Thursday, December 4, 2008


NORightsNORightsNORightsNORightsSearch Results for "caker" No documents match the query. There is no HUMAN rights left in the world except the right to fight and die and that is taken away from us iff we have religion. Iff you are saying Jesus. Then we who have norights shall see him soon. He is coming He is coming He is coming but not in a Hot Air Balloon. Can you imagine Jesus floating down from outer limits in a Hot Air Balloon like a Carnival Jesus saying eye can take about 25 of you on the first trip up to Heaven? Just stand in line have your tickets at the ready eye will get back to you by NOON? To have no hope of future life in this world is not so bad it helps when it is over and brings the next one closer the individual is dead. The cell phone instructions a person receives just brings them closer to the grave. So meaningless. Eye have the right to remain silent. Each and every word eye speak is a prerecorded message meant to condemn me. But not society. So now eye get a bit felicity twisting to the left message across this beleaguered internet access portal mess to tell ewe that the GROUP function is the GOD of the group (eye meant iff they do not have true religion.)ed.note
They even speak in a GROUP mode and seldom say I or eye unless it is a conflict with the Gestalt. I can or I cannot. Followed by twelve error messages like a robot. Not Human no not in the Group Gestalt.
When all the conflicts then resolve they can disband the group and go to EACH individual area usually they are never alone. Take this bad example. There is a Yippie not a Yuppie He is leaving his Group let us follow this alcoholic. He put the front tire of his BYKE on the rack and then wrapped a locking cord around it but can not afford the lock. He left it LOOKING like it's locked. That's faith but where did he go into the Alley way? To drink a fifth of grin? To swallow Pain? For filthy gain. He peered Dunkley up at the policeman and peed directly upon his steel toed boot. Eye am Dunkly he said succinctly and WHO may thee bee YOU like like some sort of a Creature? He will get out of jail Monday after the weekend is over. Dunkly. He will wander into the lieberry then with a whole FIFTH of aftershock to ease his imagined hangtimepain. And go to Gestalt Group and beg them to let him Return. And they will then Deny him. In the namme of the 666 god mammon and in the best interest of them ALL except for Dunkly. He will have to go away and he will crawl into his rock bottom some day and stop his drinking. Iff he wants to live and be in Group and embrace the real pain of 666. A sober wideawakened Dunkly. Able to do Group Gestalt things again and to do as the Group Dictates to him he should do. CharlaXDefinitions: A caker. A sober Quacker. A cake maker. A semigod in Group Gestalt. See: Dunkly.

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