Monday, December 15, 2008


EliasRiveraEliasRiveraEliasRivera Threw the Moving Window a painted interpretation of CharlaX. Oh for those of you who thought the TOOL inside the mans hand was just a stir stick for the pot to turn a twist the vegetables to get them hot in cooking pot you have a small imagination He chisels Replicas of the Ten Commandments and then sells them perhaps keeping the money for the small boys education he marks the Romans Numerals I One to X Ten upon the tablets made of Garnet stone and then he sells them on the Throne he keeps there in the Throng of people as they come and go they Purchase Rome. A Reflection of the Market placed the Steel Pot is only made of cast but has a dull silver color the man holds a tool eye must confess eye was uncertain just what this tool was for almost a chisel looking thing and so the test of imagination blest Beside the man and boy there is a basket full of green grape. The child held so precariously upon his back does nothing yet with hands he is not yet of age so young not even holding on. The Madre of the other child is waiting for someone she looks askance the child is knowing holding on his mothers robe with just one hand a little lord. So regal and wisened there upon her robe. The Stronger Lady has a basket full of carotene she is striding purposely the other woman looking at her earnestly the basket she almost forgotten as she admires the other woman the basket ah the basket that she has is full of onion chopped perhaps she has been crying. Through the moving window.

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