Monday, November 10, 2008


Everyday another Headline Everyday another occidental death an accident of Major purportions ending in the total erase of a whole small group of people. How can you embrace the societical reasoning that makes it okay to fly without your wings. When eye read that a plane crash came in the night and no one survived it makes me think and want to write because most people left alive they curse the Lord above the God that made them without wings they even say that GOD is not on our side. 247 people were on that 747 when it crashed they died. SO this poem is now borne to try to even out the hatred for the GOD, but not to justify HIM for he can smash anything like Aeroplanes and go on being GOD but wait. Eye do not accept the fact that he was smashing anything. Imagine this. A GOD of love looks down from Heaven to the Earth and sees a plane start to falter and to fall he sends his Angel to the plane to search each heart among them all. Did anyone aboard the plane cry out to GOD or live for him while still alive did they say JESUS namme. Did anyone say do not let me die. Did anyone say give to us a Miracle now? Or do they sit in fear and cry and ignore the LORD that can save them in fear they scream and holler loud we are just all going to die? Iff you were GOD and saw this bunch of quiet love would you level off the plane and make it start to land without the needed parts. Or iff your anger ruled the day would you take your Giant GOD hand and smash it anyway just to get it over with and bring all those souls back home to Heaven where they live. Perhaps the fact that tickets paid with mammon and the numbers on the seats came out to equal 666. But do not presume to judge a loving caring GOD by your mistakes. They take out insurance but when it’s all been hashed and rehashed then no one is paid no one can benefit by such gigantic losses. Would you even want to go inside a house to find a Mother there berift because her Johnny died? Only to see her turn on some loud party music and begin to dance and sway and say Johnny was a good boy he died on that big Jet Airliner and left us lots of money? So now we drink and party. Or to find the Father angry still shaking his fist at heaven as so many of you do. Why oh GOD oh LORD did you let that plane crash? With my Johnny still inside. A movie on the late night show from Disney depicted a crash better than eye can make one up go see the movie. A heart as hard as mine was moved to tears the way the heroe moved among the dead ones there. His hands clinched and bunched with the nothing that he could do. Perhaps if fares were free and no one paid the money for a seat perhaps if prayers were offered up before each flight and people wept for Jesus baby life. Perhaps then there would be fewer crashes in the airplane nights. This Authour will not fly or board with boarding pass no place needs me to visit without wings the cold cold vista of a crash.

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