Monday, December 29, 2008


MarkedTwainMarkedTwainMarkedTwain Eye entered the Colonels time machine even eye am not militarily inclined eye wanted to speak to Mark Twain and ask him who he liked best out of history class. Eye hurried to the place near the Mississippi dock that the old riverboat stood the paddle barge. Eye was supposed to find the man before he boarded on but not to be eye ran the gangplank just as they hauled it up. It was 1854 a few years before that Cival War and the paddle boats were common sights up and down that river at night. Eye stepped around the corner and there he was in that rocker. A Chair that rocked back and forth on wooden wheels to keep it from tipping up and over or sliding forward and losing such an important passenger. He looked so much like himself there that eye paused formulating quickly just what eye wanted to ask. He opened a large cigar but did not light it. He was only 19 an already active lad he had that famous hair but no mustache or beard in fact he never cultivated his beard but shaved it. He tried to wear one only once in 1880 he was emulating Lincoln. He was a factor in my human race with time. "Samuel" eye asked softly. He turned young eyes on me suspiciously he smiled. "How do you knoe me sir." He was polite. "Eye only chew a bit on the ends", he smiled. "Eye thought you smoked in a corn cob piped", said the android eye. HE laughed "what a novel idea perhaps eye will and grow a large mustache." " Who is your favorite hyisterical person someone famous but dead in another decade." Without hesitation he said "JESUS." "Perhaps it will be too hard to get you both together to talk", said eye. It was my original plot but things can changes. "Just tell me why a humorist like you would say the JESUS is the man for you." "I want to knoe how he took all that abuse and why he took it." The only way to answer this is to become the CharlaXJesus android one. "Perhaps he was saving us" eye did begin "but why not send in the troops the angels as fighters?", "you ask well as eye answer eye can tell yew this Marked Twain" "HE said many times that the Father can send Legions of Angels inn but listen he did this to save us." "Let me try again." "You have created a world full of people that never do what you want them to do or say the things they should then you decide to save them and in your righouteousness you condemn a part of yourself to save them all at once." Think of life as one big Fish the tail is birth the head is death when life is over out the mouth you come to escape from being eaten. "Did Jesus say this", he asks suspiciously "no CharlaXJesus said this", say eye. "He went to that Cross willingly to die to save CharlaXAndroidOneSeven MarkedTwain ewe and everyone on Earth." "The good the bad and the pretty ones." "Iff they can find JESUS and say JESUS and pray to JESUS then they may live again in GODS Heaven with HIM." This is what eye finally told him. It is fun to time travel in the Colonels time machine.

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