Monday, December 22, 2008


DeliverancePhotobucketPhotobucket My back has muscles and they are hurting my teeth are made of bones and they are broken now my head is made of nerves connective tissues and they seem strained beyond belief but no one can stand the cold. Eye felt your winter even in my southern clime the shill of frost the slim of limn that makes a man shiver under too many covers and coats outside. Eye have a blue sleeping bag eye believe it was stolen from another man and eye took it back but cannot part with it again. It was left inside a hollow log and covered with some outdoor grass and eye have them both the outdoor grass and the sleeping bag the blue one. Eye still ache but at least eye will survive. Iff no one finds my stash or rips off Christmas from the eye. Unless they need it more than eye eye will survive. A few dollars saved has become the dollars earned and eye ate a little better on this day then is my usual embrace how good a burger is when cooked and eaten fast. A wonderful Deliverance today. Some coffee and a found coke. Eye managed to live on this one day of deliverance instead of worry for the morrow. How ripped off we have been by the television. Eye was so blasé just watching the video just now on yahoo a wreck of major proportions reduced to a few moments of eye candy on the tele. When it is in your face upon the street it is much differant. The lights kaleidoscope down upon the top of the ambulance and the sounds of screaming metal as the truck was careening out of control it sounded like they laid it down on one side and still tried to drive but all it did was slide. A boy slides near on a street silently in charge he refuses to look at the wreck but ignores the chaos intent on getting out of the cold. He glanced at me but refused to acknowledge my existence such a freak have eye become. Eye wept and prayed for these people eye have never seen eye yelled out loud WE NEED JESUS but perhaps there was no one there to here mee. Eye would like to think that others prayed that day that someone heard me and added they prayers to mine and that is why the ambulance was speeding away there was still time to save lives perhaps the driver was not drunk and it was only a mechanical failure not even his fault. It is all in the police reported. Eye do not need a follow up for that would only indeed be a vanity. Eye have my faith and the people have the life. This was a Sunday on a Christmas a long cold night of deliverance.

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