Wednesday, November 19, 2008


When a person reads items on a list and they can see both items there is a part one item and a part two item they can decide to read the first part first no this is not a test but a word play in the world there is always better and best they simply have decided to make it the haves and the have nots. The first part first the part that you have decided to keep is the part that will be tossed out the part that you toss out now is the part that will be kept then there is a byte of information in every letter in this word. The first part first taken and salted added to wine breaded not lamented until the end of time. Eye loved a woman so what so did Saint Peter eye heard he was a Martyr so what He was a Christian. So he was a Crucifixion they can do it only once. He is the Leader of a Hebrew tribe in Heaven now. Eye just want to be inside the door. Perhaps the love will happen first we will sell the poem story we will make a lot of money so eye can pay the rent. Perhaps the day will come when eye am old enough to join Peter they will take my head to Jesus and then my body after. Then she will lament the fallen soldier dead in battle thantos held his hand for one brief moment between this world and the next. But get the first part first the test the days of degradation as they fill the cup of wrath up yonder as they make the Lord that made me angry that He lets them when the final day of Judgment comes to Mordor eye will behead them one by one. With a real glowing sword of spirit and of truth and no one will allow them to be raised then from the dead to be my enemy to hurt a JESUS is to die a thousand deaths to put the first part first.

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