Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Poor people seldom can repay the worldly goods they receive from others they repay it in a different way. Indirectly with a compliment. Rapacious to a fault and so annoying they can be it must be why homeless people stay that way they stay upon the street. Drugs have hurt them fights that they could not avoid cowards jumping from behind criminals doing crime all these things annoy a homeless person some can you not find the similarity of self just press your thumb onto the flesh and try to feel the bone that’s underneath the dress that GOD hath clothed us with you have them bones the same as homeless does. The next time that you bang your elbow get an ow eee Crikey! Think what a beating on someone’s face must be like to them if you can feel some pain just on your arm a little bit. Please change the way you think and act to others of your race the human kind of pacing back and forth to wait for something then you stub your toe and understand the pain of others please don’t let them go away with out some food and clothes today. A girl no names or area to tell she left me bleeding there took a saw blade knife and opened up my leg because eye took some money from her life it was only ten p surely not too not many not worth a fight. Eye was drinking wine that day in a public park. Stood there and took it until the ambulance came they stapled my leg called it an emergency and eye crazxy. They took me to the Mental Ward of the Insanity Hospital of the City eye found myself face down on the gurney with a rather large finger inserted just for health purposes of course they said they have to check my health. Eye found myself having to explain the wound upon my leg a GIRL eye said she done this to me. Are you sure that you did not do it yourself. Two WEEKS later they released the eye back to the street eye never had a bed in that place the whole time eye was in the front room just wandering around picking up food sometimes and sitting at tables that had nothing on them just a near chair for a hard place to sit eye did a lot of sitting and pacing and my leg it was knit. So the next time you see a homeless on the street have some pity please and think differently. When eye stopped drinking eye stopped crying over her or fingering the scar on the pavement. My GOD JESUS forgives her the blood on my leg was the PaymentTt.

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