Monday, November 24, 2008


CarryherBirdP & Cpigeon+carrier Eye told the daughter to tell the mother to put her cage up higher on the ladder and open up the door and place a sprig of olive like the dove carried on the Ark of Noah eye caught a pigeon in the park and fed him with care near a sprig of olive in his lair he thinks that it is home. He flew to close to homeless in the park wings fluttering in an effort to depart the tender arms that caught and held the carrier of my notes. Eye crafted a leg band that will not hurt the creature but is secure to carry one small note of love to ewe for eye <3 ewe. Eye climbed the Turtle Hill so far away from home and released the Dove in the direction of her home with many coos and clicks eye told him not to stop until he sees the cage upon the ladder there to land inside beside the olive stick there bare and budding green and loving he will find it never fear. The Jet Stream carries him. Upon the leg of pigeon fast the note incased in a capsule made of glass stuck with a Velcro’s fastener not a pin or cruel device but love hath carried this my artifice to ewe. Upon the morrow eye expect to see the Pigeon ici with her answer in the aurallet upon the pigeon leg with no regret eye read the note it says simply I Luv U B OK. My note to her was shorter saying EYE <3 EWE today.

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