Saturday, December 6, 2008


SuperCharlaXSuperCharlaXSuperCharlaX Eye developed the Cobalt Blue Radiation for the Whirlyfritzerglomeratialsilverplater Company Zappersunlimmited@.ORG Today eye entered the lab and stood before the blue flower and prayed and eye became like Superman. Eye am not sure what happened but eye don’t have all the SuperPowers that he had. But eye can travel back in time and ask him why? And this is what eye decided now to do? Eye will visit Superman. Sometime afternoon. Eye hope the bullits will bounce off my chest but eye will not wear a big red S or put GOD to the test. But my super hearing works and eye can fly faster than a real bird can. Eye am going to visit Superman and ask him why again. Because eye loved him eye can emulate him mabe try to even save him from his doom at evil hands. For eye remember when he died. The coroner's report officially ruled the death a suicide, stating that the star was killed by a single gunshot to the head in the early morning hours of June 16, 1959. The star so blithely here referred was Superman. The only Superman many of us knoe. So this is where eye want to go. Eye was tempted to fly to home and visit eye when mee was young but eye declined for GOD has saved me and eye cannot enter that timeline or visit self a paradox in death. Some people want to shake there own hand but eye believe the Scientists when said it would mean that eye would just cease then to exist. Eye reached them just as they started down the plummet line to earth the Heat of Earth that shielded it from space had caused the fall of Alien Hate Doomsday was Aptly nammed Superman reached out and put his arm around his waist and that is when eye reached them. Eye nearly froze for eye was afraid of GOD suddenly eye did not want to die at all but that is why eye was there and what eye came there for. Something told my heart not to be afraid just to do the deeds and let things be and that is when eye decided once again to try to save my Superman. This Doomsday looked a lot like Hulk on Acid. Eye did not bulk but tossed my luck and Superman’s arm He went into a Superspin eye dared not move or fly too close eye heard Him say as he flew away back into OuterPlaces Who was that man. Eye grinned and yelled too loudly in the Doomsday ears eye am SuperCharlaX. Then eye grabbed the waist of Doomsday once forever never to let go again and took the place of Superman. We hit the middle of the city hard too hard and Doomsday died and so did eye but not before Lois came and asked me why. Why did you come and sacrifice a man to save my Superman and then she cried. There was no time so eye simply said in my timeline we loved him. He may have kissed her then but never will eye knoe it for mye superhearing can not record it now. And then the Cobalt Radiation shielding me went out. Eye died.

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