Wednesday, December 31, 2008
InternetLiterate is usually used with a negative connation like as iff eye am NOT computor literate. Here is CharlaX guide to the internet. There is a button on the case PUSH it. When you get the screen and you can see the little GLOBE that looks like the e it should say INTERNET EXPLORER. Click it with the mouse the mouse has two buttons use one of them. You can learn to right click later when you get your web page open it should look like the home page of the computor you are using for example eye have the University Web Page to begin with but eye can change it to YAHOO. You may have a differant web page to start with of course ewe dew iff ewe aer a home computor user. You may have to double click the e. There is a search box TYPE Google or Gmail. When you get a page go to the right hand corner there is some triangular dots put the mouse there and make the page move up and down then make it go sidewise and you can make it minimize the stuff is in the right hand cornered on top. Wait don’t hit that X ooh too late. Go back and start this over eye will let ewe Ketchup to eye. Type CharlaX in the search box. This will give ewe hours of enjoy. Oh iff ewe must do something else then go to Funkitron®. Play Scrabble Blasted®. Or just browse. Have fun.The Author will go internet more detailed later gater in the part two or the second installment of this software. So ewe won’t be unliterate.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Eye entered the Colonels time machine even eye am not militarily inclined eye wanted to speak to Mark Twain and ask him who he liked best out of history class. Eye hurried to the place near the Mississippi dock that the old riverboat stood the paddle barge. Eye was supposed to find the man before he boarded on but not to be eye ran the gangplank just as they hauled it up. It was 1854 a few years before that Cival War and the paddle boats were common sights up and down that river at night. Eye stepped around the corner and there he was in that rocker. A Chair that rocked back and forth on wooden wheels to keep it from tipping up and over or sliding forward and losing such an important passenger. He looked so much like himself there that eye paused formulating quickly just what eye wanted to ask. He opened a large cigar but did not light it. He was only 19 an already active lad he had that famous hair but no mustache or beard in fact he never cultivated his beard but shaved it. He tried to wear one only once in 1880 he was emulating Lincoln. He was a factor in my human race with time. "Samuel" eye asked softly. He turned young eyes on me suspiciously he smiled. "How do you knoe me sir." He was polite. "Eye only chew a bit on the ends", he smiled. "Eye thought you smoked in a corn cob piped", said the android eye. HE laughed "what a novel idea perhaps eye will and grow a large mustache." " Who is your favorite hyisterical person someone famous but dead in another decade." Without hesitation he said "JESUS." "Perhaps it will be too hard to get you both together to talk", said eye. It was my original plot but things can changes. "Just tell me why a humorist like you would say the JESUS is the man for you." "I want to knoe how he took all that abuse and why he took it." The only way to answer this is to become the CharlaXJesus android one. "Perhaps he was saving us" eye did begin "but why not send in the troops the angels as fighters?", "you ask well as eye answer eye can tell yew this Marked Twain" "HE said many times that the Father can send Legions of Angels inn but listen he did this to save us." "Let me try again." "You have created a world full of people that never do what you want them to do or say the things they should then you decide to save them and in your righouteousness you condemn a part of yourself to save them all at once." Think of life as one big Fish the tail is birth the head is death when life is over out the mouth you come to escape from being eaten. "Did Jesus say this", he asks suspiciously "no CharlaXJesus said this", say eye. "He went to that Cross willingly to die to save CharlaXAndroidOneSeven MarkedTwain ewe and everyone on Earth." "The good the bad and the pretty ones." "Iff they can find JESUS and say JESUS and pray to JESUS then they may live again in GODS Heaven with HIM." This is what eye finally told him. It is fun to time travel in the Colonels time machine.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The third deadly sin.
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as Wrath. How can a person not get angry when someone spills his blood or breaks his bones or otherwise steals from him his time or hurts his person? Even Christians have some sort of righteous anger at the enemy they say the LORD will repay as iff a house is falling out of the sky on such an enemy they have if time is the only healer than eye am out of time and angry still upon the Earth where other people live and hate? Relate to them they seem like flies and gnats to mee the eye is sure they may be huge inside themselves but evil little trolls and elves is how my enemies appear to mee they swell in greatness at the way they fight but evil has a name delighted to be called appalled and mighty in the smite they fight in groups and gangs and hurt the innocent the nameless and the homeless one. They jump up and down upon the lifeless body of the human there in the Wraith they have become not three but one a character of aplomb a ghost like Gentleman not like GOD at all but a caricature of him this Trinity in three little persons smiting and kicking and hitting at a person not lifting even a finger to fight them back but trusting in his LORD just to deliver him from evil doers and eye won if winning is counted in the living after fight. But they are dead now in the trespasses and the sins they will not live again when Jesus Comes. They are counted as the goats standing to the left of GODS own SON. The sheep will be with mee off to the right of HIM who saves. For even in my anger eye have limited myself to just mere words cursing in the darkness at a foe no longer seen it seems they hurt me fore they cause me to have bad dreams. The harm is mine and deal with it eye shall but do not longer brag of might of arm in battle or the way you beat the old man to the ground for someday you shall pay when LORD returns to claim this World he made. Then you all will give account and even eye will say they hurt me and the bad words kept coming out who do you think that he will help the ones that smote or eye. Eye am a sheep just momentarily angry at the hurt and suffering. Eye am sorry for this sin this anger and this wrath.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
No love in people for Christmas here just business in the heart of them. How can anyone ignore the fact that people are working below the poverty level. They labor for far less than the minimum wages. Ascertaining not a living but just slavery. There is no end to this discovery of slavery practiced in this third world country. You who practice acceptance of insanity may think this okay say it could be worser they do not have to pay the worker they have the power in the brain to hold a shotgun in the line. Point a weapon at the head and force the workers to the labor. Vain is the sons of men. A slave to tobacco and wine the lusts of the mind will work for a time until they force him to drink the unleaded kind then dine on leaded wine the Roman kind of Grapes of wickedness take home pay for some is less than one hundred dollars a week that’s less than 400p a month. Eye just asked a young man at the collage where eye work what is a decent take home pay for you to have he said he MUST have 800p to live a month. He can not pick fruit in the fields of fodder or work for affordable housing at a third the cost of living. Eye cautioned him to have no high expectancy was pleased to here him say this reasonable number for out of this almost half will pay for slumber. A slave is never free but pays almost double or nothing for a door up some stone steps in a sordid neighborhood with Trolls and Elves for neighbors all of them dancing wickedly with the other neighbors all night long they place our children in containers to be burial at daylight. This is CharlaXSlavery.
Monday, December 22, 2008
My back has muscles and they are hurting my teeth are made of bones and they are broken now my head is made of nerves connective tissues and they seem strained beyond belief but no one can stand the cold. Eye felt your winter even in my southern clime the shill of frost the slim of limn that makes a man shiver under too many covers and coats outside. Eye have a blue sleeping bag eye believe it was stolen from another man and eye took it back but cannot part with it again. It was left inside a hollow log and covered with some outdoor grass and eye have them both the outdoor grass and the sleeping bag the blue one. Eye still ache but at least eye will survive. Iff no one finds my stash or rips off Christmas from the eye. Unless they need it more than eye eye will survive. A few dollars saved has become the dollars earned and eye ate a little better on this day then is my usual embrace how good a burger is when cooked and eaten fast. A wonderful Deliverance today. Some coffee and a found coke. Eye managed to live on this one day of deliverance instead of worry for the morrow. How ripped off we have been by the television. Eye was so blasé just watching the video just now on yahoo a wreck of major proportions reduced to a few moments of eye candy on the tele. When it is in your face upon the street it is much differant. The lights kaleidoscope down upon the top of the ambulance and the sounds of screaming metal as the truck was careening out of control it sounded like they laid it down on one side and still tried to drive but all it did was slide. A boy slides near on a street silently in charge he refuses to look at the wreck but ignores the chaos intent on getting out of the cold. He glanced at me but refused to acknowledge my existence such a freak have eye become. Eye wept and prayed for these people eye have never seen eye yelled out loud WE NEED JESUS but perhaps there was no one there to here mee. Eye would like to think that others prayed that day that someone heard me and added they prayers to mine and that is why the ambulance was speeding away there was still time to save lives perhaps the driver was not drunk and it was only a mechanical failure not even his fault. It is all in the police reported. Eye do not need a follow up for that would only indeed be a vanity. Eye have my faith and the people have the life. This was a Sunday on a Christmas a long cold night of deliverance.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
No words describe a heart so sore in need of love, to be so glad a bird’s alive and living in the shades of time. She still comes when eye call her but my whistle is a paroday not a shrill bird call and yet somehow she knoes me and comes out from her warm place to dip her wings and glide in happiness with Jesus in her heart. She went from tree to tree flirting with the eye, staying close to the trail eye always use on SUNDAY morn. So wonderful a bird not even fully grown in fact eye mistook her for a yearling perhaps her offspring eye thought it was her daughter there, come to visit mee a new and thoughtful creature but she was only closing up her tail feathers to mabe keep her warmer in the cold of Christmas Winter there was frost out in the Desert. She looked so much larger on the wing Spreading all her feathers she must knoe it makes my heart sing to see her safe and dry. A Bitter Colder Better Christmas Warmer now and closer to Nirvana. A Falcon Christmas. Still Alive.
Friday, December 19, 2008
The Water Collector The logistics was unreal unfathomable until they called Pauls Excavations in Tucson City. They said it is so simple of a thing to build and yet so much harder to make work out in the field a series of bendable aluminum pipes inside a seathe of silk. We will Collect the Rain as it falls and send it South to a man made lake a fresh dug pool a Arizona Lake. The Bottom of this lake bed is sealed in silk as well and makes a giant Reserve to feed the cities need to make us all stay well. For the silk collector we typed in the operational code at the website for EZQ456333177780034674836748923983940092 and because that it was Christmas and because that President Whirly was now on Vacation Donald Plence came on gave us the OKAY for the Project. Why spend lots of $$$ when the PIPE.T.M.pipe@T.M was only 45 P a section. We had already spent too much on the Aluminum Pipe from and the silk materials to line the Reservoir and to make the RainCatcher® There was PIPES with wheels on each section edge. We moved the thing along on the desert floor in the sand like a Caterpillar going sideways each section moved only a curtain distance undulating accordingly and waiting then for each section to catch up to it again then rolling off across the sand dunes each man pushing on a BroadBasePad® using the cheapest form of mechanical device and locomotion known to man the human being. They dropped the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglue.T.M. @ pf pipeglue. And we quickly assembled the PIPE@T.M.Pipe When someone saw it raining off in the distance we pushed the silk Raincatcher in that direction until we got the thing directly under all that free falling water and then we ran around under it as long as those sponge like clouds would let it fall we got lots of water for that Arizona Lake this way. Not even losing one man we got to him BEFORE he acutally fell off of that ledge and two sections of the silk Billowed out spilling water but we saved our fellow man. There is still alot of water in the desert there where we were and sometimes ewe may see that old pipeline we built it there in 1969.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
For what does it prophet the eye to gain Manhattan Sky to have the Whole World in pocketed lie. To have no Immortal soul, to have no love. First and Foremost there is Jesus Serene sitting in the Midst of mee urging me to overcome then there is the Jagged Purple Piece of mee; the love, nothing to be repented of for everything in marriage is allowed. She who helps mee, the ewe, the lambea, the love. We have not been King and Qyeen but Merman and Mermaid. Eye will not spoil her day by death by fear of drowning, for everyday eye live, no regret, for in finding love, mye heart is quiet. Let others press into the elevators punching numbers reaching into the thousands. At night, eye dream that ewe aer there in other arms alive inside a cave of depths in love; just holding on each others eye in drowning swooning lust her in command of this mye heart. A merman in the scaly foam dead to all the worlds' skylines. A mermaid with her scaly tale holding on to hands of love and kissing them perhaps eye had to now Beware the LORD again; for in finding love eye have indeed now found mye whole world come. Foam cold whirly water moving kelpweed twirrling round about mye head and trailing lengthes into the inky blacknesses of mye mermaid tresses for in her hair no longer brown and white but jetted black to match her tale so like a whale split upon the end in twain was once entangled in a net not fashioned now by there her man. In finding mee and keeping eye she has her world in love, inside the mermaids cavern below the city skyscrapers.
Monday, December 15, 2008
The First Days OF Christmas.
The First Days OF Christmas.
On the first days of Christmas my truelove and her LORD gave to me a Falcon Bird perched above a tree upon the tallest spire around a telephone pole he came to make me proud and oman of one to a heart now found. CharlaX Dictionary: OMAN. NOUN. ONE Omen. Second Definition: Oman: Omen given to one person. Third Definition: Oman: A Homeless Person. Eye am OMAN. One days of Christmas gone so wrong. The worker at the fast food place stepped around the corner surprising me, telling me to get out but no real authority to do that eye was finished with the food just looking at the mess nothing there was any good it looked just like it was ruined on purpose there was an old mop head in the middle of a lot of good food. Eye did not like what she had said and so eye paused and told her do not speak to me like that and then she said she could call the cops and eye left just cursing the building perhaps the new place will be nicer to the poor and homeless creatures. It used to be mye favorite place to dive. Eye walked next door to a bar the Janitor there was a woman and she gave to me a bag of pretzels making her a winner though a sinner she is blessed. But the other place is gone now in mye mind mye thinking fixed upon the first days of Christmas.
Eye put mye thinking cap on to understande everything made up under the sun all the workings of a man how can a city work without there love how can people rule with money ignorance and force decay and rot yes greed and avarice no love. A semblance of a certainty a seeming continuity yet no one there could suggest it is forever. Every four years the inhabitants in all there offices change faces the incumbent has to leaf the new incorporal is now the one in charge while the homeless on the street still fails to understande because the SPIRIT love for GOD (JESUS)‘s own son hath touché mye hearte and nothing now inside a city there looks the same but rot eye looked outward at the city TRIED eye failed to understande impart.
Threw the Moving Window a painted interpretation of CharlaX. Oh for those of you who thought the TOOL inside the mans hand was just a stir stick for the pot to turn a twist the vegetables to get them hot in cooking pot you have a small imagination He chisels Replicas of the Ten Commandments and then sells them perhaps keeping the money for the small boys education he marks the Romans Numerals I One to X Ten upon the tablets made of Garnet stone and then he sells them on the Throne he keeps there in the Throng of people as they come and go they Purchase Rome. A Reflection of the Market placed the Steel Pot is only made of cast but has a dull silver color the man holds a tool eye must confess eye was uncertain just what this tool was for almost a chisel looking thing and so the test of imagination blest Beside the man and boy there is a basket full of green grape. The child held so precariously upon his back does nothing yet with hands he is not yet of age so young not even holding on. The Madre of the other child is waiting for someone she looks askance the child is knowing holding on his mothers robe with just one hand a little lord. So regal and wisened there upon her robe. The Stronger Lady has a basket full of carotene she is striding purposely the other woman looking at her earnestly the basket she almost forgotten as she admires the other woman the basket ah the basket that she has is full of onion chopped perhaps she has been crying. Through the moving window.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Polly want a cracker? NO Polly want a doodle all the day. Polly want a waht? A Parrot can not do that. Polly want a chrome dome machine to RUN up and down the Bullavvarrd. Polly want a glide doing 95 in a 35 mile zone. Polly is so stoned. Polly want a electra glide for Christmas. PolyEthylEne in Leather Booties matching strides. A Blonde Afro Wig and Pictures of Polly Family. A lot of Greenback Money on a CARD (666). Polly want to fly. Polly want a Highway Robbery. Polly want a getaway. Polly want waht Polly be. A Christmas Highway Fiend.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Eye turned to the bus and stopped around the rider that had dissed me he was searching for a paper at the newsstand and it prevented me from accessing the change slots to look for a dime to pay for coffe. Eye had four4 dimes and not so many pennies no matter how eye counted it they gave me a free be, @ Mcdonalds Land® feeling sorry for myeself eye left and begged the needed dime from children at the busstopped. But then eye found another dime at the BurgerKing® window. And then eye went inside. He refused to take mye money the change is still in a pocket waiting for tomorrow anon to buy more coffe. He handed me the largest cup and so this was now mye refill cup and eye was better off. Believing now in luck eye refilled this coffee cup and quickly returned then to the bus. Eye found a tea then with a bag in place just sitting there and waiting just for eye. Eye have a coffe in a jar for later on eye save it for later drinking they say you can not take it with yew but eye am having coffe later all of it free today and paid for in the morrow ewe no money needed a Christmassy coffestoreye.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Aer you Dee Eee?
Aer you Dee Eee?
RUDE in the Holiday season.? No Eye am Cee Aiche. A man stepped on my foot when eye was leaving the city bus no real reason eye could fathom he was in semblance of a hurry but eye still believe that it was on purpose a mistaken idea in his brain to impart an owiee on an old mans foot but eye was wearing some good steel toe boots. He made me angry but eye was not hurt just incensed that he would make the attempt a fortune was not spent in the making of these boots but they worked and they protected my foot. He is still burning in one ear lobe a lot of blue words imparted as an after shock. Eye forgive him please GOD JESUS please forgive eye. But iff it was an accident it was rudely done. Now on to other things. The plug came out on my headphones and eye could not find the box to ignore it and the musick from my website was pouring out of speakers seldom used so eye kept trying to unplug it but nothing was working and the man next to me was so understanding he was a Saint he kept saying tersely just FIND it hahahah and then eye muted the control and found the box later to remove it it was hidden behind the control panel a dumb place to be for iff eye can not see it it is just not there to mee. SO now when they ask me ARE YOU DEE EEE? Eye just say no eye am OHh Kay. Rude can be an accident after all but more importantly a fall from Grace can be forgiven good-naturedly have a Happy Christmas ewe and all of ewers. Say hello to Mary eye knoe ewe sent her mye two poems. Write me one in love. Mye Christmas Love.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Eye took the blue cobalt radiation flower and placed it in the crucible box added in the silver oxide closed the box and prayed. There was a small muffled explosion. For on a larger scale this would be the cobalt bomb. Eye just needed to make it now invisible so they can not stop the bomb from going off. The Doctor like the octopus has smarter now become. The entrance to the mall was now blocked off and it is game day. Eye scaled the tower wall quite near the clock all dressed in dull brick brown no one could see me frown down at the crowded red shirt fanatics. This is pay them back for all the student priorities and lost computer time eye will decimate the villagers that only live for self and degradation of the games they will not have the names on there tombstones. When the little hand says one and the other one says none. The Cobalt Bomb when added to the silver oxide in the correct amounts weighs nearly five pounds quite heavy on this wall Eye mount the thing with Acme.Glue the time is short now no where for me to go eye am so tired of living in the snow eye set the thing upon the wall and simply drop a crumple to the ground and watch the Cobalt Blue as it goes off. nnnnnnnnooooowww
Cobalt Bomb
Cobalt Bomb
Eye took the blue cobalt radiation flower and placed it in the crucible box added in the silver oxide closed the box and prayed. There was a small muffled explosion. For on a larger scale this would be the cobalt bomb. Eye just needed to make it now invisible so they can not stop the bomb from going off. The Doctor like the octopus has smarter now become. The entrance to the mall was now blocked off and it is game day. Eye scaled the tower wall quite near the clock all dressed in dull brick brown no one could see me frown down at the crowded red shirt fanatics. This is pay them back for all the student priorities and lost computer time eye will decimate the villagers that only live for self and degradation of the games they will not have the names on there tombstones. When the little hand says one and the other one says none. The Cobalt Bomb when added to the silver oxide in the correct amounts weighs nearly five pounds quite heavy on this wall Eye mount the thing with Acme.Glue the time is short now no where for me to go eye am so tired of living in the snow eye set the thing upon the wall and simply drop a crumple to the ground and watch the Cobalt Blue as it goes off. nnnnnnnn
Eye took the blue cobalt radiation flower and placed it in the crucible box added in the silver oxide closed the box and prayed. There was a small muffled explosion. For on a larger scale this would be the cobalt bomb. Eye just needed to make it now invisible so they can not stop the bomb from going off. The Doctor like the octopus has smarter now become. The entrance to the mall was now blocked off and it is game day. Eye scaled the tower wall quite near the clock all dressed in dull brick brown no one could see me frown down at the crowded red shirt fanatics. This is pay them back for all the student priorities and lost computer time eye will decimate the villagers that only live for self and degradation of the games they will not have the names on there tombstones. When the little hand says one and the other one says none. The Cobalt Bomb when added to the silver oxide in the correct amounts weighs nearly five pounds quite heavy on this wall Eye mount the thing with Acme.Glue the time is short now no where for me to go eye am so tired of living in the snow eye set the thing upon the wall and simply drop a crumple to the ground and watch the Cobalt Blue as it goes off. nnnnnnnn
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
They make every kind of light for cop car wannabes they come with one strobe light effect it plugs into the ashtray each item sold separately the panel is open each kind of cop car light is just a plastic panel with the colors of the Sherriff of the County or the ones the City uses they are a subsidiary of A whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater company. They make magnetic logo sides for car doors they can make it say anything like Mayberry Sherriff. Or Don Knotts under it. You GLUE the top to the car with Acme.Glue you run the risk of losing it we here at suggest using our WhirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplaterpurpleglueT.M.@org just go to our website at Just remember to read the fine printing on every warrenty warranty and have a great Christmas ewe.
He was fired up STONED on Panama Red the flagon of wine near the accelerator was bouncing in his head when the Idea was borne and he had way too much money in the ash tray to ignore this idea he stopped at the Nearest® he plugged in his laptop he ordered each item sold separately starting with the fake real lights. The Strobber lights were expensive but no one could tell it the differances from a real cop car. * See next poem, ewe. Ed.note. They balked at the County Logo the small Magnetic sign for the door but then said OK when he told them that he was a "HACKY" in a taxi and this was just for Christmas. They said "Sheriff" on this logo will cost extra the Hacky did not even grimace he unplugged his laptop and drove into the paint shoppe they primed and slicked and painted then two hours later he was back on the street just looking so much like a real cop car it was sweet. On the day before Christmas he opened the Lightbox® from than quickly GLUED them on with the with the Acme.glue® and slapped the magnetic sign on the side of the cab door and drove. The Hacky was insane chasing cars on the lane of the freeway. The Real Deputy got behind the hop headed hacky He fired two clips into the rear tires the angle was off so he fired them once more taking both of them out. The fake Sherriff car stopped. Hacky was ordered out. The Christmas Game was now over the Hacky is on a mental ward now learning not to smoke he is in denial an alcoholic joke® they had to restrain him only once now they let him wander in an out he sleeps on a cot in the hall. They will not issue him a driver’s liscence in this state he is now a changed man. He was soon let go. Ewe will see him again just walking in the median holding up a sign that says "Merry Christmas eye am Homeless eye will work for food and for money and for bread."
Sunday, December 7, 2008

Everyone knoes the Story of MightyMouse® how He took all those Vitamins and got SuperPowers but here is the True Christmas Story of SuperMouse. He is still going strong mye Algernon Eye fed Him many times but His true strength lies inside His love. He was just a regular mouse until mye love buried her pet mouse er rat rather. Than somehow He was transmogrified His Spirit came and lies within mye pet. This Mouse gets agitated when eye visit He moves up and down and jumps up to visit. He is intelligent. Eye believe He visits TerryTown and wears the red cape of the MightyMouse®.
Episode ONE: Power Caper.

The snake was so harmless to humans. But He was eating He was striking silently intent on His next victum, when Algernon grabbed the A Vitamin Bottle and turned into PowerMouse. He did not want to hurt the Snake so harmless to Humans but He also did not want to become an Evil little Mouse. And so He built a fake ersatz mouse house right there in TerryTown. To fool the Snake into Crawling into the inside of this trap He turned back into the Algernon Mouse. He crawled slowly into the Snake Trap and hoped the Snake would take the bait and sure enought He was almost eaten up but managed to escape and don the Red Super Cape of PowerRangerMouse. But it was as MightyMouse® That he swooped down from TerryToons® Cartoon Skies to lift the fake Snake place on high then save the life of all the mouse villagers He took the Snake to a lake in the South of Franco. There He was allowed a Small Island where He lives as a vegetarian. Every now and than the Mouse seems to change colors and to be totally a White Mouse eye still call Him Algernon. But He is MightyMouse now. My namme is CharlaX.
Everyone knoes the Story of MightyMouse® how He took all those Vitamins and got SuperPowers but here is the True Christmas Story of SuperMouse. He is still going strong mye Algernon Eye fed Him many times but His true strength lies inside His love. He was just a regular mouse until mye love buried her pet mouse er rat rather. Than somehow He was transmogrified His Spirit came and lies within mye pet. This Mouse gets agitated when eye visit He moves up and down and jumps up to visit. He is intelligent. Eye believe He visits TerryTown and wears the red cape of the MightyMouse®.
Episode ONE: Power Caper.
The snake was so harmless to humans. But He was eating He was striking silently intent on His next victum, when Algernon grabbed the A Vitamin Bottle and turned into PowerMouse. He did not want to hurt the Snake so harmless to Humans but He also did not want to become an Evil little Mouse. And so He built a fake ersatz mouse house right there in TerryTown. To fool the Snake into Crawling into the inside of this trap He turned back into the Algernon Mouse. He crawled slowly into the Snake Trap and hoped the Snake would take the bait and sure enought He was almost eaten up but managed to escape and don the Red Super Cape of PowerRangerMouse. But it was as MightyMouse® That he swooped down from TerryToons® Cartoon Skies to lift the fake Snake place on high then save the life of all the mouse villagers He took the Snake to a lake in the South of Franco. There He was allowed a Small Island where He lives as a vegetarian. Every now and than the Mouse seems to change colors and to be totally a White Mouse eye still call Him Algernon. But He is MightyMouse now. My namme is CharlaX.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Eye developed the Cobalt Blue Radiation for the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater Company Zappersunlimmited@.ORG Today eye entered the lab and stood before the blue flower and prayed and eye became like Superman. Eye am not sure what happened but eye don’t have all the SuperPowers that he had. But eye can travel back in time and ask him why? And this is what eye decided now to do? Eye will visit Superman. Sometime afternoon. Eye hope the bullits will bounce off my chest but eye will not wear a big red S or put GOD to the test. But my super hearing works and eye can fly faster than a real bird can. Eye am going to visit Superman and ask him why again. Because eye loved him eye can emulate him mabe try to even save him from his doom at evil hands. For eye remember when he died. The coroner's report officially ruled the death a suicide, stating that the star was killed by a single gunshot to the head in the early morning hours of June 16, 1959. The star so blithely here referred was Superman. The only Superman many of us knoe. So this is where eye want to go. Eye was tempted to fly to home and visit eye when mee was young but eye declined for GOD has saved me and eye cannot enter that timeline or visit self a paradox in death. Some people want to shake there own hand but eye believe the Scientists when said it would mean that eye would just cease then to exist. Eye reached them just as they started down the plummet line to earth the Heat of Earth that shielded it from space had caused the fall of Alien Hate Doomsday was Aptly nammed Superman reached out and put his arm around his waist and that is when eye reached them. Eye nearly froze for eye was afraid of GOD suddenly eye did not want to die at all but that is why eye was there and what eye came there for. Something told my heart not to be afraid just to do the deeds and let things be and that is when eye decided once again to try to save my Superman. This Doomsday looked a lot like Hulk on Acid. Eye did not bulk but tossed my luck and Superman’s arm He went into a Superspin eye dared not move or fly too close eye heard Him say as he flew away back into OuterPlaces Who was that man. Eye grinned and yelled too loudly in the Doomsday ears eye am SuperCharlaX. Then eye grabbed the waist of Doomsday once forever never to let go again and took the place of Superman. We hit the middle of the city hard too hard and Doomsday died and so did eye but not before Lois came and asked me why. Why did you come and sacrifice a man to save my Superman and then she cried. There was no time so eye simply said in my timeline we loved him. He may have kissed her then but never will eye knoe it for mye superhearing can not record it now. And then the Cobalt Radiation shielding me went out. Eye died.
Friday, December 5, 2008
For the sake of notoriety and the art of artful dodging eye will call her Blue for the sake of this discussion and to talk about our passion. Miz Blue has taken all my heart and added it to hers. Miz Blue has kisses for mye hands and love enough for future plans. Lust inside a man is just a normal thing iff his desire is for his female friend, the GOD that made anatomy did not make it uselessly but had his reasons. This SIN you call Lust is not a sin at all inside a marriage it has places to reside within us all. Then it is just no longer lust but is called passion. Punctuality is the courtesy of kings. Some Zen lift the covered cup up shake the cup with ice inside tell me what the liquid is on ice. Sounds like a coke no coke try again sounds like tea with coffee mixed inn awright. Can you tell me what the drink is made of little weed hopper ewe. Is it new? Oh no they are always old made of melted ice added too whatever eye find. Blue: <3 xoxoxoxo me: <3 Blue: your crown is made of coral and rubies me: baaaaaaaaaa Blue: underwater coral mooooooooooooooo and sapphires me: mye heart is made of violet hues and loves Blue: like the blue ocean this caht was mad of lust the kind that rules the heart of us the kind that is just love. May a poet use a word that is not his is there an original word that has not been used in a sentence or does a poet use words that are used. If eye borrow words eye find written will they seem like mine or will someone tell it; will some great scholar read my poem and say that is not the poet’s words. That sentence looks like to me he found it written on a yellow card he found discarded on the lieberry floor. Can you go back and read this poem and find the sentence that eye meant oh never mind eye think it went in good. Was it good for ewe? As well as eye Mye lust? Mye Blue Courtesan. 
This is for eye sent you several thousand emails about my new device you made a trash can for the email at yahoo and you can make this one come true. It’s just a new kind of software called Hectare. TO Install Hectare you open the box normally as if you were downloading a new game. When you get the box don’t save just open pay attention ewe this works even on a home computer or a lap top or a Restricted Computor at a lieberry near yew. Also in development we have the Word Document Renewer this device is called Hectare II. The works much the same way only faster in its delivery. When you save a word document and then save it to your email you have to delete it to save the new one with the changes you have made. NOT any longer for now ewe just can open Hectare II and Hit the link above the Word Document and VIOLA ewe it automatically saves the new changes to the existing document. The link will look like this DocumentRenewer True we can explain the HOW but not the WHY it works it is brand new technology of the MSN development Corporation kind. Back to Hectare I When the BOX opens and asks you to save or open what will ewe do ewe will open not save please do not install this software on any shared Computor or a home device where someone could actually see it also when you delete a spam message you lose the spam message when you hit the link that’s delete the CONTENTS of the spam FOLDER. There is no retrevial available until NOW with Hectare I there is a link placed into your email just above the Yahoo logo. It says simply Spam Retrieval. Go to this link. It will look like this on your email. SpamRetrieval We here at have used MSN technology almost. We have to add this disclaimer we are NOT affiliated with MSN we just use them in our Advertisements to make your company US(put Hectare here) look better.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
The Seven Cardinal Sins Part One.
The Seven Cardinal Sins Part One.PRIDE
Goes before a fall there was three cubs for the Mother was a cub herself but oh for the stake of this story we will say this there was two cubs and a Mother cub. OKAY wait there was this MOTHER see and TWO cubs just babies. Wait. There was a Lion family in a cave. There was MOMMA lion and baby lion and baby lion. Wait. Eye was in the freezing water hiding from them all when eye saw the Mother Lion and two cubs began to call they sensed that eye was humanly at risk to be a meal and they sensed this. Eye am from the old old school of dumb and so eye started near the cave for a better look and then eye lost my nerve and went back into the water. Eye had matches for a fire and eye was all alone eye dropped my bag down 50 feet of snow and watched it stop on such a narrow path the caves were looming large and so eye froze some more refusing then to stop for needed rest eye carried on eye left the best part of my valor up there near that cave. A test. Eye failed to keep my human functions and android eye became. My boots were made of rubber but the water was way too deep kept spilling over filling them again. Eye have miles to go before eye sleep. What got me off that mountain was it GOD was it his namme. For that is all eye had to see me down ravines so sharp they stopped in snow and nothing my next step. Eye dropped the gear that eye had brought eye watched the water resistant bag slide under water in the night never to be ever found by man again but wilderness has claimed my life. He had to be there helping me but men were there who hunted meat eye saw a poacher very near to me eye crossed his tracks eye froze in place for eye noticed he had a rifle and it was almost in my face. He let me be he left my area in leaving me to face the wicked snow he saved my life for a long fight with wet and cold it almost claimed me eye will not tell the part of fires lit to ward off the death of night. Forget that part it was so silly of me to try. The new fallen snow had blackened both my holes so off eye went again how many days was eye up there getting down that hill was three or mabe four thank GOD that eye forget. There was no bear there or IFF there was a bear in that bare cave then he was hyber bear in there for he never showed his face. Eye reached the level ground was off the mountain not yet found the roadway they call a highway was too far off in the distance. Eye wanted then to run but strength was gone. Eye limped to a road to a town where eye had never been and rain was falling down just soaking me to bone there was no way that eye would live. Eye had to trespass and eye confess eye got a drink. A half rack is what they called it a twelve pack of beer. Eye still thought eye needed that to live. They let me have it when eye told them eye was freezzing to death they let me have my poor last drink and called police who were intent on taking me to justice. They searched in vain for at that point eye had to trespass to get warm or eye would die. Eye found an inside of sorts a loading dock at a warehouse with lots of stuff inside eye went into the automotive side where they were working on some cars. Eye held my arms up to my Jesus and stripped up all my old wet clothes and wrapped my gentile body in a white sheet left on a hood of car. Past caring what might happen eye popped those beers open one by naked one and did not die but the shaking eye was doing from the drying out from snow and the hurry of the drinking almost got me anyhow. The police ignored me left me in my pitiful attempt at life. Eye dried my clothing and somehow managed then to put most of it back on and then eye left into a warmer climate and somehow survived it but no longer do eye have any sort of Pride to call my own for eye have left it in the snow.

Search Results for "caker" No documents match the query. There is no HUMAN rights left in the world except the right to fight and die and that is taken away from us iff we have religion. Iff you are saying Jesus. Then we who have norights shall see him soon. He is coming He is coming He is coming but not in a Hot Air Balloon. Can you imagine Jesus floating down from outer limits in a Hot Air Balloon like a Carnival Jesus saying eye can take about 25 of you on the first trip up to Heaven? Just stand in line have your tickets at the ready eye will get back to you by NOON? To have no hope of future life in this world is not so bad it helps when it is over and brings the next one closer the individual is dead. The cell phone instructions a person receives just brings them closer to the grave. So meaningless. Eye have the right to remain silent. Each and every word eye speak is a prerecorded message meant to condemn me. But not society. So now eye get a bit felicity twisting to the left message across this beleaguered internet access portal mess to tell ewe that the GROUP function is the GOD of the group (eye meant iff they do not have true religion.)ed.note
They even speak in a GROUP mode and seldom say I or eye unless it is a conflict with the Gestalt. I can or I cannot. Followed by twelve error messages like a robot. Not Human no not in the Group Gestalt.
When all the conflicts then resolve they can disband the group and go to EACH individual area usually they are never alone. Take this bad example. There is a Yippie not a Yuppie He is leaving his Group let us follow this alcoholic. He put the front tire of his BYKE on the rack and then wrapped a locking cord around it but can not afford the lock. He left it LOOKING like it's locked. That's faith but where did he go into the Alley way? To drink a fifth of grin? To swallow Pain? For filthy gain. He peered Dunkley up at the policeman and peed directly upon his steel toed boot. Eye am Dunkly he said succinctly and WHO may thee bee YOU like like some sort of a Creature? He will get out of jail Monday after the weekend is over. Dunkly. He will wander into the lieberry then with a whole FIFTH of aftershock to ease his imagined hangtimepain. And go to Gestalt Group and beg them to let him Return. And they will then Deny him. In the namme of the 666 god mammon and in the best interest of them ALL except for Dunkly. He will have to go away and he will crawl into his rock bottom some day and stop his drinking. Iff he wants to live and be in Group and embrace the real pain of 666. A sober wideawakened Dunkly. Able to do Group Gestalt things again and to do as the Group Dictates to him he should do. CharlaXDefinitions: A caker. A sober Quacker. A cake maker. A semigod in Group Gestalt. See: Dunkly.
They even speak in a GROUP mode and seldom say I or eye unless it is a conflict with the Gestalt. I can or I cannot. Followed by twelve error messages like a robot. Not Human no not in the Group Gestalt.
When all the conflicts then resolve they can disband the group and go to EACH individual area usually they are never alone. Take this bad example. There is a Yippie not a Yuppie He is leaving his Group let us follow this alcoholic. He put the front tire of his BYKE on the rack and then wrapped a locking cord around it but can not afford the lock. He left it LOOKING like it's locked. That's faith but where did he go into the Alley way? To drink a fifth of grin? To swallow Pain? For filthy gain. He peered Dunkley up at the policeman and peed directly upon his steel toed boot. Eye am Dunkly he said succinctly and WHO may thee bee YOU like like some sort of a Creature? He will get out of jail Monday after the weekend is over. Dunkly. He will wander into the lieberry then with a whole FIFTH of aftershock to ease his imagined hangtimepain. And go to Gestalt Group and beg them to let him Return. And they will then Deny him. In the namme of the 666 god mammon and in the best interest of them ALL except for Dunkly. He will have to go away and he will crawl into his rock bottom some day and stop his drinking. Iff he wants to live and be in Group and embrace the real pain of 666. A sober wideawakened Dunkly. Able to do Group Gestalt things again and to do as the Group Dictates to him he should do. CharlaXDefinitions: A caker. A sober Quacker. A cake maker. A semigod in Group Gestalt. See: Dunkly.
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