write. My Super Suit got wet and stayed that way for quite some time until later in the story it was somehow suddenly back to normal. This Author of THIS story this viewer of this segment of this Superman Adventure was actually astonished galling at the screen the suit should have been impervious to water. The real Superman would not have gotten wet at least not his Super Suit itself is what eye always said. And let me just apologize now in 1953 they lacked the technology to edit out the WIRES that supported me to make it look like eye was flying in your sky oh earthlings. Eye do apologize.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Angels ThanX

Angels ThanXServer Error in '/' Application.The Angel Is A StarA Prayer From a PrayerEye prayed and blessed the namme of GOD for those of you who do not knoe his namme he took from all the ones he has his namme is Jesus Christ for the Father must be Jesus and the Spirit of the Risen. As eye was praying eye heard the Devils arguing together they could attack me when eye lay for eye am weak involved in praying this is what they said of eye. He is a Saint. Eye heard this and then wondered why a sinners’ what eye am but saved in grace of namme the Holy namme of Jesus fame. Then eye got my miracle a Star came out from behind the sky just at the moment eye pressed my hands in the manner of a Holy Prayer. It must have been mye Angel there come out to see me to watch over eye believe in GOD above with Angels all the rest of it and even Heaven come. Today eye took some time to thankzx him once again just for the blessings of my table now eye challenge all mye readers of this Fabel please ewe just be thankfull this was a prayer from a Prayer.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


Eye could wear prescription perscription glasses and look like all the teachers that ewe ever had rolled up in eye. Eye could kiss you once for every day on the calendar as you roll your eyes and use your colander to make us lunch. Its neither antonym or synonym but adjective inflection call it symellacrom. Local used as person He is a local yokel. Local used as place. He IS local. He is a local in a near locale. He is a locality of one a symellacrom. New word see eh??? Symellacrom. Eye before see and a e eye oh ewe. HAHA what a symellacrom sentence sentance. Y befor e eye los e a lot thy dropp thy plop thy run and hid. Ant Aunt Ante Aunty. Jaunty was mye Aunty til the Ant bit mye Aunty so she upped the Ante thinking Ant bite was a sign an omen of the amen kind. She pulled in the pot. The lot. The table top cried so near naked now. Put back the pot upon mye top the table cried. It was covered. It was hot. It was a lot. Of pot. On the table top. She drew another ace from the lace top upon her top she tossed her cookies down and ate the lot. Aunty ante cookie for a chip chocolate poker card. You can have some chocolot. A symellacrom is chocolot. Leader of the Presidant President Line Leader Leader of a Troop Leader of the Scout Leader of the Line without. Leader of the class is Teacher of the class is lender of the books to nooks to tabletops pots where Aunty lives with local teacher calendars’ and colanders of chocolot. Be glad mye gentile reader ewe did not see mee typing chocopot a symellacrom not.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


When a person reads items on a list and they can see both items there is a part one item and a part two item they can decide to read the first part first no this is not a test but a word play in the world there is always better and best they simply have decided to make it the haves and the have nots. The first part first the part that you have decided to keep is the part that will be tossed out the part that you toss out now is the part that will be kept then there is a byte of information in every letter in this word. The first part first taken and salted added to wine breaded not lamented until the end of time. Eye loved a woman so what so did Saint Peter eye heard he was a Martyr so what He was a Christian. So he was a Crucifixion they can do it only once. He is the Leader of a Hebrew tribe in Heaven now. Eye just want to be inside the door. Perhaps the love will happen first we will sell the poem story we will make a lot of money so eye can pay the rent. Perhaps the day will come when eye am old enough to join Peter they will take my head to Jesus and then my body after. Then she will lament the fallen soldier dead in battle thantos held his hand for one brief moment between this world and the next. But get the first part first the test the days of degradation as they fill the cup of wrath up yonder as they make the Lord that made me angry that He lets them when the final day of Judgment comes to Mordor eye will behead them one by one. With a real glowing sword of spirit and of truth and no one will allow them to be raised then from the dead to be my enemy to hurt a JESUS is to die a thousand deaths to put the first part first.





So the fisherman stands up in the boat
and the people on the shore ask him
He is pouring out a bucket
He is pouring out the lot
He says he is just deleting all his spam
He is spamming in the Lake
His namme is Jake.
Soon all the water will be gone
It takes far too long
For so many spam e-things
To dissolve
They tend to multiply
When in the water
They are in love.


Poor people seldom can repay the worldly goods they receive from others they repay it in a different way. Indirectly with a compliment. Rapacious to a fault and so annoying they can be it must be why homeless people stay that way they stay upon the street. Drugs have hurt them fights that they could not avoid cowards jumping from behind criminals doing crime all these things annoy a homeless person some can you not find the similarity of self just press your thumb onto the flesh and try to feel the bone that’s underneath the dress that GOD hath clothed us with you have them bones the same as homeless does. The next time that you bang your elbow get an ow eee Crikey! Think what a beating on someone’s face must be like to them if you can feel some pain just on your arm a little bit. Please change the way you think and act to others of your race the human kind of pacing back and forth to wait for something then you stub your toe and understand the pain of others please don’t let them go away with out some food and clothes today. A girl no names or area to tell she left me bleeding there took a saw blade knife and opened up my leg because eye took some money from her life it was only ten p surely not too not many not worth a fight. Eye was drinking wine that day in a public park. Stood there and took it until the ambulance came they stapled my leg called it an emergency and eye crazxy. They took me to the Mental Ward of the Insanity Hospital of the City eye found myself face down on the gurney with a rather large finger inserted just for health purposes of course they said they have to check my health. Eye found myself having to explain the wound upon my leg a GIRL eye said she done this to me. Are you sure that you did not do it yourself. Two WEEKS later they released the eye back to the street eye never had a bed in that place the whole time eye was in the front room just wandering around picking up food sometimes and sitting at tables that had nothing on them just a near chair for a hard place to sit eye did a lot of sitting and pacing and my leg it was knit. So the next time you see a homeless on the street have some pity please and think differently. When eye stopped drinking eye stopped crying over her or fingering the scar on the pavement. My GOD JESUS forgives her the blood on my leg was the PaymentTt.

Monday, November 17, 2008

A Poets Worth

A Poets Worth
A  Poets Worth
A  Poets Worth
Something changed inside of me back into the darkness wrong direction taking some of love away with it to make me less a person in the manner of my love. Worth less than ever eye was. Eye look at these people these computor users as they read emails and watch movies and never touch the keyboard near the papers and the books it’s just for looks as some of them sit and stare brain dead at the silver screen not even eating lunch how do they stay so clean when did they shower when did they munch. They are otherwise so smart and worth so very much. They have attitude and hearts some of them even have the love the bible mentions all the time. But they fail at faith of GOD when they refuse to love the old man the Poet in the corner typing this so fast and furious in his delivery hoping for a later date endeavor then to publish this non static crinkle paper words made up upon the page as if they mean the grave will come if they are gone. There is a hurricane all around me but in the center is the eye. Fortunes are amassed to further civil wars to build up civilizations then to render them as useless as sea expanse of grass with nothing grazing in the sky no birds go by but bye away they leave post haste in ipso facto delineation forgotten like the can of soup eye left in Mississippi near the road the spoon a real one left there stuck eye bet it hardened in the sun eye bet they tried to pull it out thinking there was food without the Kingdom come of Arthur he would call the spoon Excalibur and place it in his scabbard near the wide expanse of grass. A bit of aging flesh. A poets worth of words.

SAVE eye

SAVE eye
Eye have no doubts that you can save me
So save me now so eye can thank you
Later when the pressures gone
And there is blue and clear no wrong
When the need for saving lessons
And the need is not so there
The mountain gone

Sunday, November 16, 2008


Bad rap other culture other idea not Negro but Red mon on a Saturday today upping the thinking to include wondering not helping making plan of missing ride and moving shelter to the side. It was like this it went like this it came to me like this he walked his hard old walk and neared the bus stop he came to tell me news of some bad kind but nothing neared my heart of it except his incarcerated lady friend eye of course eye did eye felt so bad for that and all eye said is THIS IS A BAD PLACE yes. For that. The Negro came to me from the other side to warn me of the possibility that no bus was forthcoming near me that mabe it was just this Saturday ride that was missing me and so they both walked on. But it gave me the desire to write this song. The Indian had TEN and wanted THIRTY more. The NEGRO had no song. He was the nicer one. He helped me to decide to walk then find my other ride. The Indian felt sorry that no one buys. His stringged beads aside he was taking a loss they were worth much more than TEN but then he must take what he can THESE BEADS THESE BEADS THESE BEADS he said are worth ONEHUNDREAD each string was strung by hand by the lady friend this last part eye surmised not said but strongly was implied. SO you want to be a poetry poet writer. It’s not that hard to write a story why do you want to make them rhyme with special inflections and misspellings it makes the real people whine. Why a poet anyway all the good ones are dead. SO eye walked two long city blocks in the wind but no rain and it was nicer than L.A. is today. Late.

Thursday, November 13, 2008


He just does not understand the limits in the boxes of the programs he responds a certain way according to the Texas sizing system that’s always bigger is the better way. We make them rather large out here in Dallas land. A Ten gallon Hat is covering a carapace head of small dimensions and beady little eyes too close together myoptic and pretended. His FULL SCREEN computer has a keyboard the size of his piano. He slams each letter on the screen one after the other like a drunk prize fighter. When he tried to make a picture in the Windows paint program he types the numbers in the little boxes way to high for the programmed paint to assimilate and then he sends his emails out of hotmail to complain to Billy Gates at MSN he tells them over and over again they just can’t do what he wants done as he pulls the drinks out of his Gallon and a half flagon of Cheaper Whiskey and he cries real long tears both twice the size of normal men. They flagged his hotmail account many years ago and all his email falls out somewhere in the snow over Wyoming. They monitor the impact to test the new devices in the hotmail invoices it says Yeah for Texas. He does not smoke but he is so preoccupied his ears burn a little bit on each side. He gets so drunk that when he walks he wonders why the ground don’t shake why don’t them mountains fall. His check is cashed each month in an automated stall he signs his money at the liqueur store. A queue is formed in the middle of the day near his tailor where they make his hats. They wonder how he keeps his lid on. They said he has fourteen wool caps of differing velocity to make the necessary spacing to fit the Ten Gallon Hat so he can wear it out. Have you ever asked a drunk to explain his life. He says to all of us like this "eye am a six gun toting hat wearing side winding long legged arm twistering long winding Ten Gallon Hat wearer." Belching like a air sieve he says "eye am a MSN entity.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008



Eye begin to ponder weak and weary in my alter ego as eye decided to make a poem on this my veteran day intended to relay the fact that they the enemy mine were veterans and people too. What does that have to do with America you ask me this it means a lot to ewe. IN Germany In 1918, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day in the eleventh month, the world rejoiced and celebrated. After four years of bitter war, the Allied powers a signed a cease-fire agreement (an armistice) with Germany at Rethondes, France on November 11, 1918, bringing World War I to a close. The "war to end all wars" was over. This free poet was enjoined at a time of the Vietnam Conflict and eye missed COMBAT there by two months of time the President Nixon signed the Peace Agreement to end the Troops movement just before eye was scheduled to end my basic training. Eye used to joke that GOD my JESUS had ended the war so eye did not have to be there.
This is the day we honor the missing in action. In my country they fly planes over the Unknown Soldiers Tomb. Thanzkx you fly boys eye always say that’s me in there. Eye am the unknown soldier. On May 8, Churchill and US President Harry S Truman declared V-E Day, Victory in Europe. Cheering throngs packed Piccadilly Circus and Times Square. When pictures of poor people come to my attention eye remember those of Mother Russians holding up potatoes calling attention to the fact that they make some homemade vodka they should build a home fire cook them with the jacket on its cold. A little dry humour ewe no wait that is dehydrated. While in Europe, millions of soldiers, freed slave laborers, and refugees felt relief but did not cheer. All they wanted to do was to go home. Millions of others looked to rebuild their shattered communities. Everywhere DPs (displaced persons - refugees) looked forward the long journey home. Others faced an uncertain future in prison camps or in forced migrations. Eye am more akin to the displaced person than a veteran in my heart eye did my service time apart from duty served in any war zone a Christian Soldier wanting home. My mother died and her Death certificate bought my freedom as a hardship discharge. Eye am technically a Veteran because eye served yet hated and displaced by my fellow countrymen because they can choose whom they disgrace. Mother GOD and APPLE PIE, eye have no great regrets at life. Eye learned the art of war only to leave it far behind and freedom find. At the conclusion of the Vietnam War, on April 30, 1975, the city came under the control of the Vietnam People's Army. In the U.S. this event is commonly called the "Fall of Saigon," while the communist Socialist Republic of Vietnam call it the "Liberation of Saigon." In 1976, upon the establishment of the unified communist Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the city of Saigon (including Cholon), the province of Gia Ðịnh and 2 suburban districts of two other nearby provinces were combined to create Hồ Chí Minh City in honour of the late communist leader Hồ Chí Minh. The former name Saigon is still widely used by many Vietnamese, especially in informal contexts. Generally, the term Saigon refers only to the urban districts of Hồ Chí Minh City. The word "Saigon" can also be found on shop signs all over the country, even in Hanoi. The Fall of America it was the only War he ever really lost. Eye am overcome by emotions and can’t continue this poem its Veterans Day 2008 try to have a good day tomorrow everyone.

Monday, November 10, 2008


Everyday another Headline Everyday another occidental death an accident of Major purportions ending in the total erase of a whole small group of people. How can you embrace the societical reasoning that makes it okay to fly without your wings. When eye read that a plane crash came in the night and no one survived it makes me think and want to write because most people left alive they curse the Lord above the God that made them without wings they even say that GOD is not on our side. 247 people were on that 747 when it crashed they died. SO this poem is now borne to try to even out the hatred for the GOD, but not to justify HIM for he can smash anything like Aeroplanes and go on being GOD but wait. Eye do not accept the fact that he was smashing anything. Imagine this. A GOD of love looks down from Heaven to the Earth and sees a plane start to falter and to fall he sends his Angel to the plane to search each heart among them all. Did anyone aboard the plane cry out to GOD or live for him while still alive did they say JESUS namme. Did anyone say do not let me die. Did anyone say give to us a Miracle now? Or do they sit in fear and cry and ignore the LORD that can save them in fear they scream and holler loud we are just all going to die? Iff you were GOD and saw this bunch of quiet love would you level off the plane and make it start to land without the needed parts. Or iff your anger ruled the day would you take your Giant GOD hand and smash it anyway just to get it over with and bring all those souls back home to Heaven where they live. Perhaps the fact that tickets paid with mammon and the numbers on the seats came out to equal 666. But do not presume to judge a loving caring GOD by your mistakes. They take out insurance but when it’s all been hashed and rehashed then no one is paid no one can benefit by such gigantic losses. Would you even want to go inside a house to find a Mother there berift because her Johnny died? Only to see her turn on some loud party music and begin to dance and sway and say Johnny was a good boy he died on that big Jet Airliner and left us lots of money? So now we drink and party. Or to find the Father angry still shaking his fist at heaven as so many of you do. Why oh GOD oh LORD did you let that plane crash? With my Johnny still inside. A movie on the late night show from Disney depicted a crash better than eye can make one up go see the movie. A heart as hard as mine was moved to tears the way the heroe moved among the dead ones there. His hands clinched and bunched with the nothing that he could do. Perhaps if fares were free and no one paid the money for a seat perhaps if prayers were offered up before each flight and people wept for Jesus baby life. Perhaps then there would be fewer crashes in the airplane nights. This Authour will not fly or board with boarding pass no place needs me to visit without wings the cold cold vista of a crash.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Clickerer

The Clickerer
The Clickerer
The Clickerer
NO matter the instructions he does not read them anyway he sits on public display and clicks the mouse it clicks he can not hear it anyway, but only feels the results with senses no one noes or cares to have. They sit and smile at him and say perhaps he really feels the clicks it seems that way some sort of spider sense they say and then they go away back to classes or a nook upstairs. They got a picture of him once outside when he began to actually defecate they turned the camera off and barfed they ralfed for almost thirty minutes each but cut it off so they could go upstairs and back to sleep. They tried to show the film to Art Instructor but the man reached up and turned it off of the projector he said go burn this this is not a film for Art Instructor. He gets the game typed in and this is how he remembers how to do this. He types G for GOD an A for all the times he won he types a M for Mother who still loves him sweet. He types the E for everyone to see him Clickerer. He feels the eyes but cannot see the faces and yet he noes just who it is that braces him and it unnerves him to have them there so near to all his loves. He noes just how to space the mouse to get in too the box he noes just where to start his clicks he moves the mouse in a arch of widening moves and gets them all he clicks and walls of Jericho fall he moves the mouse again and rives the water falls cascades and rivers moving on the page he makes the game to seem like real live life and then he makes the game to be the life inside. He taps his way to terminal with cane and sites away for several days he plays no one can stay his hand or call him bored he gives his sight to the Lord and plays his game. They asked him once if he could see with limited sight he said a tree not men not night he can see a white white light in the middle of the screen he fights with Bolden Knights a white horse stallion and a frog. He makes the frog win every time. When the GAME is over all the Knights have warts. A blind man bluff in a Dell. A Blind leading only himself and no one else threw a looking glass mage to the Game in the Dell.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Manuscripted Student

The Manuscripted Student
He was a practicing Buddhist and he was a Christian Agnostic and he refused to use a free lieberry computor his instructor was a intellectual Mon and he sent him to the Principles office to make him understand that he was going to use the computor so that he would understand the class and knowledge therein. The Principle had to ask him three times to tell him his namme. The third time his voice broke on a high note and he was actually getting angry. John PWorthy your family sent you to this Universecity to get a good education so you can go home and run the pig farm why do you refuse to use the computor in the lieberry? It cannot hurt you at all or do you any harm we want you to be able to keep up with the all the classes that we have. He chanted a mantra one word after the other over and over mark it is coming mark it is coming mark it is coming. Some people thought that the mark of the beast was money itself some people thought that the mark of the beast was the social security card that everyone must have some people still believe that the image of the beast is the computor screen but the same people said this about the television screen and the movie screen. During a priority there is old men watching pornography pretending they are doing it with all the young woman there is people who are not students at all that’s just watch television one brain dead program after another one there is people whose only function stems from mp3’s they play musick into self one more song after one more album gone. The soul of the unbeliever is sucked into the computor when he fries his natural brain with nudity. His life extends to only one more hour of the beating of the wings upon the clock the work of man is death the work of GOD is stolen by the hours of pornography they look at more then they can use or need or fill the heart too many times it cannot breed the changes but the money in my pocket does not feed the alcoholic youth or latent hobo of my actual in truth use and you will never catch the manuscripted student in a study hall or booth inside a Wii of any size importance not withstanding he is reading a real book from nook found on the Fifth floor central look. A self-important manuscripted youth. A Student of this life.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Remember the homey made ice cream at home when they pulled the stobber that turned out of the center of the frozen mess and let yew lick it it was the best remember the raw potatoe that yew ate when mother was slow about supper that day remember the taste of the pies at the work place the cherries and blueberries remember the first time yew had to find something to eat when no ones around how you tried not to advertise the fact that yew scrounge the sacks from the lunches the kids on the buses left filled all mye wanting a day at a time bananas and peanut butter sandwiches so nice but sometimes eye worried that the little boys and girls were not eating there stuffins and it made me cry. Oh lovely LORD eye am so happy to have this but why do they toss it away. Eye would rather go empty secure in the knowledges that each little boy and girl have food today. Stores of Grocerys deliver me from need they have lots of things that can’t be sold in the market place there is pieces of old fruits hammered cans dented beyond believe. There is the fast food places when they are closed eye am a Dempsey dumpster diver first and foremost some places leave the sandwiches still wrapped in the packages sometimes the boxes just like it is sold at the window the fries is usually in a sack all by themselves and they are usually not that very much too old that they can get. Last nite eye was so hungry when eye left that eye was eating leftovers near the park trays of food that people toss from the cars when they park. Garbage. Refuse. Trash. Homeless. No matter how yew say it there is no other way to report it eye call it the excess the pieces left over from the Diciples fish and bread supper. Eye call it mye gather. Eye use it for supper. Deliver me from Death and yew have done it Deliver me from the elements and eye have a roof overhang at the Church down the street. Deliver me from false proclamations such as the End of Time is coming on the Fourth of November Tomorrow is the End of the World. GO now and stand on the street corner with a placard that says Jesus is coming tomorrow for certain deranged a nut ewe aer not balanced in the Word not learned in the scriptures. He MAY do so he may come TODAY for that matter. But you may never knoe the time for only the Father of GOD knoes the day and hour that his SON will return to this World he has made. This is from the Rex Zero and The End Of The World. Then I notice the old man. The old man with the sign.
It’s the summer of 1962 and there is a man in the park
with a sign that says the end of the world is coming. He even
knows the date—October 23. Except he has trouble with his
b’s and d’s, so the sign says OCTODER. The words and numbers
are printed in black ink on bright yellow bristol board
stapled to a stick. In even bigger words printed in red ink the
sign says, PREPARE TO MEET THY GOB. This man was an exception to the crazxy law s they make in this country to allow folks there rights.
No Bible-believing Christian will claim to know, let alone predict, the end of the world. The teachings of Christ on the subject are very clear. He said only God the Father knows. Eye stand at foot of cross and pray deliver me today and then eye pause oh yes eye see you did that already for me you died upon a tree. Only God can save a world with the shedding of HIS blood. Only God deliver me and yes eye live eye breathe and thank thee for now eye see how eye am delivered and it comforts me.