Friday, December 18, 2009


handwritten for facebook (smile) thrice
I can talk Succintly about knowledgeable subjects OR degenerate into a lot of garbage OR even snort some lies. Write the truth make up a fable or fabricate a title. Work a headline onto the text trash some pages out flip BLogger over. RHyme with OPine generate grounds up with agg shelled nuts peas in pods full of songs of CHristmas will be cold Toasting wicked wax filled glass not glasses. Glasses is plural. Plural for two eye one glass eye say it is a cup OR sauce OR beverage holder dry. Dry without a lid made entirely up of round walls bottom side up make that bottom side down mabe standing up at attendant span wait stop that make that Attention Span MARTHA attendant span makes little hairs stand up all over me Attention span is a better play on words. WOrds into poem poem into picture picture into note. Word play once. Word play twice. Word play Thrice. Handwritten for facebook bye CharlaX Thrice. ed.note.ed SUccintly is INN the notebook I used WORD DOCUMENT to spell check it only proves it. What eye been saying all along CharlaX is a genious.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


So what is snow. Its water. H20. A chemical that melts into a river of the stuff. Stuff happens. It can be bad and interfereous for survival. Snow builds up on side of houses even in a good home the snow can cause problems. I returned home to a wet place where dry must be to live. I hurried outside forgetting self in this bizarre attempt to live. The snow was broken already cascading water where a wall of ice had been. I started kicking not madly but importantly like get away from my house you bunch of ice. It was frightening me just because eye do not like to tempt the LORD like Save me now Lord cause im all wet in the snow? So I worked like a Robot methodically removing as much as I dared do. Then back inside to make the bed come true. I started with the sleeping bag nearest the wall of the tent. YES to my horror it was wet. The wettest thing I now own besides the blanket I used to sop the water up. So I did not panick or get sick I started building up the bed the bottom layer the wet one. I took out the red cover that goes on top where the tarp is now instead of. And that worked to make a dry layer so I layed my coat over all of that and layed on top. The good sleeping bag i like to use for cover was still dry for I had left it standing up. So I was now dry and impervious to cold. And that dear friend is how I lived to type this up. This poem fun of LayeredSurvival.

Friday, December 11, 2009


My love for ewe is so great,
it overcomes the sad I get when your away
my heart melts for it 'til the dusk of day.
I arise amidst the snow flies;
The night loves when it's away,
my home is burried like a burroughs, John
poor, homey 'til day's dawn.
I play as long as I can stay inside
Its beauty is great,
no one can see me at all
Wondering mind 'til it sees,
I must get dressed to walk in the snow
homing is all I do,
writing my poems
While waiting for the moment, for it to say "I do."
My love for ewe
My love for ewe

Monday, December 7, 2009


Tell me when eye go too far with your secrets and your finds your trinkets in your mind and I will back off and hide. I can go to the corner hide my mind be alone and whine. Aghast at your forgotten. INterior walls four corners like armour up when a warrior moves into the field he keeps them up with weapons extended flailing at opposing forcing them to give way make headroom. Let me think. Hide in one direction. Like some bizarre byzantine one sided Janus. Smiling out in three directions the frown is only going out away from you. It hurts but only this one person I would never tell you inless it was a poem talking for me telling all the stuff I hide inside my heart away from you its there just building up like rust inside the tin man. But suddenly you find me when the hide comes off the pain is gone again. And then forgiveness comes and eases me. Only iff you find me only iff you come to help me when you stay gone away I hide.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


He wanted to light his bulb so he added length and he needed to make the connector to make the connection from power to grounded so he reached out to his higher power which was his doorknob when nothing happened he was dumbfounded and he said now my light should be well lighted because in touching this metal doorknob makes me grounded. Is your power sourced electric or battery. He was given pause and yet he spoke I have an Electric Shaker it used to hold salt mabe that is what the old salt is causing the bulb to ground out or the to the a salt and battery is gone. What a knockout. It was a flyball to Central field they moved it back to 20 yards and so it fell short in CENTER field you idiot no one calls it Central field, it was almost a home run babe, but the GROUNDER made it a triple play. Bulb to wire to grounded. Grounded.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


FIrst Officer Spock- Captian Kirk- Scotty
Mention of Doctor McCoy
ChickenBones the poem
Captian Kirk : Beam me UP, SCotty. I need some
CHicken, BOnes. I DONT want soup from the replicator SPock. Bring me some TURKEY Meat, Mister. Warp Drive us outer space Check Off the Laundry List SOlo. U hear YOU? This is OH so written in a hurry must be ROttenBerry. Namme them starz on THIS Trek. NO, wait, Cancel that BEam UP SCotty. Eye decided to WAlk its such aN ICe Day. CharlaX five year mission. TO BOldly pen more contemporary poetry then John Glen ever did in History. One step for CharlaX One GIant leap for AndroidKind. GO hit the links play the ORiginal EPisodes of StarTrek while there is still time to find them. Over and Out.

Monday, November 16, 2009


CharlaX Swept. The line was plumb. The fish was gone. I wrote three full pages of CharlaXProse folded up the paper in a nappy inserted it inside a zipper pocket and then lost it eye have seen it only once scince then removed it placed it somewhere else now eye cannot find it again. I vaugely rember looking at a brown napkin it resembled the poem. It was the Greatest Story Ever Told. The Big FIsh that got away. The Laminated Cover Story for PlowBoy Magazine is calling me eye am stalling them untill I find the thing and land it. I do NOT do the laundry Matt I do not exchanger Bag for Bag the Clothing never gets discarded. I keep every shirt I had all sumner pants and shorts and jackets sometimes do not get REWORN but they are forever near, the outside edge pressed up against the wall for installation to keep me warm in a Crazy COld of COlorado Winter. NOw I rember how hard I looked at napkin and tossed it away anyway at Albertsons trash canned. I was forgetting that the pOem lies folded up inside the brown adhered to napkin upside down and now its gone I can never write that Piece again not word for word or even Theme. It was forgotten in the length of time it takes to pen one for PloWboy Magazine. The MOuntain Peeks. SNow covered leaks. Hands and fingers good naturally. Natured spelled backwards is Derutan. They did not pay me money for the FISH Story that got away He is the one that got the Alimony pay The Original Story is Big it was Huge. A real Abalone. News.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Diction ENglish grammer proper nouns predicates verbs learn the way the language works then grow up to be a poet and throw it all away today to make new words to make poems bleed to make the rhymes the prose doth need. Shakespeare is an affluance. He rubbed off some on my purple prose. O God! how wonderful are Thy works! Thou makest the rotting log to nourish banks of violets, and from the stagnant pool at Thy word springs forth the lotus that covers all with fragrance and beauty! Sonnet #3,000,745,001 OH LORDy
OH LORDy, howe wondrous is thy working beauty. Thou doth makest the rott sprout violets from olden logg on water bank nearest stagnant pool whilst at Thy WORD the lotus springeth forthwith to cover over all the smelling salts nearest hand to hold in cuppboard bare the bone for elbert Hubbard gone. Hark the light from yonder glaring glen forsook the frames the lenses now opaqued. Blind to world of beauty winter paints a white mistaken ache in me. Amid the bones of whited elephaunt skunks rome near me to harken when the crow calls daybeak come. Caw the raven quoth. God forbode a man, that an Englaisman should tell or act a lie, neithor the Son of GOD my Jesus, that He should feel repentance or compunction [for what his Father has promised]. Has He sayeth, and shall He not say on? Or has He spoken and shall He not make it gooder. Oh LORDy. For the reasoneth He stays upon His bethroned placement is quite evident for iff GOD were to walk the Earth as a mere man in sight of all this assembled Heathorns even for just one day twold make us all so jealous of the miricles in the clay. For Jesus could open up his hand wiht a plott of dirty clay and make a violet blooming say. Oh Lordy.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

See Dick Gay

See Dick Gay
See Dick. See Dick running. See Dick falling down with laughing like a clown. See Dick Gay. See Dick smile he is so happy now. He played footballs with John all day. Dick tossed his balls to John all day. They were all long bombs. John ran into the inzone evertime to grab Dick's balls thrown. John was sad but Dick was glad. He caught the balls that Dick tossed out. See Dick throw balls. See Dick throw one ball at a time. See Dick tell John to catch both balls but one by one at per one at a time. Does Dick play fairly on the fairway. NO. Thats Golfed. We were playing footballs. Back to the gamin. Dick is twenty nine and John is only twenty one. He is a dirty playa. He should wait until the boy is grown up to play with balls like that. Its almost murda. Even so its legal in one state. But not the one they live in so I guess that it is criminal to play with two football plays and two footballs in Cleveland. Oh Ohio is the state where it IS legal. Never mind. See Dick play. Its all okay today. See John Smile. See Dick Gay.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Moses was Sprinkling the lambs blood on the door posts of all the Hebrew Tribes dwellings there when the HIGH Priest of Egypt came down the Boulevardd in the City of Rhamses with his whole entourage including NaHum the lieberrian. NaHum was the Chief Astrologer of Egypt he Studied the Anchient Star Charts at the RHamses INstitution. Most of the Egyptians believed in Dead Deites like the SUN God RA but NaHum believed in Astronauts and Living GODS from the Sky. When the High Priest of Egypt laughed Moses to Scorn NaHum did NOT laught with him. NaHum frowned at all of them assembled and stared hard up at the darkening sky. The High Priest noticed this. NaHum why are you afraid of ? Of Moses GOD ? Of Death ? NaHum smiled at them and said, there is Flying Saucers up there in the sky Alien Creatures in the bye and bye UFOS have been seen on all the rooftops reporting in. The High Priest laughed harder at Moses what are you doing a little Painting on that Door? He turned back to NaHum you are as bad as this Hebrew slave has said HE has spoken to the Living GOD he calls him Jesus. Mabe he is an Astronaut his voice was trailing off as they all continue laughting MOses to scorn. Moses prepared to pull shut the door closed but paused He stared directly at NaHum just before the Doorway shut he spoke. NaHum has a firstborn SON such as RHamses has at home before Morning they will both be gone He will be dead same as Pharoahs boy is. At this all the laughter died. They simply stopped and walked each to his own BasRelief or home place. And so it was on the Day after Passover all the firstborn male children of the SUN GOD RA in the whole Land of EgYpt died all were dead except for the Hebrew Slaves. NaHum went into his cubicle where the controls were to the Astrology Center Computor. He was inside the Central Lieberry of the City of Rhamses now. OPenly weeping he downloaded his Yahoo Toolbar. Only the HIgh ELders held control now to the Administrative Privledges He went to his Yahoo Inbox and tried to find the email address of his Egyptian SOn. It was gone. He tried a Google search but it came up blank. As iff it had never been. In the INbox at Yahoo an email message just popped into the address was it said Jesus did NOT kill your boy But SATAN did it the Death Angel whom all EgYpt worshipped killed all your firstborn sons. Even Rhamses lost his child. Because you restricted the computor use and pretended to teach knoeledge at the University level only suppressed it instead is why the Devil comes to you today. How Horrible to make slaves out of GODS living people while still teaching only knoeledge of this world and of the Devil. It was signed CharlaXANdroidOneSeven to NaHumLieberian Religionsnudge. Here is the actual email from the Archives ed.note.ed
Monday, November 2, 2009 8:15 AM
"Charlax Hice"
View contact details
Jesus did NOT kill your boy But SATAN did it the Death Angel whom all EgYpt worshipped killed all your firstborn sons. Even Rhamses lost his child. Because you restricted the computor use and pretended to teach knoeledge at the University level only suppressed it instead is why the Devil comes to you today. How Horrible to make slaves out of GODS living people while still teaching only knoeledge of this world and of the Devil.
This email address worked and saved to my address book.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


A Parody of ThreeDOgNightsSong
One is the onliest number that you will ever have
one can be as bad as one
There is only one number we the ruling forces of the devil erased all of the rest of all the numbers
except for the Bosses Giant 666 and your number one.
One is now the saddest experience that you will ever knoe
NO was once but now its one yes its the saddest experience
Cause one is the onliest number that you will ever have now
one is the onliest number worse than one
Its just no good anymore since she went away
now I waste my times just making rhymes of one today
one is the onliest number one is now the onliest
number one is the onliest number that you will ever have
one is the onliest one is the onliest
one is the onliest number you can ever do
Its just no good anymore since one went away
Number ONE is the onliest
one is the onliest
one is the onliest number you can ever do
We tried to make a GIANT one for BOsses forehead but the 666 is never coming off.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


The INternet was made public for public use in lieberries as a COmputor service in Results 1 - 10 of about 127,000,000 for Google Search What is public access?
Public access includes access to the technology (the computer, connectivity, bandwidth, etc.) and access to all the content stored in the world’s greatest artificial network, as Newsweek calls the Internet. Of the two, the second is hierarchically above the first, as the technology is subordinate to the content (knowledge) it can bring in. This is similar to bringing in water to a village through a pipeline, such as the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater uses where Coors gets its Golden Colorado water. Clearly this water is more important than the pipes. Both the technology access and the content access can either be free or fee based. The content could be textual, audio, video or multimedia. The connectivity can be through a variety of technologies ranging from dial-up using a landline telephone and modem to wi-fi and handheld devices (smartphones, game console, etc.). The public can use Internet access to send and receive emails, take part in listservs and discussion groups, and for searching information iff they can make it to the PUblic Lieberry on a cold war kind of day, in swinging 1969, work began on the ARPAnet, grandfather to the Internet. Linus got this from Lucy its juicy. These frames are sequences from the 1903 George Méliès film, Tom Thumb et Dum Dum. I think you have got the idea. The Grandiousmouse was introduced as a replacement for the padd in use. For most older elder laptops are now defunct. Technollogy is now Optical for the most part. The Square Port verses the old round one. Html still makes pretty pictures. Copy and past mistakes make good fillor for the new CharlaX thrillor. This is IT Maureen I swear it is this is IT this the ones gonna get the Pulitzer. Oh sweet Darwin evolved......... Charles! Charles! This is racist I think. This Quote is taken quite a bite out of contextural discussion. The only reason that CharlaX does not like Black people is not there persuasion at all its not the color of the skine but weather thay are a gangor to begin within the heart of a man is his true lies. Bet you thought I was gonna say values. NON. Not at all. Hold all them calls my offices is swamped the cleaning Lady is still trying to get them ready for the Pulitzer to come. We did it you. News at Eleven. See Public Use. ThePulitzer.

Monday, October 12, 2009

CharlaXWillSonnet 126 O thou, my lonely boy, who in my power

CharlaXWillSonnet 126 O thou, my lonely boy, who in my power
CharlaXWillSonnet 126
A Paroday Today of Willam S
O thou, my lonely boy, who in my power
Dust holds Time upon thy fickle sickle hourglass;
Which thing by sanding flown,
and thereinside glasses shown
We as lovers dithering een as thy sweet self growns;
Iff MotherNature, unparrellogram over
all the pool halls racks,
all sixteen balls at oncet
she must be counting cue as one.
Becauseth of the time is sanding faster now
more closer to the bottom now
or that thy skillet manly arts kills time?
Yet be afeared her, but not of eye
O thou minion of my pleasure boy!
She may keep us in vain aparte ,
but not still keep for longer time,
my treasure is this boy:
Boy think thou hast the key
too flat the number there
on wall on key on heart just knock
And eye shall render thee, my lonely boy.
CharlaXCearean Sonnet 126 O thou, my lonely boy,
who in my power A Paroday Today of William S

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Holy Madonna

Holy Madonna
"Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another." Holy Madonna sings do this Writing Exercise: Choose one of your favorite films. Write a scene in which a character explains what he or she loves about it to another character. Now choose one of your least favorite films, and write a scene in which one character tries to pursuade another that they should watch it. Yearning, burning
For you to justify my love
What are you gonna do?
What are you gonna do?
Talk to me -- tell me your dreams
Am I in them?
Tell me your fears
Are you scared?
Tell me your stories
I'm not afraid of who you are
We can fly!
Poor is the man
Whose pleasures depend
On the permission of another
Love me, that's right, love me
I wanna be your babay lamb ? In Batman the movie Batman says to RObin I like this film because we are making zillions of them Ice Capade Credits. So Robin says to Batman I messed up my pants when I saw that big Swarzenugger dance with Ice all over him. In Batman the movie Arnold says to Robin you should rally wotch this film little birdie or Ice man will cometh and break beak off. Poor is this man that taketh all literal and taketh own pleasure. This CharlaX this Holy Madonna.

Friday, September 11, 2009


I think the worst rude all year was the boy with the long skate board tucked sidewise under his pack and he only whistled at me to move not understanding this old man was bending over to pick up a piece of plastic trash to toss aside off the sidewalk he almost hit me in fact I think the skateboard actually nailed my pack. But the man that had a one sided conversation with me about my computor use was the worse. He said stop whinning and get back to work. I called him a namme. A very bad namme and he showed some wisdom and stopped WHINNING back at me. He is still loading his weapons probable. The boy on the tarmac calling me nammes. The girl on the outside calling me a skinflint cause I would not give to her a five dollar bill. They tossed my new bicycle in the dirt. They tossed a rock near me. Not meant to hurt or hit mabe but the damage is the same the thought that counted. They jammed a chair up under the keyboard causing the computor to malfunction when I was signing in. I am not the King of the World. Not yeti. NOt I. But then when I become the King all of this changes. See more news at Eleven. I want you to reach out now and place your hands on that radio dial. Pray to Jesus and send all of your money to me. AT @ rude9002.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


"The lizzard taketh hold with her hands,
Yet is she inn kings' palaces."
Lets disect this passage of time.
Many people have used similes before the spider was never mentioned as a child. It was always SOlomans Lizzard was discussed. SOme old Bishoprics used it as a Metaphor to illustrate the thief. TO explain away the sin of breaking and entering inn. What is good for that lizzard is good for us as well so iff you need someplace to dwell just grab the pole and vault over that wall. ??? But no. Look close. Reason has set inn. Jesus never was a thief to begin. Common Sense and literal interpretation must now come inn. So here is the goods the punch line iff you must. The Proverb is from good king SOloman and HE must have been thinking of his wisdom and looking at a real lizzard being on a wall underneathe that window then moving up the sill into the room of that palace he called home. Case Closed.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


The Phantom Aerojets were flaming coming out of clouds astounding crowds as normal throngs approached the store the Wallmart parking lott as always was fullup. Children young were pointing up at the sky refusing to be led inside. It happened so fast no one noticed the blast was instantaneous. The hillside beyond the store just disentegrated on impact the missles fired from this my free lieberry computor. I am CharlaXHackor and this is how I did it. When my session was over on Computor #5 I entered BIOS with a command prompt FoxFire 1984 then proceeded to the Air Force Web Pages where is was easy to turn Wallmart into a Target store. I used the old microphone now laying in the desert back in Arizona I am a master of time travel. I am a Full Bird Colonel. Are you Ahab on the whaler dipping natives in the sea? My Jesus wants me crucified the Bishopric is sending me. "this is foxfire one *SQUACK*" I could barley hear them on the MIKE. This is Bird One "Squack" prepare to FIRE on my command. He has the codes was what I next in line command. ??? FIRE!!! the missles sped into the desert flaming all the old deserted secretes hidden in the cache. Wallmart was unscathed and no children ever hurt after all we made those missles to only hurt the enemies of GOD. Nomads on the run. What fun. A childhood fantasy of one... hopefully to be continued on and about and around all of Wallmart.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


NerdishTurkishSoda®™ are all subsidiaries of Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater
.ORG,DOT,NET,COM. com is short for company in this case our online form is available for students only. Wear your glasses girls. I think we are on the wavelength. NerdKola ®™comes in only one flavor whats that u said oh well i guess that makes it PLAIN. Candy marketeers and other companys for years targetted small children with no money. We here ici at Whirly Company targetted the real spending crowded Nerds is where its at. Pull those socks full of coins you kept since Birth and buy our Kola you nutts. Oh wait thats mutts. There is nothing finer in the State of Carolina in the mourning. Tastes like a loe gin fizz. Lots of ice added makes it last. NO warrenty warranty expressed or implied. In the State of Ohio sold only in Six PACKS only PopKola®™ is sold there. Alcholic content. ONly in the Cleveland area we are introducing NerdYTea®™. No caffiene no sugar no substitutes learn to like the tea for the flavor comes in green. Each sold seperately. NerdishTurkishSoda®™ is on the overseas market for the foreign exchangers from Istandbull. Tastes like Camel Spit. Really all young adults like this stuff its proven. Readthissmallfineprintgogetyourglassesgranny.
Nunsandothernonnudesgethalvepriceoff.Usually sold at 35p per can or bottle or try our new plastic containors. They disentagrate.

Friday, August 28, 2009


L.How heavy do I journey on the way,
When what I seek, is rest for my rear end,
Doth teach that ease and that repose to sway,
'Thus far the miles are measured from thy perch on stool of toad!'
The beast that thus I carry, tired with this my added woe,
Plods dully on, to bear that weight upon my backside,
As if by some instinct the wretched butt did know
His rider loved speed moore hurry, being left now far away from thee.
Out Out brief candle of this mule gone mad';
That sometimes anger swiftly spurs into his hide,
Which heavily he answers with a braying laught,
More sharpe to me than tickeling to his side;
For that same groan doth put twain my mule mye mind,
My grief lies onward with my love and my joy is mye behind.


Thursday, August 20, 2009


XLVI.ewe.ici The Mind Field and Heart Attacked the Mortal Men Mine mind and heart are at a mortal war with men,How to divide the spoils of such a sight;Mine mind my heart the men's sight would roll the eyes away from me, and thenMy heart mine mind the freedom of my men pretend.My heart doth bleed my mind that men in mind and heart doth lie—A heart and mind never pierced with crystal lieing men—But the mind defendanth to that heart doth that plea deny of men from startAnd says to heart from mind thy fair appearance lies to men so please decideTo 'cide the men with heart and men with mind collidedA quest of thoughts, all men with minds and hearts,Conscience of the men determinèd to a burdenThe clear minds moiety, and the dear heart's part, As wickedness; mine mind due is thy outward part of heart, And my heart's right, thy inward love of men tonight departed. bye CharlaXShakesXLVI.Mine eye and heart are at a mortal warHow to divide the conquest of thy sight;Mine eye my heart thy picture's sight would bar,My heart mine eye the freedom of that right.My heart doth plead that thou in him dost lie—A closet never pierced with crystal eyes—But the defendant doth that plea denyAnd says in him thy fair appearance lies.To 'cide this title is impanelèdA quest of thoughts, all tenants to the heart,And by their verdict is determinèdThe clear eye's moiety, and the dear heart's part, As thus; mine eye's due is thy outward part, And my heart's right, thy inward love of heart.for comparison this is WILLIAMS glory

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Carpe A Dime

Carpe A Dime ewe.iciO mistress mine, can you smell what flower I have sniffed where are you roaming? O stay and hear! Use that beak of yours to sniff with I your true-love's coming That can singe the flowers with his breathe both high and low; Trip no further, get off that acid stop smoking hash and blowing weed pretty sweeting, Journey's end is soberly perused in lovers' meeting-- Every wise mothere doth know. What is love? 'tis not hereafter for the body partes change out in Heaven; Present mirth hath present laughter odeur lime green of flowere steme; What's to come is still uncertain smells in stormy whether you can sniff: In delay there lies no plenteous snorting snuff,-- Then come sniff me, Sweet and twenty, Youth's a smell will not endure. William CharlaX Shakespeare

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


TexTWRitter ewe.icia Jesus Poem of P P H found on wayside Vibrant emotion detains the unwary as time slips into what some refer to immediatley giving becomes difficult defining expressing through astute observation; additional revelancy by example one assumes ones got it all figured out and yet what monetary value can be placed in doing the kind thing? Jesus Christ! Let me do it. Let me do it. Front page conundrums left over committments after all what must be? Hang time wasted wanted wrong. This poem was written by Patrick Peter Harrington. ed.note.ed TexTWRitter is prounced ritter not writter the w is silent w. FOund on the wayside on a paper written in real ink who decipher on paper blotted weathered outside on the roadside who decided to give credit where credit iff due. Jesus loves you.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009


Barcodded ewe.iciewe.iciThere is no universal numbre yet no mark of the beast the differing areas of expertise keep the thing from congealing yeasty beast. Try taking a can of Pinto beans into the lieberry and try to scan the thing on the book scanner it will NOT beep it will not register. On the same token try taking a lieberry book into the GROCERY scan the barcode on the book i bet its not produce. Take a newspaper to the checkout run it over the line it beeps and asks for payment. Take your Driver liscence out of folding places look at the barcode on the back it works in the computor in the back of all patrol cars they can scan you but you cant enter in a building with the image on the front or the barcode on the back its not an employee card for the lieberry or the grocery. Money still has no bar code on it. MOst aggreements such as rental leasing and even buying cars have no bar code at the bottom of the page for you to implement or even sign. Sign away your life the bank still owns it unless you pay with cash who has that kind of money. When you get too confuddled and confused just try to swipe your hand over the scanner trust me on this it will NOT beep. Not yet. But they are working on it. Credit cards even those that require a signature do NOT have bar code on them. here is a couple of copy and past. Websites. Plate glass windows do but most blue plate specials in the diner for dinner dont.

Saturday, August 1, 2009


I wrote a poem in 2005 called Flowers Fade. Why is this poem a real poem. This is Biopsy. I was asked to print out a poem on the computor for a woman i had met her in the lieberry. SO i said just let me recite a poem to you instead and chose the FLowers FAde. Of course i forgot the words and so i decided to do Biopsy. Why is this poem a real poem? Lets opine this flower open petal by line by line by petal. Flowers Fade (TITLE) a title is the first line of a poem it is the first thing people read and they judge your poem to see if it fits the title a poor title will send women screaming from there homes. I saw the flowers on the roadside, this is a straightforward statement meaning literally what it says this is called Syntax, the comma is used correctly the second line is they were all so pretty to me; this is Synecdoche the semicolon makes a break for a new idea. Line three is they seemed permanent to me, another literal statement of Syntax. Line four is somewhat differant Why is this poem a real poem? But snow will frown-- a Paradox the dashes add the thought to the next line as well as Line five is wind and rain and sun. The wind and rain and sun have come as well as snow. This is called Metonymy . Line six is fixed and stands there all alone a fine example of Syntax The flowers are all gone. WHo hopes you liked this Biopsy of his poem. Flowers Fade. Flowers Fade

I saw the flowers on the roadside,
they were all so pretty to me;
they seemed permanent to me,
But snow will frown--
wind and rain and sun.
The flowers are all gone.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009



Pink seeds turning bright red

Inn the winter fuel for bed

Nottingham had none but oaken leavings turning brown

Entire fire burns cherry red

Cone of many uses found

One of them shellacked is ART

Near my heart IS food for bears

Entire hillsides where they hide

Several of them satisfy

Ending life of tree beginnings

Ending life of cone to seedling

Do you love the pinecone seeds

just as who loves you yes who says you do you seedling you

Dedication is to Diane Borsenik on Facebook

Saturday, July 25, 2009


ewe.ici numbre 2 on the list
1. Wait on the trail TOnto dont go near those bad men yet
i have to change my boot socks.

2. Stop getting into trouble so early LOIS
i cant find my Superband waistbands.

3. Dang Green lantern went out again how will i stop Sinestro this time.

4. Lady Diana you dropped that Magic Lasso one too many times.
Yes Mother. Sorry Mother.

5. Jjohn Jjones that Policeman on the corner said you was flashing in the overcoat.

6. See that mouse he use to take vitamins but now he is just a whoosey mouse.

7. Manfred stop playing with that Oil Can Hat we need to make new movie.

8. Robin you have to stop speeding in the Batmobile the tires are worn on one side.

9. Spaceghost stop leaving them gauntlets near the tv
i thought it was the remote blew up the house almost.

10. Flying in the fast lane again the planes are scared to leave the airport
why were you running on the tarmac Flash.


Darkstone poet

Saturday, July 11, 2009

If thou survive my well-contented

If thou survive my well-contented
A Paroday
When that churlish Death bones my dust shall cover up
And shalt money once more re-survey in the wallet
These poor dudes line of demarcay becomes the lover,
Compost them into the butter ring of time,
And though they be stripped outright off the form,
Reserve for them my lyrics, not their rhyme,
Exceeded by the weight of nappier men.
Oh, then couchsafe who with but this loving thought:
"Had my friend's Nose grown without this growing hang,
A dearer booger than this his middle finger had brought

To wipe in rank off on his better equipage;

But since he missed let poets pause and wipe,

Theirs for their noses I shall wipe, his equipage love."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


The walk up to the collage after the devastating closing of my cafe on Sumday where the computor was visably missing an empty crucible where used too sit CharlaX7 and make a story the sign said DUE to circumstances beyond our control closed on June 24. They had a Sattelite Dish on roof definetly watched too much TV. Too many old TV shows may have contributed to the demise of the mouse cafe. The Brown Dragon Fly Spy on the way up to the Collage the purple one on the way back down they mated suddenly forming love. And then the silver winged one flew bye with white wings flashing in the sun then there was that MOnarch Butterfly he was flying high over locked and bolted no tresspassing signs. But nothing can compare to the Solid White Butterfly there near the yard sale the man was giving all away he would not touch the proffered money for the two mickey mouse shirts with long sleeves suddenly a Ruler once again where only Pauper stood and penned with socks changed from wool to laundry dry. Walking to the store to spend more food stamped lies. Not dollars but just credits call it expedited love on a Darkstone SumDaY.

Monday, June 29, 2009


One chopped POLO Tee Shirt
One Shredded Levis Jeans
A marinated leather Belt
Two filet of soles of boots
Two diced minced socks
One undulating underwear
Two spastic spandex
A folded Spindled ID card
Place all of this upon a tenterhook
above a roasting spit byre
serve on a Saysme seed bun.

Friday, June 26, 2009


When eye am walking three miles away to home they stop when eye have less then a mile to go to get there this is syndrome this is awesome Murphy LAWs. Eye am waiting just for someone to pick me up in the mourning but it never happens but today just now someone slowed down and started to pull over again eye had less then one mile left to go eye guess eye would have been unfriendly at this point and pointed them away from eye can walk where were ewe at when eye was walking all them miles to start be like the tree town says and leaf. The man at work sign was there his hard hat said it all the same man that waved me away from his face the day before was now sprawled out awaiting his ride to work eye suppose when eye waved at him eye did it with two fingers almost like a salute his was more pointed in reply why they do that to mye eye gee eye am glad that cows cant fly. One bird in the hand is worth two in the bushes and a man is a man for all of them adages. Eye think when we were growing up we thought all people were gonna live forever follow the yellow brick road and death was just not taught when someone was missing in action my girlfriend wore one of those silver bracelets and eye refused to let her touch me and eye lost her a janus forever to the eye. She just would not understand my attitude of jealousy. And eye could not let it go. And now she is gone forever to me married to a Pharmacutescist living rich how could she do this how could she. DOes she still have her Jesus. Yes perhaps thats nothing to do with eye at all but more a thing to do with her that LittleReadHen that she become.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


facebook album
She was kind so nice her mouth was open in a grin eye could see where she puts food where Tea had been then she noticed eye was watching her she sighed and close her mouth perhaps it was a yawning moment eye had caught and when eye smiled real BIG Like old men do when they get caught and said Hello to her she stopped and raised to me her Mighty Joe Young left hand she flipped me off she laid the hand backwards and simulated a cuff she gave me the back of her hand and then she waved it again at such an awkward angle eye thought that it looked broken and as she departed as she was driving off eye closed mye heart it fell off mye sleeve again eye sloughed and cried and said inside oh ewe the women here ici how unfriendly they can seem to eye Unfriendly.

Monday, June 15, 2009


Eye wished for just one moment eye could get a Whiskey Galleon and float mye memoris away but then eye stuck a safeteye pinn in mye left hand in mye finger eye hurry to the bathroom to wash it off learned quickly how to make the sensors on the side of the spigot spout water will never learn them new device eye decided to stay sober is far better way to go alone on highway was missing yard of HOME where MOther was eye decided Saul of Tarsus of Rome must have had a Mother yelling "SAUL. get down off that high horse this instance, put that Scabbard back on Sword wipe your feet on Porch come inside and Kiss your Mother while she is still alive before she is gone forever( A Jewish thing). Sad eye HomeYSic. Now for sure eye am missing Father eye weep inside mye heart for home is just a place for eye to lie in bed eye make for only eye. Happy Fathers Day.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Eye guess eye must of aged almost fifteen years so when eye order up the Senior Coffee its adamantly for real eye heard the Scorn in a voice so small and otherworldly prettily she YELLED at eye "GRANDPA" as a statement of fact she was not Questing for an answer she was so intent so certain of her facts eye Quailed all good intended gone the heart just fell off the sleeve of eye it reinforced this hate in eye first felt for Erline now kept in place of love for eye am rally not this old but mascarade to get the coffee cheap to get a better deal on paying for mye meal of coffee cupped eye have to peal a scab away to look for ewe again to look for love. But failed to find it in rich mon with trunk of car extended his advise but not his hand too eye was almost at a loss of understanding what he does with socks imaginging all sorts of maladjustments of his luggage stuffs as he said out of the corner of his mouth just hang around a few more minutes oh no said eye must be off as eye thought it was a simple thing but he then delagated his authortiy sent me screaming up the hill with dirty socks go ask someone else was all he said but that rich mon just locked up his trunk no socks for eye in hand but bitter man as so now eye use this namme SoxAxGrampAx an old man with wet socks over sleeves pulled down hastly on toes inside a perfect pair of TEXTED GORES boots because this eye had other things to do but homeless soup and $dollar signs for socks at $4.95 a pair on shelf eye left them there to improvise eye care to carry home upon the back of egYpt bag a happy eye still damp eye carry on. A GrampAxSoXAx.

Monday, June 1, 2009

666 truncated

666 truncated
Lay mye head down near mye body send mye soul to Jesus Christ when the number is the normal thing to be then count me out just lay me down to die with dignity no longer can eye smile please lay mye head down near mye body make it count for GOD when eye have to have this number on my hand or mye forehead to buy or sell or market place the food on table for myself then eye refuse to be a number borne in freedom borne to wealth just lay me down to JESUS take mye head and leave the rest take mye head and lay it down just give me rest. Recruiting others will not listen will they work to get to Heaven must they ask to be let out to take the Leaven on the snout. Lay mye namme down into the Heavens eye am quite certain and ready to die. Asking others why they want to burn forever with the numbered Devil they think that money is life. Eye am quite sure and safe in spirit with mye wife let freedom slice the blood will break the blade.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Black ground comes from green and purple leaves plants sometimes growing as high as six feet tall if allowed to propagate they will make a jalapeño planting pepper makes the five star Chile varieties come alive in tasting tests the students cry tears of anguish crying out for more varieties of hotness. - Pictures coming soon! – They do not say if the peppers start out green but oh they almost must. They turn purple and get long and longer in the sun. Then they will turn red iff left there on the plant too long. We must eat the purple ones before they become the red ones after they were started to be green ones. In real life most of them never make it they get eaten by fly and gnat and living larger weavils things. Unless grown in a hydroponic garden taken from the living plant picked killed canned. Perhaps even pickled. Bet ewe thought eye was gonna get to pickled peppers ewe. The best pickling is okra not cut at all just raw stems plants off the vine dropped in brine and soaked to prevent the rotten. The green slimey part is the best eaten quickly lest the little white seeds spill out all over ewe Sunday vest. But eye must be honest as eye digress this pepper mess eye never ate a real pickled pepper in my life except the hot variety kind there is a few real peppers mixed in the cauliflowers with the carrots sliced like it was done in a machine crimper. Do not ever eat a habernino. Wait. Product Description Ground down high-quality, high-heat habaneros are used to create an intense sea salt with a kick. This is the perfect salt for anyone who likes to add a little extra punch to anything on the grill. A great match with recipes that call for lime and butter. Use sparingly! Never mix with rubbing alcohol. Comes with butter and a gallon of water. Each item sold separately. Pepper.

Monday, May 4, 2009


A homeless person is a duck out of water iff you move them from their survival try to help them but they are the life of the party or the best dinner guest if you can get past the smell long enough to stand them cracking one liners telling old stales and long winding stories mostly about childhood wails. Eye am convinced they are all drunks and alcoholic’s eye witnessed a woman carrying a brand new still in the plastic covered item. She was trying to get a cigarette. She was supposed to enter the store with her hubby to turn the item into money but she had twisted away from him to ask me a non smoking android for a cigarette undaunted off she went to look for hubby once more as soon as eye refused her. Eye played fast and loose occupying the Security Guard long enough for her to escape his evil eye become a fence for poor old woman needed fixed. She just needed fixed. A fix. A noxious odor in her nose. A tobacco tube rose. A poor person’s banal bane. A tortuous addiction disguised as a bad habit in nuns clothing she was dressed as a house guest. Eye tired and tired of trying to find my money belt it’s missing so eye had a burger and a coffee from the wallet then eye went to homeless place to sleep in a nice neighborhood where they cut the fences to get in. There is where eye lay me down to sleep the life of a homeless party of one all alone no beers no cigarettes no fun unless it counts what eye done all alone in the night.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

She Wins

She Wins
She Wins
She Wins
Eye do not give a Fig, Newton. Listless as you or Rios cooky. Black as pitched coke a cola black as nutt can be. The lunatic fringes hanging from your laminated lamp shaded hat. You are so cold as ice boxing with Matilda’s fridge a dare. Wearing that shift eating grin in that Sears suckers suit. Polishing apples with waxing labels of brand new name calling lentil soup. The board near the cupboard bare while the Board of Directors sits well in hand turning over a new leaf in her holed tri-colored Binder Glasses wiped clean and left behind near the outbored motor grinding softly in the background making coffee tea or milk for all them meloncoly babes. She lifts her finger as hushes fall about the place the meeting several talk at once the talking stops. Begins the meeting flosses all the toothy grins. She wins.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


MEN are allowed one Generation of time but they bear Children of the wife add the namme given to the life span to total a Grand of perhaps 400 years of Smythe. But the world turns deadly in between the span of Generations there is strife wars disease add pestilence to life. Not so many people trace the family tree past the Stone near Birminghampton Grove where final resting comes with fences round perimeters of mowed green fields of grass covering holes of six foot deep. A strange custom humans have of burial they call it sleep. A casket ride some extra fine and nice padded against Eternity. A thing to be avoided at all cost or just accepted when no other way is offered out. One thing most certain to the people there in residence is the finalization of Death. But GOD in Jesus has come along and changed this final resolution. For the dead will someday hear the Voice of GOD and leave them Graves behind a thing most people never seem to realize while on this Earth alive. In fact the point of fact the reason for this dissertation written in this last Act of the Final battle of the War of Armageddon in the Shadow of the Valley of Meggidio there will be MEN there of the New World Order One World Government the 666 shotting GUNS and tossing everything they’ve got like missiles and them bombs from long barreled machine guns at the LORD GOD Jesus come back from heaven hitting resurrected people and even ANGELS with no harm for at that final moment when the LORD GOD Shouts his final battle cry all of life is rendered harmless after all the hue and cry the battle won. The end of time come. In the meanwhile every three times a week on MONDAY WEDNESDAY FRIDAY they mow the grass on Graves in Southhampton Cemetary grounds while all the visitors weep at the Birminghampton Grove where people sleep.

Saturday, April 18, 2009


Kerplunk sound of stone dropping down into water Kersplash is man falling overboard a boat. Whoosh is the wind or someone moving or something moving fast leaving wind behind. Plop is messy. POP may be too many noises to describe them all. Bang a pistol shot. Boom thunder or explosives. Crack the lightening bolts or wood breaking SNAP the fingers snap the buttons closed snap them suspenders once SLAP is too composed. Creak the door open slowly it comes then stops Creak the door shut on my nerves oh the thrill and excitement in the Creak that comes. Whap is seldom penned they use wham or whack instead of whap the hapless foe whap him with the silly stick then let my people go fish; there is a blurble gurgle noise for fish out of water dry fish seldom heard or used the need not there in movies seen. Calls whistles barks too many on the listing port to add them whistles hear them barks just way too many calls from port of call to answer all the calls. Crunch is seldom heard but candy bars or fresh apples turned on the stem to view. Whale thar she blows kind of splishy constant throes just like running water hot or cold in a falls away zone the waterfalls away. Definitive sound.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


WOOD EYEWOOD EYEWOOD EYEthere was a mustachio man and a woman with a glass eyethe other one was wood for she was blind they traded drinks and romance at night they drank long draughts of love and some of them got drunk the eye that was not glass was tough and full of drink and love is still romance but added in the glass eye fill too much they sparred with words not fists which is why eye call it love when she asked him for one kiss she worded it this way "Would yew kiss me yew" and then, ewe guessed this before the ending; He said, "Would eye? Would eye?" and there was a pause then she returned "Hair lipp; Hair lipp!!!" oh what love.


RainCoveredSKYRainCoveredSKYRainCoveredSKYThe sky is Western Covered sky dark for half the canopy is covered up the smell of rain filters down some conflicting with the surroundings the landscaping the hey fever springing here nearby. The birds were swimming in the sky the western sky with wings folded they glide then extend the wings again then fold them back confused by the wind in western sky. They glide then fly then glide. The poet however must walk than lamely then halting lame he walks under the western sky rain never falls but clouds roll out of the valley walls but back they come as poet walks. He walks and as he limps along he notices them the gliding flying birds are gone.